Tuesday, November 27, 2007

last post before i leave for china and macau !~ woohoo, i'm getting a little excited here.=D but something is disturbing me.the plane's duration is 3hrs and 40 mins.! i bet i'm gona have a bad tym on the plane. oh no !~ for your information, i've gt plane sick.hahas.!~ hopefully, medicine cures. =)
recently work is getting better. ;D been communicating with the others.today, the uncle knew that i was hungry and he went and bought me bread.so good larrs !~ he even recommended me part-time job.also, there's this colleague of mine been self-promoting himself to me.rofl !~ tink ler oso wana laugh. =X today, he came to my counter and said "hello, saw euu coming to work, my heart settled liaos". funnie isnt it?! and there's this tym he said " nvm, i'm 21, my thinking mature enough for euu".LOLS! he must be mad manz..but he's a good friend larrs.hehehes..=P
yay!~ tmr will be watching enchanted with pok.lols..heard that the show ish nice, hence i will be watching.hahas..to tink i still nagged ys and andrew of wasting $ watching movie.oh yahs, special thanks to them for making down the trip to town e other day.thanks lots ! =D
ending my post with all these pictures.(guys, save from my blog ah ;D)

` i didnt know vivo city's open space area had become a swimming pool =X

`<3 this girlfriend of mine =)

*with much love ;D

-till then. =D
Only one, 4:32 AM.
Saturday, November 24, 2007

lovely people out there!~ i shall blog a proper post today. worked afternoon shift today.practically doiing nothing and waiting for the time to pass. =.= will be working tmr from 7-12. =) i'm glad that i'm getting used to my workplace.people there r also becoming more friendly.=D
yay!~ tmr will be miting friends them.i don't know who's goiing..but i'm anticipating for the catching-up session. ;D i miss girlfriends them too.your noe who euu are.hahas! meet up soon alright.loves!~
oh yahs..recently i've been cooking at home. hehehes!~ this is one way of learning how to be a "jing.de.liao.chu.fang.chu.de.liaos.tian.tang" woman.(hopefully i've got that right). also, this is one way of saving $ too. tsk tsk..i'm getting more and more stingy.!~
x'mas is coming soon !!~ i wonder if i shall get excited over it.
alright shall end here.!~ take great care everyone...*yawn*

`nothing could have worked without them <3
Only one, 3:41 AM.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
find that my blog getting more borringgg~ pardon me for that.i've gt no tym to take nice pictures and to really blog ! i'm super exhausted after my work. i want to quit after my china/macau's trip. =D cannot earn that much too. =.=
so today, i met up with pok and we went bugis shopped.she bluffed my feelings, saying that she will buy something.in e end, was me who bought 1 top =D after that went mrt and considered very very long before we decided to go back bedok =) hahas !~
so tmr will be my off day.hmm..most slightly will be staying at home bahs.! rest rest rest!~ i miss everyone dearly ! =PP

*me and imran

`sin yong, i noe ur secret ! hahas =D


lovely friends!

`nico and me =D

* me and zhiliang =p

- i <3 the way we r ! =D


who says girls only noe how to take pretty pics?

nothing much to update.take care everyone ! =D
Only one, 4:33 AM.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
people i'm sooooooo~ tired till the extent i slept at 7 plus and woke up at 10 plus in the night.nw happie liaos..no need sleep lerrs. tmr still working morning shift. 6.45 must reach siia !~
super sway ! those who read my previous post, euu would have noe that i dun like 1 auntie there.todae sway sway took over her counter.we didnt even bother to exchange glance.if she's not older by me, i definitely will have a heated arguement with her ! currently , i didnt do anything bcos i respect her lorrs..she better dun step on my tail, if not hehehes ! free show liaos. =X
so yups, tmr will be goiing out with my girls.i miss them sooo much !~ =DD still brooding over where to go !~ it's always a hassle to decide places to go cause we always want a perfect place that is suitable for everyone's enjoyment. ^^
here are some of the pictures :

* we rock okays! <3 *

*andrew bud and me =)

