Sometimes, i realised i'm not that strong afterall.
Only one, 5:23 AM.

*I'm extremely happy yesterday !!!~ I got to meet my beloved darling, jenessa =DD *
It had been 1 year plus since i last met her. Missed her like truckloads ;D Destination for yesterday was town.
Firstly, went paragon's starbucks. Oh FAVOURITE~~ Slacked for like 1 hour plus, then went far east plaza. hahaas..this journey throughout was a funny one. I kept tempting her to buy stuffs. HEHEHES. Ended up, we each bought a bag and a dress. yippie !~ I'm still missing the "kio bag" . LOLS.
Wisma-------Taka-------Home =)
and the best thing is
we are goiing out again next weekend !!!~
Shopping spree ~
Can't wait to meet this darling of mine =D

love her lots !~ Cheer up huh ;D
Only one, 4:15 AM.
I just got a call from an unknown person and i talked to him in my rude tone !~ Pissed.
hey friends, if anyone happened to ask you my hp no, don't ever give without my permission. You guys will understand why, i guess. thanks =)
will be updating my blog and replying my tag tmr =D
Only one, 9:18 AM.
I'm freaking sick !~
UT test for today was difficult. Went school for half an hour and went home. -.=
After that, went to see the doctor and fall asleep for 7hourss after eating the medicine!!!~
just imagine how sick and tired i am. =(
Only one, 5:20 AM.
Mother's Day coming up.! I am anticipating it xDD
You guys got any fantastic idea already?..
Well, i am currently generating variety of ideas to make that day a wonderful one. *wink*
I want her to be my happiest mummy that day =)
*More to be updated on this sector
Anyway, these few days had been going cafe with classmates. Nice nice !!~ xD Especially the part where we guys played "truth or dare" . Laughed till max, fun sehs ! But my forfeit is malu-ing. LOLS . So anyway, headed to coffee-shop today. An area for my school's smoking students. hahaas. xD
UT test for today was so-so. Kinda boring. Eric(facilator) is cute!~ Been saying about him to my team members the whole day. I guess Eric knew we were saying about him and me. hahahas !~ =D
A pity he's a little old for "newton" drop the idea of sabo-ing me in your RJ.
Awaiting for next week =PPP
Only one, 6:10 AM.
I enjoyed myself with my grandma. I took a short walk with her, accompanying her to buy some groceries, joked with her, smiled to her, snatching with her the bag of rice and etc. It had been so long since i last took a stroll with her. =(
I got to admit
i nearly cried at that instance.
I never knew a simple walk with my dearest grandma can be so valuable to me. Much more precious than anything else. I love her cooking ; the way she showers her love to me and so many more. Most importantly, i really love her !~ From then on, i promised i am going to fork out more time to visit and accompany her.
Only one, 2:07 AM.

Spent my saturday with sot de gina xD. Town and bugis were our shopping destinations and we spent a total of $80 plus each. Shopping spree rocks xD Enjoyed my day out with her ! Bread for lunch next week..lols !
Some overdued pictures =)

* 2 of my best partners =P

- Girlfriends <3

-My group that day =P

- lovely classmates =D
Only one, 1:30 AM.