Happy 2nd Monthsary to baby!!! <3
Was at Bugis yesterday and Bf came to meet me in the night. Got him NUM slippers and his favourite "Army Daze" . Hahas, i guess he liked it very much. Went prawning at Bishan from 11.30 till 2.30, ended up today i can't wake up for school. -.=
For this module, i got 3x and 1F. HAHAHAHHAS! Hopefully i pass man. *pray*
Will be meeting Bf later. Wonder what surprises will he give me....hmmmmmmmmmm
Only one, 10:50 PM.
Didn't went school on friday. Got high fever, 37.9! =(
I'm still worried that i will contract H1N1 but after consulting the doctor, it's just normal sickness. Phew! I don't wish to be quarentined.
Super thanks to Hongling for helping me out with the work. If not i got to drag myself there. Thanks darling, love you so much! =DD
P.s: I feel like eating good food now! :(
Only one, 9:56 PM.
I had officially quitted my job! Though i'm abit unwilling, but i guess it's worth it for Bf. <3
Yesterday went to Bf's house for dinner and after that went for a haircut due to my hair's damage. Now my hair is SHORT! :(
* I got to tie it up, always! But i like :) *
Lastly, just want to let Bf know that,
you've no idea how much you mean to me now :)

Tags replied:
To Hazwan: Hahas, don't know who always not free. Didn't even ask to meet during second break. =P
To Mr "B": You think you funny huh? Lols. Silly! I make sure next time there will not be any allowance of 5 mins. ^^
To Joey: Hahas, yups, i passed. You damn kp siia. What's wrong with giving tuition? They won't fail de lors! Hahahahahs!
To Michelle: Nopes, the machine is working properly that day. The instructor did not receive any bribe from me also. hahahahhahas! Damn idiot lurhs you. Potential~~ =XX
To Hongling: True what. Lost anf found by Jovin. Lols! I've updated but don't have your updates. Ehs, i miss you leh.
To cousin <3: I thought that was your blog siia, so i went tag. Yeah, super long never see you already. When going to meet??????????? MISS YOU!
To Juen: Hahas, that name is stupid. When are you going to stop your stupid stunts?
To Angel: I miss you too! But i bet you miss your bf more. lololol.
To Eme: Yoyo! Hahas, i got to know him through Hongling, so i guess hl told you through tag already yups :) why suddenly ask?
To Yona: Long time no see Baby! Let's meet tomorrow! :) What new updates?
To Weichen: When i use the blog skin, the template is already there.
Bye all. Thanks for tagging. Love me! =D
Only one, 1:24 AM.
Random Post
Yesterday, worked with Stephanie, Amanda and Meow Meow. Ended up, MM and me were gone. -.= It had been so long since i ended up in this kind of situation. Hahas, luckily BF sent me home. =D
Today morning, my mother and i did spring cleaning for the whole house. Extremely exhausted. I took 5 hours to revamp my room and till now it's still not done yet. =(
Should be going Ikea soon to see new furnitures already. Yay!
School will be starting next week. Sian. In addition, i will be working 4 days for next week. Hopefully i can balance both aspects steadily. :)
Only one, 12:15 AM.
I seriously need to get use to BF not being by my side. I'm starting to get so dependent on him. =P
Will be working tomorrow till Sat! Oh man, will be dead tired but i guess it's worth it. $$$ is coming in. =DD
Anyway, these pictures were taken few weeks back at a Thai disco at Golden Mile. :)

Hahahas, i know my face like abit gone, but i am not! Whenever i drink, my face will turn pinkish and then gradually my whole face become so cui. Lols! Enjoyed myself with them that night. =DD
Time to get to bed. I miss you baby. <3
Tags will be replied soon.
Only one, 9:20 AM.
It's 5.51 a.m now. I must be his sweetest girlfriend he had ever had to wake him up for his work. In addition, i've brewed coffee and prepared his all-times favourite green tea for work. HAHAHHAHAS! *Applause Applause*
While i'm idling down here, he requested for a grace of 5 mins of sleep. Eh BF, don't know how auto is it??!!! -.=
Anyway, i will be working hard for my upcoming overseas' trip. YAY! Can't wait for it to arrive. I'm going to shop till i drop. =DD
Tags replied:
To Qianyi: Hahas, in school nothing to do. So cam-whored awhile. It had been long since we carry out our "happenings". ^^
To June: Hahas, lazy man. =( Omg, another 10 weeks.
To Hongling: You damn kp siia. LOLS! Got lost and found, big deal already is it? hahahahahs! I never even neglect you lors. Vice versa i would say! Hump! Hees. Love!
To Angel: Don't know is who cannot come out because of project! Lols. Chatting at home with other guys only right? hahahahs. Joke only huh. Love!
To June: You busy hooking up with your ang moh only lurhs. Hahas. Never intro! Love!
To Shir: Hees, thanks! =D Think he would be flying up the skies now. Errs, i didn't really skip school. LOLS! Yahs, totally never see you at all. But i saw your bf that day. hahas. =P
Only one, 2:51 PM.
Finally is the school holidays!!! =D
2 weeks aren't that long but still, i can get to enjoy over these 14 days. ^^

` The lovely flowers he bought

` Turf City

Silly him, brought me to ECP and opened the car's boot at some isolated place fearing the awkwardness he will have if people see it. I really love the surprise lurhs! So sweet. One necklace is hidden inside the bear's box. Hehes. He even got me $150 shopping voucher. -.= At night, went over Hk's cafe and back home. Thanks dear for making the day a wonderful one. Love you =D
Anyway, i passed my FTT. HOORAYYYYYYY~ One step nearer already.
Off to my lunch.
Will be back.
Only one, 11:06 PM.