-shaza and me=P

`one of my fav teacher !
today's blogger is very lag.hence, i will be blogging tmr i guess.more pictures coming up =D nites!
Only one, 7:20 AM.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
okish i'm super pissed!!~ i typed a uber long post and it went missing !~ arghhh!~forget it.start again !
i'm feeling so bored now.nobody's at home !~ anywayz i'm feeling much better lers, thus i'm here blogging.hahas , buddy tan told me that he thought my previous post is about bgr's stuffs.lols..don't be so blur like him.the post is merely about friends.nothing to do with boyfriend or wadever =D
todae was my 3rd day at work.hmm...still not bad though.only that a very stucked-up auntie oso working there. spoil my mood only. -.= hahas today i lost only $0.15 ! so happy larrs. cause last tym worked there too and i lost $20.somemore today i'm officially on my own liaos.woohooo~
so yups, grad nite ended beautifully.though it was not memorable but it was meaningful. Oh yahs, my school has a rockstar who rocked the hall on that nite tgt with his co.! =D wana know who ish he?

his performance was bravo okish.! whoever says him lousy or wad, i'm gona kill that person ! hehehess...rock on guys!=p
next up, shaza and yan ping got crowned the princess and prince.let's see the pic.=)

lols..they looked so nice~ next up, we popped the so-called "champagne".hahas was a veri nice experience because we popped together.united leis !~ ;D

we played some games too..one of the game, i ended up standing on the chair blowing balloon.so paiseh !~ but fun larrs.hahas.buffet was a no-no for me. i ate less than 5 spoonfuls and we went cam-whoring.yay!

miss her ! ;D

*sylvia and me =p

* me and chelchel ;D

-me and chongming.let's wave again ! ^^

* me and bud bin !~ =PP

* i donnoe y my eyes r red O.O

<33 them. ;DD

*with esther =)

me and miss pow, my form teacher .she's cute ! =p
-girlfriends' love ! <333

-with ang xun and bryan ^^
*they rocks my life =)
-she's my sweetie =D
* i <3 this pic with her ! ;DD

me and fadheela =)

*me and hamizah =P
i looked ugly in the above 2 pics.tired of smiling liaos.ahhas!~ and lastly presenting me !

i know i looked so tomboy larrss but i wana be unique mahss.hehess..=DD more pictures coming up, wait till i receive those pictures .so mini gallery will be up soon.=)
that's a summary of my grad nite.=D
end my post here.tmr still got work.exhausted.=.=
nites people <3
Only one, 4:04 AM.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
if only time stops for us,
if only there's no parting,
life will be so beautiful for me.
friends stay , friends go.
with all the memories etched in my memory
i miss and love every individual one of eu.
will blog again when i get my mood back.
Only one, 8:12 AM.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
geesss..i'm awake at 6.30 am. not knowing what to do, i decided to blog. =D time for my coffee time.^^
p.s: mystery is so uber hilarious.!~ rofl..
Only one, 2:46 PM.

hope euu enjoyed urself with us todae ;DD
been shopping for grad nite's stuff =D spent quite alot~ nearing 100 plus.hahas..the guys spent more siia..like 200 plus for their suit.lmao !~
so todae june,usa,cm and ys and aku went amk hub for shopping!~ oh yahs i wana apologise for letting them wait for me like 1.5 hrs?..i didnt let them know properly. and also bringing them for walking marathon.heess..i wanted to find the right coffee shop and we walked approximately 2.5 km??!~ ^^ shiok ryte ?..hahas..but i realli felt guilty larrs..=( hopefully they felt more refreshed after that and in this way, i will feel better.rofl !
ended up eating steamboat and june ate her individual meal and off we went to walk around.today's shopping trip was bravo.alot of laughter and jokes.(esp waving in the mrt)hahahs! i like i like..but it's a pity after tmr, we seldom have the chance to hang out tgt lerrs. and that idiotic usa goiing back bangkok lerrs..=( aiyas shouldnt sae much lerrs..but glad that i will be having breakfast with her before she leaves =) i bet she will miss me.hehehes.=DD
tmr gona go for a last shopping spree in the noon for my grad nite's stuff.hahas..then after tt woohoo...PARTY PEOPLE !~ ^^ still tinking where to go after grad nite =) and i'm scare of goiing hm late..hahas..there's alot of !@#$%^ people at my hse downstairs.but i do wana chill out with girlfriends em.<333 will be working on thurs liaos..hopefully it will be nice.!~shall stop here. check back for new updates . nitess !~
Only one, 7:55 AM.