Hi people! Still wondering if my friends and others are still catching up with this blog but nevertheless, i will still blog whenever i am free. Thinking of changing blogskin. Might have a look at the blogskins later. =D
Few days back, went over to Suntec, IT fair to see some electronic devices. Ah Fat want to buy LCD tv for my room so that we will feel comfortable/relaxing after one tiring day at work. Hence, after walking for 1 round, we decided to get the "32" (80 cm) one. Love it!! Take a look.

* Ignore the screen's pictures. :)
Those things on the shelf were those gifts that we had given to each other. There were more but it's a pity that the shelf is not spacious enough. Most probably will get another shelf soon. =D and and and...Ah Fat got another good idea for making that part of my room a nice one and that is to include mini curtains!! So creative. =D Will post up the pictures once it is done.
School is starting on this thursday and i have to reach school at 8 a.m. OMG!! Please let me finish the last year as fast as possible. I want to enter the working society and get more $$$ for holiday. Lols!
Only one, 9:28 AM.
Yesterday went Expo with BF for some shopping craze. There's John Little Mega Sale and for every $60 spent, you will be entitled to $6 discount. Both of us exceeded $60 plus. Shiok! The day before, we went parkway and we bought pillows and bolsters. Spent alot these 2 days. ZZzzzz.
Recently, i had been thinking about my future house. I want to decorate it as cosy as possible. Just imagine, if your house is comfortable and cosy, you won't be thinking of going out so frequently and of course save more money! :)
Anyway, school is starting on 15th April and i seriously have no mood to attend school. I'm comtemplating to enter working society now but i know this decision will not be beneficial for me. But 1 more year siia. It may seem fast, but it is a long period of time as well. Somemore, with the additional work of FYP and PP, i find it a little scary. Sighs. What should i do?
Only one, 1:18 AM.
So fast, so fast. 1 more month. Yay!!
Off to bed. Goodnight people.
Only one, 10:26 AM.