Hello world. I've been neglecting this blog simply too much. Tsk. Promise to update as frequently as possible okay? =D
Yesterday went drinking with bf and co. Many things happened and i only reached home at 4.30a.m. I only had 2 hrs slp the day before. Hence, i skipped school today. =X
One week of school:
Skipped 2 times
1 official off sch day.
Tsk tsk, only went for 2 days. Damn jialiat.
Anyway, i'm starting to like my class which is a good sign. Cause i always take a long time to really become close with friends. Here are some of my fun classmates.

`Ignore my fat face.
Took a numeral pictures when i'm bored in class.

Love you people. Be back for more. =P
Tags replied:
To Angel: I won't forget you de lurhs. I'm not those kind that forget sisters over Bf. Hahahaas! See you later! =S
To Weichen: Yups. Thanks. =)
To Mr "B" : Stop calling me Mrs Ng. hahahas! Fat ass. I already try to minimize my calling of you le. So better be glad. Though you are fat, you are still my love what. Lols. Don't ask for more.
Only one, 3:36 AM.
Bf kept asking me to blog about him. He wants me to promote him. HAHAS! Hence, this post's content will be all about him. =D
Bf didn't fetch me to school today. Luckily, i met Michelle and Julia while i'm on the way to school. If not i will feel very bored!!
Yesterday, went to eat Sakura with Bf followed by movie at TM. Watched "Taken" which personally i think it's a nice show! Rate it 4.5/5 . I reached home before 12 for the first time. ^^

` First round.

` Always like to act cute.

` Tired eyes.

` At 85.

` Taken on Mother's day.^^

` Outside You Bar. =P
Might be going ECP for some exercises this Saturday after my driving lesson. He kept pyschoing me to go jogging and i kept rejecting because i'm one of those freaking lazy bum. But it's good that he got the intention of exercising because he's fat!
Hehe, joke joke la! I can't wait to see him after school today. Yay! He's coming to school to fetch me. =D
Shall end my post here. Love you B. =)
Only one, 6:23 PM.
Some pictures taken past few weeks.

Dear had been very sweet these few days fetching me to and fro from school. I had not seen the lateness phenomenon in me since then. =D
There's this time i had been pissed off with Bf. He promised to reach school by 3 plus to fetch me. In the end, he msged me saying he will reach at only 4.30( Got something on). Poor me, got to wait 1/2 hr alone and i hate waiting! When he finally arrived, i boarded his car and i saw this.

My favourite! All the way from Henderson to Suntec to Woodlands!
So much more sweetness captured, all kept within the heart of mine. <3
Tags replies:
To Zen: Okay, i see. =D
To Cute Queen: I felt damn guilty for not going school sia. But now i will try to go school everyday. =p
To June: JYQR, where've you been? Busy like a bumble bee. Will try to update. lols!
To Weichen: Working as waitress and tuition teacher. Lols! But never work as waitress le. Yups, passed my Btt already. :) The song title is "kiss me through the phone".
To Angel: Relinked =D
To Stephy: ? I miss you!
To Decemeber(female): I feel like slapping your face. Better meet me soon.
To Eme: Okay, will inform you. ^^
To Ngor: Okay, relinked! Misses!
To Yona: I miss you too! Lunch together soon! XD
To Mr.B: I'm busy. No time to update. LOLS! You have been taking up most of my time lors. Still wana complain i never blog. What Mrs Ng?! xpp Anyway, these few days have been great with you. See you later.
Only one, 7:16 PM.
I'm back people! Hahas, i know i had been neglecting this blog recently. But seriously, i'm too busy till the extent of blogging during my break time.
This is the 3rd week of school and i had already skipped school 3 times. Tsk tsk. Got to change man.
Anyway, i'm finally attached. After being single for a period of time, i find that i should settle down as i've met the one i like. =D Bf had been very sweet to me all these while! Will tell you guys how sweet he is in my next post. Hehes, that silly ass. =D

Love you, baby! =D
Will have a proper post soon!
Tags will be replied in the next post.
Only one, 7:44 PM.