Happy 9th monthsary to BF and me!! :D
Hope our love stays this strong and stronger in future.

Love you, my precious one. <3
Only one, 10:08 PM.
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Feels like blogging suddenly. I've got a really hectic schedule now.
School, work, work, school. Timing for the two components is so tight. No joke, i've to even make use of the time in my bus journey to write some notes or do some work. THAT IS HOW DESPERATE I AM FOR TIME!
I realised my memory is falling. Now, i cannot remember daily activities i need to do or accomplish. I need to depend on my notebook. I'll write my daily activities in it to remind me.
Am i siao or what? When i'm sleeping, i thought it was raining, so i woke up numerous times to double check. Scary isn't it? I'm scared by my own symptoms too. I guess i need a break. Problems arose recently again. Don't wish to elaborate futher. Tired and numb. :(
Only one, 6:26 AM.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yesterday was the first call that i called overseas you know. You should be proud of it. HAHAHAHAS!
Thanks for being there for me all these while! You know i love you right. <3 MOOMOO. So, anyway hope you find your Mr right soon and don't be so "hungry" again. When your sister comes back, let me know. :D May you have many beans from now on. -.=
P.s: No recent pictures with her.
Only one, 6:54 PM.
Just got back from Bugis. Went to Sim Lim to purchase my adaptator. My original adaptator died on me this morning, so no choice i had to buy "chiong" one for the time being to last me for this week. -.= Got myself a thumbdrive too because the one i bought at China was useless!
Went for a mini shopping spree as well :D
Can't wait for the next holiday because i think i might be going bkk or taiwan with bf again!! Hehes.
Many pictures to be uploaded but i guess i'll probably upload tomorrow or the day after. Gona be so busy.....
Only one, 6:52 AM.