Wednesday, January 23, 2008
awaiting for the result of your own hardwork
is sometime tormenting and nerve-wrecking. =(
let me share with everyone my plan tmr.
morning, working till 12.
goiing down school to receive my results.
if good, i will go eat with friends,
share good news with those who should know
and be extremely elate for the whole day,
lastly be prepared for my future ;D
if choiii..*i don't wana say* (super pray that wont happen),
i'm goiing MIA for one day.
hp gona switch off,
gona be alone at somewhere.
so don't bother to contact me etc.
but don't worry, i'm gona be fine.
-hopefully, what i typed above will be pratically nonsense ! -
woke up early in the morning to meet up with xin.headed to sentosa and have our tan.
know what??
supposed to be very nice,
thought can have a darker tone colour.
look at the weather !

hahas it's aint that dark larrs.but there's no SUN !!~ so we chilled awhile and we went off to vivo. i wana go again !!!~ >.<
not fair !
went bk eat and then headed to china town for k-box. *hooray*
hahas went home arnd 6 plus =)
thanks to xin for the day.
heess..don't worry girl.
your results will be good ;D
anyway, i wore my bikini for less than half an hr and i put on my t-shirt .i'm just not use to it.lmao !
some pictures :

lastly, presenting me ;D

*all the best to everyone ! =P
Only one, 6:43 AM.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
i'm happy today !~ ;D
met up with xin at tamp after my work for our shopping spree.
hahas she went for hair "relaxing".
i think your should be never heard before.
it's more to reborning.she looks prettier oh !~ =D
ys !~ don't let your chance slip pass =X hahahas...
after that went yakun to have my lunch.yummy yum yum !~
went sheer romance, have bikini trial. change and change and finally we both bought the ones that we like.hehehes.! i'm goiing sentosa tmr to have my tan !~ *excited*
following that , went watsons to purchase our sun-block.i realised sun-block is not cheap.zzzzz...
thought that i can save $ liaos, but walked one more round and i ended up buying a cap. I HAVE LONG WANTED TO BUY A CAP !~ =PP super duper satisfy.^^
and know what?
i ended up with 10 cents home.=(
i guess pictures will be coming up soon because tmr we gona take pictures ! yay! so stay tune for my sentosa's trip pictures.
Only one, 2:42 AM.
some of you might have got the news days ago...but i just knew it today !~ yahs euu've got that right.=)
o's level results.! thurs, 2pm determining my future.
85 % efforts put in was never enough.
thus, if not making the mark or making the mark,
i will face it bravely and accept it.
of course, i will hope for the latter.
i wish , i wish , i wish,
to get my ideal points !~
i guess euu guys must be feeling extremely jittery right? i know i know.i felt that too.while i was having my afternoon nap just now after hearing the news, i can sense that i sort of do i explain it.
yahs that's right..the feeling of falling down the stairs.lmao !~ =D
worst, i dropped my laptop just now.awwww...heartpain. =(
but nevertheless, i will enjoy myself these 2 days in order to calm myself down.hehehess !
so c'mon guys, don't worry so much and go for it BRAVELY !
recently been eating and eating non-stop.i can at least eat 4-5 meals a day.lols ! also, i found out that once my craving for a certain thing start regardless of food or clothes etc, i will get it immediately if possible. ;D i know that's a bad habit but cant control.i do what i want and i do what is right. ;D
just like yesterday, went for a change of hair style .though not very obvious there's much change done to it, but i like.HEHEHES =D
just chanced upon pok's blog.i noticed she's a weird girl who always got legs or feet injuries.girl ah, stop looking at hunks and injure yourself can?! =X i really think your injuries look sexy stop posting all those pictures larrs, or maybe change to hands' injuries?
meeting xin tomorrow for our shopping spree at tampiness mall after my work. ;D
hopefully, will be able to chill out much more than i expected.
alright, off to awaiting for my jap version of my meteor garden. <3
nites all and all the best to everyone. =)
Only one, 6:26 AM.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
these few days, spent $ like there's never.esp on transport longer using concession !~ much hassle for me.had been goiing to work by cab.overslept was the reason. =P
as usual, hired a cab to work and i almost ended up quarrelling with the e end, he said minus off 20 cents which i unwillingly agreed cause he insisted.zzzzz...he nearerly drove me mad !
juz had a chat with bestie just now.lols..finally she got heart liaos.muhahaas..and i'm glad for her because she found herself her ideal boyfriend.her boyfriend amazed me. *envyyyyy her~
nobody's there for meeeeee~ *screams*
Only one, 6:53 AM.
hahas all my wishings are said thru msn, hence i will not publish it out.lols! but one thing i must say here.STOP BULLYING OTHERS ESP THE INNOCENT ME!~ come back faster to accompany me nahs. lots of misses and love !~ xD
aww..i'm feeling uber bored now ~~ nobody is there to accompany me.lols !~ all busy working, studying and accompanying boyfriend !~ esp bestie !~ but can understand larrs. in love ish like that tym if i've gt bf, MIA for them to see.heess..jk !
after finished work, went simei starbucks to slack with rahim.hahas he rode me there by his bike.i got a little "kuku" wearing the helmet.=.= ahemsss* it had been so long since i got on a cant blame. ;D slacked for like 2 hrs and he sent me home.nice time chilling out.hahas !
some days back, went out with angel, her boyfriend and her boyfriend's prevent myself from being a lightbulb, i asked angel to ask her boyfriend's friend(jiasheng) out too.i HATE being a lightbulb. ^^ walked lifelessly around bugis.bestie and me had a great laugh when jiasheng arrived.she shld noe why.
hahas..after which , we headed to suntec,marina sq and esplanade.had a fun time playing games and cracking lame jokes.
being a nice bestie of me, i suggested to allow the lil couple to have a time of their, jiasheng and me went walking around, sat in the esplanade library awhile...
in e end , ended up at the opposite side of the alot with him and found some unbelievable facts about him.but great thanks to him for accompanying me throughtout.heeesss..had dinner at "just noodles"( my favourite eating place in suntec !) and went home. =P

