Sunday, November 29, 2009
I skipped school today again. Don't wish to end up having teary eyes in school and affect other people's mood. This was what happened on friday.
I wish to control my emotions better. Will be moving house soon due to personal reasons. This period of time is my worst of my life.
I need a getaway badly. :(
I want to cry out loud!
Only one, 8:57 PM.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Yesterday was a super bad day. I don't know what had gotten into me. I left school at 2p.m and cabbed home. Thanks to Yana and Anna for being there :) Love them.
At night, went to Expo for John Little's sales. Had a small tiff with AH FAT. ( You deserved to be called Ah Fat!!! Argued with me somemore la. Hahahahas!)
You guys should go for the sales.
Many reasonable-priced goods and it helps to kill time.
I just let go of one job opportunity because i know that happiness is worth sacrificing for. :) <3
Only one, 10:07 PM.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I'm feeling real bad. TERRIBLE SHIT.
I hate my life too.
Only one, 9:46 PM.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hello world. It's like 4.40 A.M now and i'm wide awake due to the sufficient sleep i had yesterday. I skipped school yesterday and slept all the way till evening. Worst of all, i'm going school later at about 7.20a.m . Damn!
I guess i'm gona like paint my nails now. Abit insane, but i simply had no idea what to do.
My blog had been so dead lately but i simply do not have the motivation to blog. Moreover, my life had been packed with schools and homeworks. Nothing interesting. Sigh. How i wish i can graduate now and find a stable job. In that case, i won't be idling away already. Counting down to holidays. 2 more weeks. I need to bear with it!!!
Will post pictures the next time. =D
For the tags, i do not know what to reply because it's like so damnnnnn outdated already. So, continue tagging yeap.
Only one, 12:40 PM.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Happy birthday to my Mummy!
But sadly it didnt turn out a nice one. :(
Should i go back to my previous job??
Only one, 5:02 AM.
Sunday, November 08, 2009

During halloween :P
Currently in class now. Don't really like every monday. The module is extremely tedious and my relationship with the faci is strained. That explains why you see. Cast that aside.
I really enjoyed my weekly weekends. Take yesterday for example, I went over to Angel's house to chill awhile and joined Jacq and her to the flea market held at Zouk. Both of them bought 3-4 pieces of clothes and i did not get anything at all. ANGRY! But i had a nice time with them :)
Then, BF came to fetch us and dropped them somewhere. Following that, both of us actually went to Bukit Merah Central, Town, Bugis and Marina Square. It definitely feels good to be driven around by BF because i just sat there and enjoyed the music. HAHAHHAS! So, we went over to MS to look for my long lost sister, Qianyi.
Why lost-long?...
Due to the fact that she didn't contact me for ages. =X
3 of us met Elson at ECP for some leisure activities and went Geylang for Dim Sum. Yummy yummy. Enjoyed the time with them =D
You know, my blog is damn dead till the fact that i had 200 plus photos accumluated in my folder. I need to update more!!!
Yay! Baby fetching me after school today. We gona go round round :)
Only one, 8:49 PM.
Monday, November 02, 2009
How clever i was to choose Arts Marketing.
Seriously, screwed myself up this time.
Now i can't even drop the module.
Only one, 5:59 AM.