I got so wasted on my first night of chalet.
I felt so embarassed =(
Some even got my uglam pictures and video!
Promise myself not to get so wasted again.
Only one, 5:01 AM.
- Without make-up :)
I enjoy night-life as well as my single life alot. :) I see no purpose in getting into a relationship just yet. Well, maybe i'm too used of being alone in this aspect, thus feel rather weird if i'm attached. Lols! I'm so glad all these while, my family, sisters, brothers and friends were with me. Much loves!
Tags replied:
To Cute Queen: Hahas, you are like reporting every movements in my tagboard. I love our stupid actions! Xp
To Angel: Few days never see you already! Miss you already!
To June: I'm so lazy that i decided to blog all short posts from now on.
To Benedict: I like this blogskin, like so plain and neat. Hees.
To Jasmine: Yoyo! :) Long time since we last met. Hahas, thanks for your wishes. How you doing?
To Weichen: Okay =)
Only one, 3:26 PM.
Didn't manage to go to his birthday's bbq due to the hang-over the night before. :(
Dinner set meal yesterday's night:
7 plus- Noodles( dont know what's that called)
10 plus- Mac( Mc chicken meal plus mcwings)
3 plus- Laksa
Serve me right lors! Now having an upset stomach due to the laksa i had. I start to ponder am i a glutton or something? At this time now(7.05am), i feel like eating carrot cake and beancurd.
I guess i am someone who can't live without breakfast and supper.
Only one, 3:59 PM.

When one can live carefreely without worries,
When one can handle approaching threats,
When one can stand strong when fall,
When one can have the sufficient courage,
When one can be with the love ones always,
When one needs not be pretendious,
When one truely learn to appreciate the underlying messgage of life.
Out of a sudden, i just feel like ranting a little. Now it's 3.40 a.m and i'm leaving for work in about 5 hours' time. I'm glad i will be working with Angel Bestie. Yay! Might be meeting my poly mates for sisha after my work. :)
Been some time since i last saw them. Hopefully, i enjoy myself. Goodnights people.
Only one, 12:31 PM.
(4/3) Movie (4/3)
It's 8.30 am now!
I'm not yet tired. Sighs, think i'm used to night life.
I just got back from Cine with Qianyi, Daniel and Alson.
Played arcade and pooled together :D
Watched "My bloody Valentine". It was freaking scary. I had never watched "Saw" before and thus i'm rather affected by the show! The 3 of them relax only at the cinema. The couple besides me still can kiss during the show =.=
After which, Daniel went home first and the 3 of us went Hongkong Cafe for supper. Then slacked at Cine and Coffee Club all the way till 4a.m . I abit tio pyscho by Alson. Might consider quitting my current job. :)
(3/3) Drink, Drank, Drunk (3/3)
Down to Bugis and Peninsular with Qianyi, Victor, Daniel, Alson and William. Around 12 plus, 6 of us went BB to drink. Halfway through, popped out 1 "Jordan". He said he saw me before -.= drank together after that.
I guess i had a little too much and i got so agitated at a period of time. Went Chinatown for porridge with Alson, Victor and Qianyi after that. Cabbed home. I had a nice time hanging out with all of them! =D
(2/3) New working place (2/3)
Booked my chalet in the morning with mummy and co. Need to plan so many things. Troublesome lurhs! In the noon, met up with Angel, Benedict and Jammy at Cine and watched "he's not into you". Went Hk cafe for high-tea too!

Left for work at about 8 plus and worked till 3 plus. Yc and David came down also. Knew quite a few customers there. All very friendly. So, should i quit now?
Only one, 4:11 PM.
Supper soon alright? :)
I love my redbell alots! HEHES!
She's always encourage me whenever i fall.
Making my confidence boost up again.
Thanks, my dear.
Only one, 1:13 PM.
I got myself fucking drunk. *thumbs up*
Stupid shit.
I have got this sudden urge of cutting short hair. :)
Only one, 2:59 PM.
I think i am a dumbass!
It's only 3 times.
Fancy letting myself enter that terrible experience again.
How long do i take to learn, i wonder.
Only one, 2:04 PM.
(28/2) Normal lifestyle's Night (28/2)
Jenessa darling was very sweet to acc me to take my hp from geisha siaos because i dropped in cab. HHAHS! Heng! Then we went over Downtown to check about chalet's stuff. (for my da shou :P ) Settled our dinner at Hk cafe and slacked at mac all the way till 2 plus. Omg, love her man! Hope she enjoyed herself on the next day. =DD
(27/2) Drinking's night (27/2)
That night, i waited for 1 hour for "geisha siaos" man. Nabei!! LOLS. Went down bq to find Sean, Raymond and another guy. Settled down at Temptation and drank till 1 plus. Went over White Bar to find huiwen and co. Hahas!! Played and drank with them. Fun ehs. Fuck leiss, they really tor kong. Finished one bottle martell, still can jio me for 1 barrel beer. HAHAS! Power ranger. Cabbed home with geisha siaos, Yc and David. =D
(26/2) Chalet's night (26/2)
Hl's second sem chalet is the fun man! xP Hahas, all about the same frequency people. I learnt mahjong from Qihui and yahs, not bad. Won one round at least. People, jio me for mahjong next time. HEHEHES! Then went eat etc. At night, played 5-10 with Hl, Lydia and her 2 friends. Almost everyone KO. This is the first time i drank till so sehs. =.= I slept the night till 6 plus and went home with HL! xp

(25/2) St james' night (25/2)
Clubbed with Angel, Selena, Qy, Jeo, Andre and Daniel. Hahas! The guys were such a nice soul that they queued for our drinks. HAHAHAHAHAS! Know what we girls doing?
-Down to the dancefloor already-
After that, each of us drank one jug of alcohol before we started getting super high. Song was okay for that night. Benedict and his friend were dancing with us. Siaos one, both high also. =D
Towards the end, i nearly slapped one guy. I AM SERIOUS! because he fucking Cb eat *someone* tofu. Nabei!! I nearly got into an arguement with him. He still can act blur with me. _|_ Bloody cheena pork!
Cabbed home around 3 plus. =D

` With my crazy girl; 5566.
Actually got a few other pictures, but our faces were damn cui after drinking.
(23/2) Illusion's night (23/2)
Went to Hl's first sem's class chalet. Hahas! Rather fun chatting with Saliq. Stayed awhile and Saliq sent me out to Ehub. His bike power man. xD Off to Tanjong Pagar to find "Geisha siaos" and have a drink. Fuck siia, she drank till =.=, ended up i stayed over her house to take care of her. HAHAHAHAS!! Got home around 11 plus p.m and got nagged by parents. LOLS!
Only one, 6:42 AM.
`Much differences?
It's March already and that means my birthday is coming!!
Most probably will be opening chalet due to the magnificient 18.
So, whoever is invited better come, because that will be the nights which everybody gets high! Ohh, please no 18 seconds for me uh!
p.s: Jenessa, wait for like few more weeks and we shall get ready for our speeding nights out. WOOhoo!
Lastly, i miss ah ong!! xD
Only one, 5:48 AM.