Wednesday, February 27, 2008
what's the first thing girls will do when they had just received their salary ?
yes !~ that's definitely got to be what you are thinking now.
coincidentally, it was my off day yesterday. so, asked u-sa who is my shopping girlfriend out to bugis. Though bugis ain't my favourite place now, i still went there without hesitation. saw hongling darl with michael at mrt. =D reached bugis, went eat at mac and off to bugis street.saw cheryl there too. so long didn't see her ! after exchanging a polite gesture, we went our separate way.
In the end, bought only 1 t-shirt from there. Feeling a sense of dis-satisfaction, i walked around in bugis junction. Hehehes, know why i had got an evil laugh here? i ended up buying 1 slippers from ripples. *screams*
For your information, i'm only pampering myself occasionally. You see, i will go mad without shopping. But for one thing that is good, i know my limits and i won't go splurging unnecessary,

because i know money doesn't come easily =)
Asked andrew out for dinner in the evening. Met him at marina bay for steamboat. Being the Cute yet Dumbo us waited for like almost half an hour for the bus to arrive . Despite the long wait, we continue to wait ..only to know that the place is currently undergoing some renovations after the bus driver told us. =.=
why didn't any kind souls tell us? =(
Let me be the kind soul now by telling you, *readers* not to go marina bay from NOW on.^^
I felt guilty towards andrew for asking him to marina bay ! oh my, oh my , oh my !~
He's really the steady pal of mine okay. Not only arriving in a short while, he didn't throw any tantrum on us after knowing the place was closed down for renovations. *applause for mr andrew ang*
Landed up at sakura at town for dinner. First time eating there..ummmms, i will have to say that their service was good and there are many rich foods that i love. So, overall, it was great. Of course, without good companies, the dinner will not taste nice at all. Yups, great dinner i had. =P After eating to our fill, we walked from town to p.s and took the train home.^^
p.s:sometimes, the word "eventful" can not be compared to the word "simple" .
Labels: simple
Only one, 8:32 AM.
Monday, February 25, 2008
his birthday fell on 23rd feb.=X
hopefully, he was happy with his celebration on that day.
lastly, i do dote on him and i love him very much !!~ =P
*i will try to grab the pics asap.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MR.B too (25/2) !~ =P
on sunday,first destination was yakun.the two of them were arguing over minor stuffs funny !~ after that went to century square to watch the movie "L,change the world blahs blahs" with u-sa and andrew.
this time round, i think the movie was great.i'll rate it 4.5/5. it's just that ending wasn't that nice and also for some gross scenes that caused the 0.5 marks to be deducted.=) after movie, went food junction to have our dinner.yummy !~ simple yet delicate. decided to go tamp safra for some bowling games, but ended up slacking there for like 1 hr plus. lanes were all servicing !!~ oh my. reached home at about 12. =D fun day out with them !!~
worked in the morning from 7-12. had a difficult time troubling over some matters during work time. i never expected and i never felt it.
i just want to say i'm sorry.
nevertheless, i stated my stand last night and i hope everything will be back to the same.=(
activity for the night was movie 'ah long pt" with Q,his sister,his sis's bf and their auntie.met up with Q at tamp first and headed to mac for dinner. his sis and co came in awhile and off we went for the movie.
something happened.
his sis left our tickets at their home.
hahahas, so cute lurrs.
ended up Q cabbed home and we waited for approximately 25 mins.
movie was nice,'ll rate it 4.5/5 too.extremely hilarious.
initially, i still thought that the show will be boring.
but it proved me wrong. *roll eyes*
*i really hope everything will be back to the same.sighsss !~
i felt so bad and mean.

