Thursday, October 30, 2008
At times, i pondered.
What is it i really want in life?
Should i follow the rigid path that majority of the people are doing?
Or should i carve out something of my own?
Till now, my thoughts are still pending.
Why do i always think so much leiis? Aiyoss.
So many NEVERs.
1)-I had NEVER successfully entered my ideal school-
Be it secondary or poly, it is always not my first choice.
I still remembered how much i cried when i was unable to enter my ideal course and poly =/ But what to do, life still goes on.
2)-I had NEVER officially savour the taste of love yet-
Though i had experienced "true love" before, but it didn't last long and it happened a few years back. Still, i'm thankful for the experience because i had learnt alot from him, my ex bf. I'm glad he's happily attached now.=) Sometimes, i wonder why can't i just reciprocate the love that some of you had showered me?..If i did, will i be more blissful huh?.. =(
3)-I had NEVER master some of the essential skills.
Since centuries back, it had been affirmed that girls must know how to cook. It served as a tool in gaining extra points from your beloved ones. Though i only know some of the basics, but it is not enough. There was once i tried to advance myself by cooking a particlar dish from a canned food and i nearly burnt the whole kitchen down. LOLS! When my mother got home, she thought our house is on fire. -.= SEE! That's how jialiat it got. Before you laugh, praise me for my effort yups =/
4)-I had NEVER told my family how much i love them, face to face.
This really takes great courage, you see. It's definitely not easy. Especially for people like me who are so mindful about image,appearances,behaviour etc. Furthermore, i am someone who loathe mushiness. Oh yeahs, you didn't see wrongly. So guys who are extremely mushy, goodbye.
Okay, back to topic. I appreciate the efforts and concerns they had put in and showered me with. Sometimes, just by looking at their cute actions, i felt so indebted to them. I am serious. If you don't feel the way i feel, then you guys are definitely cold-blooded losers with no tits. =/ So people, tell your family you love them now because i am going to overcome this pyschological barrier soon. HOPEFULLY.
Not sure why i posted this either. Let you guys know me better?
Random. I know.
I think it's time i start to appreciate people. =)
Only one, 7:50 AM.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Be back for blogging soon.
I'm just so lazy to upload the pictures.
Been busy too. =D
Only one, 10:22 PM.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Skipped school yesterday. Super tired!~
Tidied my dirty room for the whole day which leads to the idea of refurnishing my room. =) I want to refurnish it to a princess's room. =DD
*Time for some Ikea-roaming soon. Anyone want to go with me?*

After much hesitation, Daddy agreed that he will help me out with the painting of my room at the end of the month. This is great ! I'm not going to divulge too much details, but i roughly have the skeleton of my room's decoration. Somehow, i can be an interior designer. ^^ Shall see how it goes.
Counting down 2 more days to holiday! I'm going to enjoy myself till i go ki siaos. I dont care. * Shake butt*
China/Macau trip approaching soon! Anticipating it!! =DD
Only one, 8:49 PM.
Weekends were indeed a blast for me! I've always been looking forward to weekends because i get to enjoy, relax and sleep!~ =D
Saturday met up with Junhong and went to watch House Bunny. No wonder people sang praises for that show. It was nice for me.^^ Met jenessa darling after my movie and we went Bugis.
I bought nothing at all..=(
After that, went meet Junhong and co at one of the pub. Darling went home at 1 plus and i went to look for K and his friend at cathay's area. Went another pub again. =P Reached home at 4 plus. Opps.
Had lunch with Junhong at Plaza.S and went to watch 20th century boys. Super boring! The movie still have part 2. -.= reached home around 10. After which, K jio-ed me for dinner. He fetched me at my house downstairs and drove me to eat Dim Sum. =D Proceeded to somewhere to see new stuffs. * Ma de..i laughed like a mad woman. Reached home at about 12 plus. =D

- The way of captivating a girl's heart, 99 roses. =)
Only one, 7:12 PM.
Currently, waiting for the 3rd meeting to start. =/ *tired*
*Just had a chat with someone. It seemed useless.
But it's okay, i am putting everything behind me =) *
Feeling horribly awful yesterday. =( Went to ECP at about 10. Slacked awhile and went down to Boat Quay, Beer Belly to drink with hongling, michael and co. I'm starting to get indulge in playing those pub games and when i'm high, i will start singing songs randomly. -.=
Reached home at 1 plus.
Super thanks to darling hongling for being there with me.
Her shoulder is very nice. LOLS!
Met up with Lingdi gf at about 7 plus at 85. =)
After our dinner, Went meet Zen and Qianyi at Bugis. Bestie angel was there too! Was so happy when i saw her. After that, all of us including Keane,MF,WZ and KM went down to Whiskey Bar to drink. LOLS! 3 others joined after that. Whiskey Bar is rather an ideal place for me. =) Reached home at 5 plus. Zzzzz..Went home like a burglar. =P

