Sunday, November 30, 2008
I'm so sorry that i didn't know your birthday was yesterday.
I guess you must be real disappointed in me yea? =(
But i didn't forget it intentionally.
Compensate you by treating you to a sweet delicacy tmr yups?
See you tomorrow during the break-out. =)
Firstly, i forgotten buddy, kokhong's birthday and now bro's. Aiyoyo.
I'm extremely guilty. =X
Only one, 8:09 AM.
All about Saturday:
Chilled over at darling jenessa's house yesterday. =D It's always seemed so nice slacking with her. She did my nails for me too xD
Left her house around 8 and went to fetch darling after work.
Accompanied her back home for a wash-up.
Dinner with her and ah tiong after that and left for Breeze Bar. =D
Was at Breeze Bar for a drink. Initial intention was to make myself drunk. So, sat there chill out and stuffs. I even sang yesterday! People should know that if i go to pub, i won't sing at all. It was a break-through though. Opened Chivas and drank till i vomitted. -.= But i am sober all along! Darling ended up more drank. Hope she is fine now. Cabbed home with Shinkai and her after that. Reached home 5am.
Heard positive and negative comments about him from people. Forget it, i am not giving a damn anymore. Why should i even care in the first place? I once thought, his background and stuffs he did before did not matter to me at all. I liked him for who is he. If he's bad, i can be as bad as him. If he's down, i will be there for him too. Look at the end treatment i've got. Insignificant?
He once said that " as long as i am happy, he's willing to put down his diginity to let me slap him."
Limbu now tell you that i want to slap you now! Put down your diginity then.
Fuck. I'm glad i broke off with you.
Thanks for causing all the misery though.
Only one, 2:00 AM.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Lesson was boring.
School is a dread.
Grade is falling.
Well done!
Had girl's talk with Yona during break-out 3 today. I'm glad she had confided in me. =) Next time, anything just give me a call. =) Hopefully, she will be able to move forward. Jiayou!!
Love her too. =D
I hated it when the night falls esp friday's night.
This is the moment when all the images appeared again.
Once again, it lingered in my mind.
The pinky finger's promise we made.
The hug that you gave me telling me i'm not at fault.
The dinners we had, disturbing each other with the spoon.
The trip you made down to my house area and vice versa.
The constant missing of each other when i'm overseas.
The letter you wrote to me.
The whole bowl of pepper soup you drank down.
My attempt to finish up the whole pizza to prove...
X'mas's celebration together.
The snowman you said you will try to get for me
Many many more
and most imptly, you.
What's all these?! You think fucking easy to erase everything ah?
You think i don't want to take things on my stride?
Fuck! I did try okay.
Off for a drink tomorrow.
Only one, 6:10 AM.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'm extremely bored now! Brother leo never come. Nobody entertain me siia. =(
Fucker man. Ps-ed me.
Getting a hair-cut on sat ! My hair looked like some crazy woman who had not tidied her hair for decades. =/
I'm free on Saturday! Anyone want to date me out?? LOLS!
I'm bored.
Let my heart stay firm.
Don't let me look back.
Only one, 6:33 PM.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Darling Jenessa came to CWP yesterday to meet me. Damn nice seeing her after a long time. She's my love! =D
Slept at around 1 plus yesterday's night.
Almost late for school once again. =P
Bestie sent me this link which is very useful for my current state.
I won't be sad anymore. In fact, i will be more happier than before.
What over had been over. No use brooding over it. =)
Anyway, surrounding darlings and friends have been a great help to me.
Tolerating my nonsense and rubbish, giving me their utmost best advices and being there with me. =D
Lots of love to you guys, i am serious.
Only one, 11:35 PM.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Ponned school halfway.
ECP-> PP, alone yesterday.
First time. Sighs.
Thanks to my 2 dearies for being there for me <3
Don't worry. I'm fine. =)
Only one, 6:15 PM.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Time for a proper post. :D
ECP has been the ideal place for my girls and i whenever we are down. After a nasty quarrel with bf, hl accompanied me there and at the same time to visit her boy. Bestie came down after some time. She also had some problems with her ex boy. Lols. That explained the sight of us loitering around ecp. It's time for some breath-taking moments. It was real nice to have them around, with the catching up and stuffs. Much love to them! Not forgetting my 2 dearies who called me over the phone =DD
Anyway, i'm alright with bf now.
I am obstinate, i know.
But that is because you do matter to me. =)
Alright, time for some visuals that shall perk you guys up.