*the two crappers. =P

*our styles.=P
Only one, 8:35 PM.
Friday, February 22, 2008

*girlfriend and me =D

*usa and her ideal boyfriend.lols !
i had decided to delete the previous post. you know, i don't stay angry for long.
but seriously, stop asking me about my school and course, i will let you readers know on the 28 feb if you guys ask.alright? =) it's a deal.
life has been hectic once i got back from overseas.
work had been nice these few days, at was quite nice.;D
as usual, today early in the morning, went for work.
day was not bright yet.dark and creepy.
when i was walking, there's suddenly came a voice behind me.
i got shocked. =.=
so it was a guy from another outlet.
and he asked abruptly "so early head off for work? "
and i was like "you know me?" ( in a rude tone )
he replied, "yahs, you're working in XXX outlet "
scary !~ i had never seen him before and this is not the first time.there had been like another 2 guys from another outlet asking me that.lmao !
next up, went for an outting with u-sa and chongming that particular day. we went princess mac and talked over stuffs like courses etc.i must really be fortunate to have the 2 beloved friends. not only trying hard to console me, they also do their best to make me laugh. though chongming was indirectly "suan-ing" me, but i know he was just trying to make me happy.i love them okay ! hehehes.went suntec for donuts .yummy yummy. =)
donuts had always been my favourite bread <333
Okay now i feel like grabing a bite on donuts. *salivating*
we went for basketball shooting at the fun fun !~ heeesss.
so after that went off to meet Mr.B.
we met up at p.s at 6 o'clock and went to watch movie "juno"(forgot the movie title).
we ended up late for the movie and left with the first row.terrible!~ due to some games we played as punishment =X
initially, we're fine with first row.but after a few minutes, my neck started to ache and i asked him to go behind to the last row.he was one of the extremely shy boy i've ever met. =.= refusing to move, i kept threatening him.
left with no choice,
he succumbed to my request. *yay*
and thus, we enjoyed the movie comfortably at the last row. ;D
went arcade and he played the basketball shooting.i stood aside with a grin to see a high score of 400 plus. bravo !~ i was in a close shave , i didnt play the game. =P
next up, we played photohunt.nice !~
dinner was great at bk. had a fun time chatting, laughing and disturbing at each other. =) headed over to the open space outside p.s. played some childish games and slacked around.hahas !~ never grown-up kids. lastly, he accompanied me by training home with me =) special thanks to him for that day.
He tried his best to cheer me up =)
*Mr.B sounds like my boyfriend uh? he's just merely one of my good friend.serious.and to miss yik, stop reckoning he's more than my friend ! hahas. you better concentrate on your *ahems* okay.i had got a good laugh at your post. =X but you never know he may really be your one.gather your courage alright.jiayou !~ =D
if i were ever to meet the right one, i will share the good news with you guys.=)
not enough of my post?
i will continue.
i had once met the rough patch of my life recently. But i will move on and i will not give up. =P i kept all these stuffs to myself cause i know everyone has their individual problems too. so what for adding to others' burden especially to those who are really concerned about me?..
but sometimes,
just sometimes,
i ended up so worned out.
nevertheless, i will continue to improve and strive for the best !~ =D
so to those who are feeling distraught and down now,
don't frown because you never know what is going to happen next.goodnite to all ;DD
Only one, 4:08 AM.
Monday, February 18, 2008
i couldn't fall asleep.
it's 2.01 a.m now and i gotta wake up at 5.30 a.m for work. =.= i'm going to be so restless tomorrow. =(
is it due to the long vacation i had which result to me being nervous for work tomorrow?
or was it the anticipation of result regarding to my future school tomorrow?
maybe because of the quarrel i had with mr.b ?
some personnel matters?
i guess every reason plays a part.=(
i need sleeping pills !
anyway, i'm back from my overseas' trip.
this time round, it was so much nicer than the previous time.
but i won't be blogging out just yet cause it gona be a long post and i've not receive the photos from my cousin, do wait for my post.
on the other hand, i've got the 1st china/macau trip's pictures.
special thanks to my cousin for the trouble made.*
now, i shall see which few pictures are interesting.=D
and readers, you're gona love me because i had decided to post all those interesting pics even though i looked ugly in it.lols.

-their street there.

-enjoying the food there. =D

*ever think of having the machine behind us?

-part of the country's scenary

* you never know how we make your day =)

*at the hotel's lobby.
interested to find out more?..
check back daily, cause you never know when's my next update.
nights !~ =)
Only one, 9:59 AM.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
happy chinese new year to everyone !~ =D
you see, i've got myself one nice dress for CNY & ended up my mother gave many comments about it which sort of deepen down my mood.currently sitting down thinking of plans to make my dress look nicer .lols !
went shopping with lingdi darling .hahas we went bugis and town and we really shopped.spent about close to hundred and 50 plus on that fun shopping with her nahs.!~ we were laughing at those "not funny things".rofl.
after that went princess mac ,slack awhile and headed to market to eat .Lingdi went home after that.
as for me, i went tamp to meet Mr.B . hehehes. due to the late hour of our meeting, we decided to settle down at tamp mac. =.= was fun chatting etc, but he's always bullying me ! i had got a good laughing time home as we missed our last bus. looked so stupid of us to go around searching for avaliable buses. =.= cabbed home after that. =D
as for CNY's stuff, i'm blogging after feb 15.
oh, did you guys know i'm goiing overseas tomorrow??
i'll miss everyone esp sisters & Mr.B.
Only one, 8:41 PM.
Monday, February 04, 2008

* the day of the releasing of results.
i'm back people !~ i miss you guys !
did your miss me?...=D
i've got many things to update. so shall see what i can recall. ;D
first thing first. i've got an extremely sweet dream yesterday.SUPER SWEET !~
i'm 101% happy yesterday.HEHEHES. i swear. spell H.A.P.P.Y!~ shall keep you guys in suspense, but both my 2 girlfriends knew le. the other 2 better *ahems ahems* auto abit me soon nahss..den can update you 2.lols ! also my ah huats and wooosssaaa.muahahas xD did i left out anyone else? uh oh !
today, worked frm 7-2. super tiring ! so crowded due to the upcoming CNY!~ also bought A.Y herbal tea as he suffered from sore throat. hahas..i'm a good friend bahs. ;D don't get the wrong idea people !~ i'm just merely doing what a friend should do.headed home after work.hohos. i slept all the way from 2 plus till 7 plus.zzzzz jealous of someone who is able to sleep till 2 plus !~ >.<
now 2nd thing:
you people should be curious about my o's result ? at that instance, i felt soooo disappointed as my expected points were nt reached.but 2nd thought, i'm accepting it as time goes by.i did my best and you know results cant be compared. THE ONE TO BEAT WILL ALWAYS BE YOUR OWNSELF ! remember this phrase, quoted by me !
so the next time, you guys thought of this, think of me =DD
3rd thing:
went tm yesterday with my 2 girlfriends.miss ah boy and miss ah soh ! i enjoyed my outing with them larrs. <3 they also shared with me stuffs i'm still weak at. i bet they will be laughing at this paragraph. i MUST catch up with them.hahahas..bought 1 top from mango and 1 pair of sandals frm mondo. yay!~ling spent 80 plus on 1 lancome foundation okish ! lmao. she pampered herself to a large extent. Miss ah boy left us to be with her bf. BIASSSSS~ but i understand =P
alright shall stop here. <3 nights beloved ones.
*will reply all tags soon ;P
Only one, 6:40 AM.