Sunday, December 30, 2007
i don't intend to blog intially bcos i'm soooooo lazy~
hahas but for the sake of hongling, i'm gona blog.
this post is dedicated to her ! ;D
know why??
because today is her birthday !!!~
as i promised euu, i'm gona post a long post abt euu like wad i did to angel and june.=) start ! firstly, hope euu enjoy urself to the fullest today okish !~ On top of it, it's euu and mic 1st yr anniversary.hence, i didnt want to meet euu bcos i want euu and mic to have all the time to if i meet euu, euu sure will neglect either one of us.hahas, am i right?! =P i dun wish to be lightbulb !
counting back, numerous quarrels and unhappiness between us.lols..but i guess it's worth it.if not i doubt our sistership will be so strong now .hehehes !~ i remembered there was once i said our sistership is broke due to _____ , now thinking back i wana laugh.hahas we r so childish last time.but now, i'm letting the whole world noe that euu r one of my best sister and i treasure our sistership between us !~ <3 so yups, we r gona be best sisters always !
once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EUU!~ <3

*envy us, bcos we rock !~ ;D
Only one, 8:20 PM.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
due to the excessive eating of MACDONALD, i'm 1 more roti prata, my voice lost. =.=
so people if euu happened to call me and i nr ans, that's nt mean i'm sms me instead ;D btw people, do leave ur number to me in msn/sms as i've lost all contacts.thanks =D
went shopping at bugis that day with hongling darling and angel bestie !~ bought 1 heels and 1 shirt and couldnt carry on walking liaos.thanks to them for being there for me !~ <3
also, went shopping ytd at vivo and tamp.hahas met our aiai too and we went shopped our own.bestie is so sweet to acc me !~ e end bought 1 converse pencil case for bro and 2 shirts for myself.hahas..bro is always living in luxury.=ppp
alright..stop here.
Only one, 12:53 AM.
Friday, December 21, 2007
i'm back !~ hahas missed my blog. =D as usual ,been busy with work.recently been working for long hours till i cannot take it. but no choice, for the sake of $ .
so far, i saw lubna,jy,ryan neo and gabriel wee at my workplace during my working period.i got a lil paiseh upon seeing them.lols !
before i forgot, special thanks to BESTIE for acc-ing me to bugis ytd.she accompanied me walked for abt 3 hrs non-stop(her reliable timing) just to shop for my clothes.felt guilty =.= but i noe she wont mind <333
in e end i bought 2 t-shirts.yay!~ on the way to reaching my target.hahas !~
also, hongling, do cheerrr uppppppp~
interested to know what's my activities these few weeks?(i couldnt recall much)
-went with colleague,A.Y to pasir panjang order stocks.
-went with bestie to town and tamp
-met up with xin with bestie at her workplace.
-went changi hawker centre with A.Y and his friend to eat.
-bugis with bestie.
lols..i'm glad i still managed to go out afterall.=D *twist*
yesterday's morning arnd 6 a.m while i was heading out to work, one guy suddenly popped along the passageway of my floor !~ omg !~ i nearly freaked out euu noe.i had got an instinct that someone was there.i wished i can scold him upside down.bloody guy !~ know what freaking question he asked me??!
he asked " can we make friends?"
and i said "no, i dun feel like !"
and he asked "euu gt bf?"
and i said " no, what are euu doiing here?!"
he told me he goiing down eat breakfast.
wtf?! crazyyyyyy guy !~ made me so afraid of goiing out in the morning now.lols ! and i suspect he's the guy who....darlings em will noe wad i mean.SCARYYYYYYY~
enough of this insane guy.
i wana watch "i'm a legend" bcos i wana be a legend =.=
stop here!~ much loves to all =D

* 2007 bestest sisters category award.lols !
not forgetting xin too !~ =)
i miss huats and trina too =D
Only one, 6:25 AM.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
i promise to make this post a long one.=)
sweet little 16 birthday.
so far, we had been friends for like 6 years and we r still goiing strong.there's times we quarrelled over super minor stuffs.there's time we got realli worse that we almost on the verge of breaking friendship.but all these couldnt forbid our strong friendship from goiing on.this girl always had been there for me no matter what happens.
there's time when people insulted me and i gt realli pissed off to write the person on my blog, she was the one who supported me greatly and get me goiing.there's super lots more but if i will to write every single details out, it will take years.i cherish the friendship between us and i truely hope she has a wonderful birthday today.!!~ <3