` Spore's airport.


` Over at Macau's airport
Reached Macau at about 8p.m . After undergoing numerous usual procedures, we checked in the hotel and settled down at a nearby restaurant for our dinner. =) Making use of each individual's precious time, we decided to go over to the streets for SHOPPING! Despite the fatigue everyone had, we shopped till 2a.m where all the shops closed by then.

` The stuffs i bought on the first night.
The next day, i woke up at about 7 in the morning!! ZZzzz..i would not have sacrificed my beauty sleep if not because of my shopping time. Look at my swollen eyes in the pictures below; with minimum make-up.

Went over to this restaurant called "shi shen" to have our dim sum. A sumptuous breakfast filled with a wide variety of delicacies. I ate till the extent of wanting to sleep. =/

1/8 of the food we ordered. Yummy!

After a fruitful trip of straight 7 hrs' shopping, we proceeded to one of our regular salon for a hair-wash.

` My cousin. =D
How can we ever miss out ice-cream on a night out?? =PPPPPP

` Stuffs i bought on the 2nd night =)
3rd day:
Woke up before 8am. Had breakfast at "Shi shen" again. Hahas! As usual, ordered alot. Damnnnnn niceeeee lurhssss! xD

` Ambassador of their restaurant =X
What is better than a cup of papaya milk after a long walk? :)

`Part of their street.

` Stuffs i bought on the 3rd night.

` While waiting for my turn to bathe...xD
4th day:
Woke up at 6.30 a.m this time because need to go over to Macau. Previous days were at China. =)

` Tired till wtf le, still posing. -.=
Hahas, by now my luggage is already extremely heavy. So when i pulled my luggage down any slope, my luggage almost toppled down the slope. Just picture me trying to minimize the toppling. I bet that is going to be so hilarious. Reached Golden Dragon hotel after some time.

` In the hotel's room, look at the scenary behind me . =D
No more pictures after that. Batteries went flat. Hahas! Enjoyed myself though. Might be going again during CNY, but may choose to change location. =XX Alright, off to prepare to meet my 2 dearies now. Nights people. :)
Only one, 3:11 AM.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Only one, 7:52 AM.
I'm back from my holiday !! =D
Will post the pictures real soon. I'm just too lazy.
Just got back school today and i'm 15 mins late for UT.
After school, walked home with hl and Julia to the both of them truckloads! Not forgetting those few darlings who are always there for me! =D
I will be there for you girls too. =)
Much love to them!
Anyway, i have just received an extremely sweet letter from that silly bum. <3
Sometimes, i wish he will constantly be this sweet. =)
Should be ponning school tomorrow. Shall see how. =X
Only one, 7:22 AM.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tomorrow, i'm going for my overseas' trip already!! =D
Hahas, will only be back on monday's night.
Hopefully i will enjoy myself fully.
It's a pity i can't get to see BF,sisters and darlings these few days! =(
Ponned school during 2nd break out ytd. hahas! Went to meet Bf xD
Bf is so sweet at times. At night, went to meet my 2 darlings, Lingdi and Qianyi.
Shopped around at Bugis awhile and headed to 85 market for dinner.
Darlings and Bf sent me home after that. =)
Uh oh, i feel like ponning school again.
Only one, 6:35 PM.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Saturday was out at Town with BF, Lingdi and Qianyi. :) Qy's bf was with us awhile too. Dined at HK's cafe and went walk around. Initially, wanted to buy my mother's birthday gift but they suggested it's more ideal to treat her to dinner. =D
Proceeded to Boat Quay after that. Slacked outside Dolphin and went 12th element. Yu De and his friend, Baby joined us. Zen, MF, WZ and co were there too. After some time, our mood got dampened down because there were simply too many troubles going on in the pub. While they were settling, i was with Baby all along. Nice girl though =D
Mood got even worse when i constantly had to be worried for BF. Sighs. He's always so reckless in helping brothers and sisters. I understand what he was thinking and he also gave me the assurance that nothing will happen to him. But you know, how can gf not be worried for her own bf? Especially in this type of situation. Sighs.
Reached home at 7a.m . Drop dead. -.=
Tomorrow has got UT. Maybe ponning school halfway to meet him. If not, i won't get to meet him this week already. =(
Thursday is going to be my overseas' trip. yay!! =D
Only one, 6:08 PM.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Almost late for UT today. Phew!
Slept late yesterday after an arguement.
But i'm glad everything is okay already.
Yesterday, i ponned school halfway and i jio-ed Michelle, Gina and Yusong too. xD Peer influence, i know. But the cliques of mine is one for all, all for one. That explained the phenomenon of the sight of us leaving in a group. Hahas! National Library-> Sim Lim. After that, went to meet bestie aka mushroom head girl for some slacking sessions. I love her alot ! =D Back home after that.

