As said, i'm here to blog. =P
I had been into exercising these few days because i found out that exercising makes my mood better and also it helps to keep me fit. =D Hence, yesterday i went cycling at ECP with des and his bro. Nice day out with them . Guess what, i realised i have one phobia , i got scared while cycling along the road !! =(
Rushed down to meet the tans at 85 market at night.Hereby, expressing my apology to them for my late arrival. =)
Meeting time:8.30p.m
Arrival time: 9.05p.m
Being the mr(s) and miss nice of them waited for me before they ordered their food. How nice can they get? ;D
For your information, i'm a big eater. I ate pig's organ soup w/ rice,oyster egg(shared with zy) and proceeded to prata.Reached home, had milo with bread again. =DD
After that, we proceeded to playground to cam-whore. I looked sooo shagged plus ugly in the pictures after 1 whole evening of cycling. But still, pictures will be up.! =D

- Too bad they are not photogenic =/

and so, they got this idea of looking at us. After that, called me an ugly girl. humpz !

-love, the tans. =P
*Enjoyed my night with them with all the laughters, arguing, cat-fighting and so on... !~ =D
Only one, 8:00 AM.
Will be blogging today if possible. I'm like so lazy and tired =.=
Only one, 9:34 AM.


*<3 this bestie of mine !
Just had my dinner not long and i'm hungry once again. !~ I'm craving for donuts now. Awwwww...if someone will to buy donuts for me now, i will love the person alot !'s a blessing to eat donuts in nightie. LOLS ! =DD
Only one, 5:28 AM.
I enjoyed my work today ! Colleagues were asking me to drop by to visit them often. =) I'm going to be carefree again . But i won't sit back and wait for income to come rolling in. Will be finding jobs right after i know my poly's schedule =PP
I guess i will most probably be getting a new hp next week. So by then, there will be more pictures !!~ oh yeah.
Few weeks back:

* Starbucks, my love =P

-The 2 cutie pies. =/

I love this pic of theirs !;D


Lastly presenting the 3 cutie pies, A.J.A !
Only one, 8:04 AM.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tomorrow will be my last day of work.! uhhhhhh...i felt so reluctant ! You know something touched me deeply.
My colleagues were asking me why don't i work longer and stuffs like that as school will be only starting on 7th april i guess. Furthermore, there's one auntie also my colleague came and bid farewell to me and asked when can she sees me again.awwww..that's so sweet !
I really can't bear to leave , i will miss them so much larrs ! There's like so many memories that took place there. But no choice, i need a rest badly before i start school =D
Sometimes, all these minor stuffs means alot to me. Just a true little smile to me will also makes me happy too ;D Afterall, it's the thought that counts .<3
headed to rp with ling to get our new laptop . Cool manz !~ But the laptop was like so heavy and we carried it all the way. =.= so stood there, listening to all the procedures of installing the softwares already, then went off.
Just when i was about to leave the school, i saw Mr.B with his friend ! =DD So coincidence.hehehes. Exchanged friendly gestures and we went off. zZzZzZz ! I've got a fun time trying out the new cam in my laptop with ling on the funny lars ! rofl. Reached home less than 5 mins ,rushed out to work, all the way till 10. Ended up i had to hire a cab to work today due to that i overslept. waste $$$.
oh yahs, my bro is currently using my old laptop =X i guess he must be feeling very elated to officially owe a laptop now. I only owed it like sec3/4 .Faints ! He's ejoying the luxury in life again.hahahas =PP
uh oh, no pics in this desktop. so will be up on next post...hopefully =)
Only one, 7:17 AM.
How do you feel when you're drifted away from your close ones?..
I am starting to give up.
Really hate the feeling of repeating myself over and over again.
Once bitten, twice shy.
Knowing how they struggled between their bfs and me hurt me.
I know what to do now. From now on, i will automatically let sisters to have ample time with their bfs. =)
Girls, i guess from now on, we will be meeting up only for school-related stuffs, so you guys do treasure every moments that you have with your bf huh?! =D
Also, better don't feel guilty over this cause there's nothing to be guilty about !
Frequently, i asked myself " why am i so strict with myself? "
I always prevent people from knowing me thoroughly and stepping into my world .
Call me a selfish lase , but that's how i am, due to the fact that i had encountered numerous blows.
I have got the intention of emigrating once i have got enough capital. I'm saving up now. So everyone gotta help me to curb my shopping indulgence.!~
okay, this is so random! But you guys better appreciate this type of post because it only appeared once in a blue moon =) Photos up next for the next post.
Only one, 11:57 PM.
RP was great ! went RP yesterday with anticipation and excitement. The feeling was fresh when i just stepped in RP. =D
Journey was extremely long. Luckily i've a nice yet chatty girl with me, ling. So yups, went to settle all those enrollment's stuffs and it's super duper TROUBLESOME. Till now, everything not settled yet. =.=
Next up, we went exploring around the school. Dance studio seems cool and i specially like the sports guys get any hints what CCA i wana join?.. =X
So we had got the orientation dates which is 2/4 - 4/4.not sure if it's gona be fun, but i definitely going to get my ass down the sch. hehes !~
watched step-up2 at causeway point with ling.hehehess..awesome !~ ling was super tempted by it.hahas..that silly girl. Though i was a little tempted, but i've no confidence in dance anymore. so yups, doubt i will be joining back dance =(
shopped around and back home.=)
tired yet fruitful trip !
Only one, 9:29 PM.