-that's how sistership gets goiing.
initially, i don't wish to post too much of my personnal thoughts in my blog as i'm a person who don't wish to reveal too much of my life.nevertheless, i ended up blabbering everything out in my post and this time is no exception.
one of my bestest friend of all, june , ish leaving for australia today..we bid farewell yesterday and i almost teared.label me as fragile/weak etc , i don't care.she was the one who always accompany me whenever i'm bored and sad.even when i'm happy, she will laugh along with me.we once shopped for valentine gifts for the same category guys and that really got us laughing our toes off.everything we did seemed so alike.lols..but like what she said in her farewell letter, everything got to have a much unwillingness, so much memories to be kept.i aint gona feel sad about it, for once i know , true friendship lies.hereby, i wish her all the best in her new fresh life in australia and i hope that the next time i see her, she will tell me that she's living extremely well.i will always remember euu, my friend =)

*she rocked my life greatly ! :D
so friends, don't try to emigrate or leave lerrs.i cant take farewell and count myself strong to endure all may seems meaningless and foolish for some of euu guys, that is because euu guys dunnoe the meaning of true friendship.! i cherish every friendship i have and i wish all these beautiful friendship i have will continue till we r old.=)
today is a lucky day because euu get to see me posting all my personnal thoughts and i actually felt abit weird and uncomfortable writing partly of the whole thoughts out.hahas..=D
yesterday, went to celebrate angel's birthday in advance.firstly headed off to suntec with june, hongling and michael for donut factory.!~yummy yummy ! after that went bugis to buy clothes for my work! it's a headache to dress nicely for work everyday.lols...thanks to them for the companion.!~ =D
we went katong to play pool after pooling skill is getting more rusty!~played awhile and i left with angel. =.= waited for the bus awhile and in e end i flagged cab to buddy's hse concourse and he helped me paid first as i didnt have enough cash with me after the shopping.hahas thanks buddy! after that i acc him to eat at 85 and also he helped me paid first..i felt so bad actually.upon finishing eating, sweet buddy sent me hm to ensure my safety.aint he good?..i think so! one of my good buddy =)
seriously, i will blog about my overseas' trip soon once i'm able to fork out sufficient time for it.1 more good news.i'm goiing china/macau again during feb and tickets had been booked ! for the time being, endure with the individual pictures first =) bye guys and i love every single one of euu <3
Only one, 7:27 PM.
Monday, December 10, 2007
finally, i dyed my hair to like golden/orange.i'm not realli sure abt the name of the exact colour.but i likeee~
i have been busy recently due to unknown reasons~ i only know i had been working non-stop and goiing shopping once in a awhile.i hardly have any time for entertainment.
hehes..i'm glad that i'm able to attend the mini class bbq held was also meant as a farewell party for june.awwww!~and SPECIAL thanks to hongling and june mainly for the arrangement needed and of course my other friends too.they had made a great effort in arranging all the stuffs whereby i did nth.awww!~( i did help to clear out the mess!)
so after that, we(june,hongling,esther,chongming,yongshun,andrew and gideon) went to jazz pub to have a sip.michael and yeanfu came after tt.i guess i had a little too much and i vomitted when i was on my way home.what a poor drinker i am.anywayz,thanks to all for the concern.hopefully, ys felt better too xD
today woke up feeling EXTREMELY dizzy.i slept at 1 plus and woke up at 5a.m.worked till 2 and i went have lunch with one of my colleague.after that, we ended up watching movie and he drove me home after that xD alright will blog soon! check back ! nights =)

- <333 cousin loads
Only one, 4:11 AM.
Friday, December 07, 2007
hahas i miss all my adorable friends and readers on earth !~
i knew i had not been blogging for ages all thanks to my job.! but i shall be quitting just that something is holding me.curious to noe?!ask me then =D
i will be blogging about my overseas' trip once i've grab the pictures from my cousin.=D the trip was great, fun and exciting.i didnt even wana head back to s'pore.lols ! most prob will be goiing again during to wait till everything is confirmed.hehehes!~
so guys, don't neglect my blog and check out my new updates soon =DD
Only one, 7:13 AM.