See you guys around :)
Only one, 8:03 PM.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
omg ! I need to clarify. There's simply too many people saying i am emo over my post and life. -.=
I am actually doing really well now, contented with my life and still
striving for the best. xD
So, there's nothing to be unhappy about. This is life. =)
Only one, 6:12 AM.
Mood: Vexed
Finally down to some blogging. Been enjoying my holidays fruitfully. Had done trips of shoppings, walking thousands and millions of miles locally, non-stop laughing, made new stylo chic friends and caught nice/boring/entertaining movies.
Movies: 20th century boys, HSM3, Butterfly lovers and so on..
Till i am dread of watching movies. =/
All these going to come to an end because school is like starting tomorrow. I've got the intention of withdrawing from Rp and register in Laselle. Till now, i am still considering.
( I should have go in Laselle in the first place lors. Bin! your fault man) LOLS!
Back to topic.
Saturday's night went to pray at Tampines's area. I'm a religious person and i feel really good after praying. =) Around 11 plus, went down to meet Lingdi, Qianyi, Shawn, Ken and one more guy. Forgot name. =X Went Raining Bar for some chilling session till 3 plus. Surprised to see Ah Don and Mindy there. =D Long time since i last saw them. Slacked at mac till 4 plus and went back home.
Sunday was my happiest day of the week ! =D Get to meet up with my 2 brothers. Smiled like a bloody big fool when i saw them lurhs. YES, I MISSED THEM DAMN LOTS! Destination for slacking this time was at Raffles City. Going out with them was extremely enjoyable. Never fail to make me laugh every mins.
One with all his dirty-minded actions, the other one with frequent visits to toilet, that PSK. hahas!
Bestie came down to meet us after her work. I'm glad she enjoyed herself too. Without bf, she can live her life well too. =D

-Part of my life =)
After our outing, i went 85 market to meet Lingdi Darling and Qianyi. these 2 girls are glutton manz. Ordered many foods and ate till wana vomit. Cute lurhs! Ended up, i am like laughing at them =X Saw Eugene Bro after eating. Happy! xD That bloody bro also long time never catch up with me liaos.
After much hesitation, we decided to go ECP for some girls' talk and chilling sessions. Reached home at about 4. It was great with the girls around. Love them! =D
Some overdue pictures.

` My new geek-look

` I never forget you, girl. =)

` I named her the "mushroom head" for this. lols =X

-My new love, cheesecake.

` Simplicity means the best when you have your dinner with your loved ones. =)

` Current addiction =D
That's all for now. I don't wana go school. =(

Goodnights people.
Only one, 1:41 AM.