Much love ! =)
Only one, 10:58 PM.
I felt so emotional !
I teared..
I was so sad..
I was so touched..
Not because there is something personal happened.
It was due to the show(Xin Qing Xing Dong Yuan). I think that's the correct show name. It is showcast every Monday, 8-9pm on channel 8. You guys should watch it. The show is exceptionally meaningful, serving a great purpose to all.
Due to the inflation that occur in Singapore few months back, many Singapore's families had a tough time in overcoming the tide. Especially if the breadwinner has bad criminal record. How on earth are they going to survive?
After watching, my heart goes all out to them...
Only one, 5:59 AM.
My tagboard is very lively now -.=
I will reply all tags as it is part of manners.
To Hi: Firstly, thanks for being my faithful reader. =) You said you were in the same school as me? Who are you then?..Oh, you said i have natural beauty??!! O.O My sisters and friends had a good laugh over it. Lols! You flattered me. I do not have that quality yups. Furthermore, i am with make-up whenever i go out. It's just that maybe my make-up skills is lousy. =/ I don't care if you and Dude are playing any games or stuffs, but stop all those mushy sentences. Hahas! I feel extremely hilarious.
To Dude: So you are not in the same school as me yahs. Why not tell me who are you even though i may not know you. =) Hahas, you have the same sentiment as Hi. You flattered me.So just to clear your misunderstanding, i am with make-up whenever i go out. It's just that maybe my make-up skills is lousy. =/ I don't care if you and Dude are playing any games or stuffs, but stop all those mushy sentences. Hahas! I feel extremely hilarious. Also, you are very dramatic with your "singing".
To Cheng and Simon: I dont have long comments for you guys. That is because i roughly knew who you guys are. So, i wont mind you guys keep tagging but i won't entertain your anymore. =) Oh yahs, Cheng your tags betrayed you. LOLS! Next time if i see you again, i will question you face to face about it. Anyway, had a nice day and take care =D
To Wendy: Hahas you flattered me. I aint any pretty, be it in the past or now. You study hard yea. See you soon =)
To june: Now then i know why you will tag in this way. hahas. Misunderstanding. =/ Miss you !
Only one, 11:04 PM.
Long awaited weekend is here! =D
This whole week, i'm not indulging in any studying for whatever reasons. All i was anticipating was the ample rest i could get during the weekends. Okay, plain laziness. -.=
Friday's night was a girls' night out. Had KFC with Bestie angel and darling Hl came to meet us after that. Walked around Bugis Street. Seemed like there are limited apparels. -.= Slacked over at Bugis's Starbucks and we enjoyed ourselves very much, with all those craps and pictures. Love you girls! =P

Hongling =D

Angel =D

Looking at some crap video we came up with =p

- i am a happy girl ^^
Only one, 11:03 PM.
Happy belated birthday to Kirsten. =D
Few of us went to TRCC to buy her a cake on thursday. Pestered her to come back class after she reached interchange. -.= LOLS!

-Birthday cake ^^

Birthday girl. =)

-W46D (=

-I was like the only one eating the cake. =/ kuku face. With Chanel =)

` With Nabilah =)

` With Shirley=)
That's all ! =P
Only one, 10:33 PM.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
UT these few days =(
Will blog soon.
Mood aint that good recently.
I need some partying and a shoulder..maybe.
Only one, 6:28 AM.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
7 hours at the salon totally drained me off yesterday. Zzzzz =(
Did some highlighting too =D
Anyway, yesterday's night was my mahjong session with mummy and friend. Hahas! Though i lost the most, but was worth it in exchange for the countless laughters ! XD
I'm off to Marina.S soon =P
Should i get some donuts too??
Only one, 9:08 PM.
It's friday night!
I should be outside enjoying now. But somehow, i am extremely tired till i had no energy for anything. Fall asleep instantly after i boarded the bus. O.O
Anyway, i am looking forward to tomorrow because i have had an appointment with the hairdresser at 12 plus. Auntie's friend is going to fetch me to the destination. HOORAY!~ =D

Hope she enjoy herself tomorrow =)
Only one, 5:13 AM.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Counting down to 25th October because that's when my school holiday start. =DD
So, these few weeks, i will TRY MY VERY BEST to go to school everyday.
Nowadays, had breakfast with current classmates and lunch with ex classmates =)
I had this conversation with my ex classmates this noon. I told them..
Jen: You guys know, i'm going to turn over a new leaf.( Stop ponning and stuffs)
Gfs: We then turned over a new flower/petal/tree/forest etc. -.=
Even my current classmates suan me. So jialiat mehs?
Have faith in me lurhs =(
But i still love them la! LOLS!
Tuesday: Caught the movie "connected" with mummy and her friends at 11.20 pm. Had swensens for dinner. yummy pom pom ;D
Went to arcade after that. LOLS ! Mummy even played the basketball game with me =D
Fun fun. Had an uber nice time laughing with mummy and friend.

` Small part eaten off by me. =X

2 of the dishes. =)
Wednesday: Met up with jenessa darling to P.S . She improved alot, late for 5 mins only. hahas! Off to Cotton On and KFC. Rushed down to Town to walk around. I saw this Coach slingbag for $289. Thinking of buying for mummy for her upcoming birthday. Shall see about it. =) Bought a total of 2 clothes. Anyway, left at about 9plus.
Goodnight everyone =)
Only one, 7:56 PM.