Yay! Finally, i will be flying off to Bangkok tmr!! =D
I had to wake up at 5a.m because my flight is at 7.15 a.m.
WOOOOOO! Hopefully i will be able to enjoy myself because i had been feeling so stress and upset over certain issues.So yups, bye people!
Love all my babies. :)
Only one, 9:40 PM.
Regretted cutting my fringe! _|_
Now, i can't even step out of my house.
Only one, 11:40 PM.
Has been so lazy till the extent of abandoning this blog. Since i'm taking a short break from the revision of creative concept, i shall blog a little. At the same time, i'm watching 2008 Victoria's Secret fashion show. Not bad! :)
First thing first, i'm going on a holiday trip to Bangkok on the 30 aug with my baby! Super excited as it will be the second honeymoon trip. Hehes, the first one was a one day trip to JB though. Nevertheless, i enjoyed it very much. Finally, i do not have to control my spendings on shopping. Yay! :D
Seondly, i'm finding a job! Anyone got any lobangs, do let me know yups. My current job will end around October. By then, i going to be damn cash-tight. :( Hence, desperately finding job to sustain myself. Don't really wish to take money from parents.
Shall stop here. I'll try to update as often as i can after my exams.
Also, i need to meet up with all my dear girls soon!! Misses =D
End off with 2 pictures taken during national day.
BF and me <3

-you're all i ever wanted. Love you!
Only one, 8:01 AM.
I never go school again!!! Damn.
4Xs in one module, how?? :(
Only one, 11:09 PM.