* i love her okish !~ =D

- besties<3

*happy kids ever !~
i think i'm changing my hairstyle. =P
Only one, 12:03 AM.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
i no longer know how to love and to be loved.
so people, now you know why i refrained myself from bgr.
hence, stop asking me to give others and myself a chance.
Only one, 6:24 AM.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
hereby wishing him all the best for his results and also **ahemss** to his love life too!~ you know what i mean! jiayou!~ =)
i'm feeling so moodless and pissed.cause i doubt i can attend his birthday party due to work..sighs ! but nevertheless, i'm getting him a present and i'm staying awake till the clock strikes 12 even though i feel like sleeping now. *yawn*
i bet he's gona enjoy his day this sad for me =(
went out with belly the bin , andrew buddy and chongming aka clever that particular day.(i've gt no idea which dae is it). we went to shop around.went starbucks to crap around.i love all that moments.yay!
during night tym, headed to esplanade and played some silly games which every of us enjoyed.went eat at a nearby hawker after that ;D nice scenery, breezy wind, ideal ambience, awesome friends.!
they asked me to thank them in my blog.hahas so now i'm expressing out my thanks to them here.lmao !~some pictures of that day.

* i love making stupid face.hehehes =D
i'm currently in a very bad state.firstly, my phone spoiled and i got to lend phone from my relative.worst thing, the usb cable for the phone is lost.oh my !~ next, my camera isnt that good, hence i lent from the same relative too.same thing, usb lost.rofl!~ now you guys know why i didnt post as many pics as before.
definitely, i'm buying a new phone soon!~ =D with a good function, looks good on me and shines with me.hehehes.
conclusion: just bear with any pictures that i had took me great effort okish.rofl !~
i intend to make this a long post before some of euu start to grumble.=/
i will be goiing china and macau again on feb 8-14.hahas tickets booked..some of you might wonder why am i goiing AGAIN..
firstly, it's quite a shopping paradise though with reasonably-priced goods.but this factor alone does not attracts us(ppl who r goiing) to go again.what appeals to us greatly is the winter season there.!~ i tink the temp for feb will be below 10 degree.wooohooooo...i wana be a snow lady.hahas jk !~ i love dressing in winter clothes..i've already got plans of wad to wear.
and and and...i wana purchase those cute lil winter cap, i'm not very sure what is that call but it looks so cuteeeee~~~ so excited to go againnnnnn~ hehehess..
now a lil update on my last china/macau's trip:
1st day:
arrived around 6 plus at china's airport.frezzing cold when i alighted from the plane.i remembered we took much pains to arrive in that nice confy hotel.right after we put our lugaages at one side,we went to a nearby western restaurant to eat.i tell eu, the food there is super nice.i ate the whole plate down with not even a grain of rice left.=DD
after eating went walk around, and i saw couple fighting outside an arcade place.couldnt recall much.lols..much violence, headed to the shop situated at those alley-like and started shopping spree.what amazed me was that the temp in the shop was much more hotter than the natural temp. =.=
after all the shopping, we went eat sushi at a roadside bar.damn STYLE.!~ know how breezy the wind is? look at the picture below.

i was extremely cold till the extent of having the thought to start a fire right in front of me.lols.!
i shall stop's connection not very good.but i will be back soon for new updates.stay tune to my blog.lastly , applaud for me bcos i've found new goals for myself.=)
tags will be replied soon...tag moreee !~ =D
Only one, 7:19 AM.
hope she enjoy herself today.hahas..;D
not only i will blog abt my wishes to her, i've got other ways of wishing her.
heesss...but i shall not disclose readers, guess it !
and i love her alot !~ <3 hehehes. ;D
i'm kinda lazy to post.hahas..and i noe some of euu will be getting pissed abt it.some of euu may goes:
~y jennie's blog getting more boring
~y jennie's blog getting picture-less
~y jennie's blog getting more topic-less
i know, i know !~ hahas..i make sure i will make my blog lively again and i bet everyone of euu gona visit my blog more frequent then now. =D *say tweist*
will blog tmr if possible.a more detailed one.nights =)
Only one, 6:58 AM.