Another day passed.
Calculated my GPA today, not very good =(
Failed 2 modules. Gotta buck up for sem 2 already.
So, 12 of us( the usuals) including me ponned school at the 2nd break-outs.
Lesson is boring and holiday is nearing. Everyone is busy clearing leave. LOLS!
I realised i am gradually changing. Don't know is it a good thing or not. But i promised myself, i will not go overboard. I know my limits and i won't let those who concerned me down =)
Some pictures taken during sheesha's day:

- I like the specss ^^

~ Ling with KJ =D
~ Me with KJ =D

~ me with dearest =D
Tags will be replied soon. =)
Only one, 7:03 AM.
Numbed to everything.
Smile covers up =)
Jennie said: I broke my rule today !
Only one, 7:18 AM.
Happy Birthday to Jason !~ =D
Currently studying for UT.
Nothing goes into my head.
I need my holidays real soon ! =(
need to have a breather.
Counting down 15 days.
Dont know what is happening to me.
Ignored me.
Here's a short message to HL sis:
Hey sis, i can understand how you feel nowadays. Both of us are like so stressed up recently. =( Sometimes, i felt like a loser. Unable to console you much had always been a burden to me. All i can do is to guide you along the way and lend you a listening ear whenever you need. =) Don't be too emotional over BGR's stuffs alright. Oh yahs, stop trying to scare me with all those messages and words you have said. I can't take the blow okay. You think very fun ah. I treasured everyone around me!~ This is not the way to reciprocate/treat me ah. Now you know what i am trying to tell you already right? Tidy up your feelings and come love me ;D

With love =)
P.s: Same things applied to the rest esp sisters. =D
Only one, 7:23 AM.

With pon queen =)

With "cutest" girl =)

Vivian, Julia, Gina and me ! ;D

Love them ! =D

Girlfriends ( Some not inside the pic) =PP
When the night turned dark, there is no one to confide into.
Too much to be said, yet choose to bury within the heart.
So much tears to be shed, so mch numbness kept in the inner-self.
Slowly, everything stays the way it is.
Only one, 9:41 AM.

Firstly, gona wish U-sa and Ivor, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!~ =D
Their birthdays are just one day apart. lols !
I will start with saturday then.
On that night, went ivor's 21st birthday's chalet. It has been so long since i last met him!~ Was glad to see him and some of my friends there. =P I assumed i was the youngest there, so i've no idea to join which group for photo-taking. Wanted to avoid the photo-taking session, but birthday boy insists that i had to join the specific group and i went totally paiseh. -.= birthday boy, don't try that again. LOLS! Now then i know, i am quite steady. Opps !~
After that, went off with jenessa to Marina Square to meet shiying, jialun and yongchuan. Watched Batman till 3 plus and went HeartLand Mall for Hk cafe. Yummy yummy !~ Shiying fetched jenessa and me back to jen's house and fall asleep at about 6 ! Had a fun time hanging out with them =DD
Before i forget, thanks to my darling girl, angel, for chatting on the phone with me that night. *smoochies* If not something bad will happen. =X
Yesterday, went Suntec for my donuts with Hongling and WeiSiang. After which, we went to catch Hellboy. Dennis came to join us too. Hahas..that guy forever making us laugh. I've been laughing non-stop -.=
I was practically shivering in the cinema due to the super coldness in there. grrrrr ! Headed to Just noodles for dinner. Love it ;DD favouriteeeeeee food of all.
Went home at around 10 plus. Mood= exhausted.
Wed: Self-declared holiday for me. Tired and laziness always overcome me. So, skipped sch today. Hence, you can see why i have the time to come blogging at this hour while others are presenting in class, i guess. Yesterday, i was telling my mother that we shall go on a holiday once my holiday approached. Counting down 2 weeks. But super sad siia. Classmates gona change again. I'm gona miss you guys so much !~ =(
Enough of my complaining and stuffs like that. Some pictures to be shown.

My "korean" cousin with me =P

Xinru with me ;D

Cousin with me =D

Had a fun time at Gary's concert even though it was kind of bored. ^^

This was the time when we ponned class that day ;D

Interesting stuffs ! =)
Only one, 12:03 AM.
Seriously, these few days i have been very busy with school.
Of course, i would not ill-treat myself too.
Have been enjoying life to the fullest these few days.
Went with darling hl to sakura(tamp's safra) for dinner on one of the evening.
Dennis came to meet us after that. So, we ate and ate, ended up hl was unable to go school the next day due to bad stomach. LOLS ! poor thing. Do take care alright =D
You think i escaped scot-free ah???!!!~
I came school with an on and off bad stomach. oh my !!!~
Yesterday, Julia accompanied me to Town and Bugis to get my hair done. sweet. Special thanks to her =DD I love my hair now! Just waiting for my fringe to grow longer and i will go for a new hairstyle again. lols !
Last saturday, i went for Gary's concert and i got to admit that it was kind of bored because i dont really like him =( You guys might be wondering since i dont like him, why should i go in the first place??.. hahas.. answer is simple.
$148 tickets are sponsered by my auntie and cousins them are going too. So might as well kill my saturday with concert-viewing. yay !!~ Furthermore, darling jen is at there too. After concert, met her up after my dinner and TK drove us and her friends to ECP to have supper. Went her house to have girls night out after that. Chat till 4then we dropped dead. =DDD
Next morning get to try out her mother's specialty, curry chicken. Missed her mother la, so sweet !~ In the noon, went cathay with her and TK to starbucks and slack. V8 for dinner and back home.
I love my weekends !~ But it's a pity weekends are short. =(
Have i told you guys i am going to start my new job today??
Wish me luck ^^
Only one, 9:31 PM.
Be back for blogging soon =DD
Off to Cao Ge, Gary's concert. ^^
Only one, 1:12 AM.
Since i have got time to spare now, might as well i update my blog. =D
Sat: Worked at my mother's workplace. Hahas. Got to admit it was fun even though it was kind of tiring. Experienced many stuffs too and best is i got paid more than what i worked for. hehehe ^^
Fri: Had a funny time in class with my teammates ( 1 couple with faiz). Lmao !~ All the " P1P2P3". Now it had become my class theme already. You guys will find it interesting too if you know what i am talking about -.=
After school, together with hongling sis headed to Bugis to meet Dennis for steamboat. He forever making us laugh only. Hahahas, cute lurhs ! Went to eat the "ma la huo guo", ended up the next day, i got bad stomach. =PP Itchy hands bought 1 shorts too. Woooohooo !~
I remembered till friday only. Poor memory. Hahas. So now will update about the Punggol Beach and Pulau Ubin's trip. Cool manz.!
Met the photographers with sis up at Punggol Beach and carried out our shooting there. Hahas, they were nice but some seemed serious -.= Dennis, Wilson and Dick were there too. hahas..had much laughters too. I am not interested in modelling, instead i am interested in photographing, so went experience it myself. Now here are the real thing.

`All ready to set off . yippie !

` always the one for me. Thanks !

My new gf, Nicole =)

-With the qian bian/cheeky guy. hahas !~

`Virgin visit to P.U. :)

-credit goes to me ;D

`The abandoned village's house

- Shagged face. With dennis =D

`i love the sunset <3

` Froodee ! lmao~

~ That's how close we are =)

-Throwing stones to vent anger =D

Time to go home !
-Off to working again-
Only one, 12:55 AM.