yesterday, watched leap years with u-sa after work. i rated it 3.5/5 . =)
hahas, went 85 to have our dinner and back home. =)
She's starting work today. All the best to you !~ =D
Only one, 9:14 PM.

My mini request was granted !~ I asked for OT in order to earn more and my schedule for this week was fully packed.
MODE: tired =( ( I need some shopping )
Anyway, i tendered my resignation already. Will be working till 20 march.
Felt a sense of reluctant and unwillingness to leave as i will be missing those nice colleagues of mine.
By the way, now i am spending my money sparingly . =D That is due to the goal i have now. uh huh, don't give me that curious face. Will divulge when i feel like even though i wana share it with you guys so badly .=)
you know what pleases me now ?
Donuts and blended mocha(starbucks) ! ;D
Only one, 8:25 PM.

Let's give a round of applause for miss huats ! =D
everything was worth it !~
congrats congrats congrats ! ;P
Only one, 8:46 PM.
*Honesty has always been the key to maintaining an ideal sister-ship or friendship*
-because of this sentence,i caused myself to be miserable at times.
though my words may seem blunt to some of you, but this shows that i am sincere.
i put in that extra effort in hope that everything will be better.
Although i am some kind of ignorant lass who don't even understand a single stuff about being in love due to the fact that i am NOT IN LOVE currently , but that does not prove that i do not know the importance of being with your loved ones. Hence, i had always try to accommodate to the individual's timing. =)
wondering why i will blabber about this sensitive issue?
Not because i want to make everyone realize that i am kind of big shot who sacrificed so much for others in order to maintain an ideal - (to be filled in)ship - but it is to let some closed ones of mine to know that i truly care about them even though my words hurt sometimes.
Labels: specially dedicated to miss "old-fashioned ah ma and ah boy"
Only one, 8:20 AM.
*short post*
The night before, u-sa and andrew went my workplace fetch me. i was really surprised ! Though i was ignorant about their presence, but they should know i didn't mean to like ignore them in a way. this showed that i'm engrossed in my work =P went 85 to meet up with xiuli, sinyong, yongshun, dianiel and wuyu for our dinner. =D
steamboat night yesterday. Had a full dinner with u-sa ytd . We ate only prawns with a little side orders all the way. "Salute us because we are the prawn queens". lols !~ met up with the same khakis again after that =)
p.s: u-sa and andrew are my sweetie pies ! <3
p.s: tags will be replied soon ;D
Only one, 6:54 AM.