Sunday, September 30, 2007
*my throat hurts alot..
Only one, 7:44 AM.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
somehow i'm such a disappointment.sigh!
anyways for everyone's info, todae i got some info abt the graduation night.if i'm not wrong, attire will be own attire..and know wad the gift for would be like $1 cd plus wrapper.i'm not sure if i see budget!
school will not allow us 1-2 weeks self study.we r gona go sch and have those block timetable till the week of the actual o's level.It's those 1 sub/2 hr those types..i won't give up, but i'm just losing those fighting i go.jiayou everyone ! =D
Only one, 4:35 AM.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
been busy with school works lately , thus didnt blog for days.took back prelim paper.though improved a lil bit compared to mid-yr but i'm still not content.seriously, i set very high targets for myself. LOLS ! remedials will be carried out daily till abt 5 or 5 plus.TORTURING is the most suitable word to describe school life now.but i'll just bear with it.1 month and that's it.!~
been sort of neglecting bestie recently =X i didnt mean it oh ! we shall hang out more often alright.=DD
ah pok and xin were annoyed by my attitude today i guess.lols ! but nvm, cause they sure will vent attitude back to me de.hahaass..and i don't mind =X HEHEHES
will not be blogging so frequent due to the upcoming exams ! =P but do continue tagging.
and lastly,
usa cheer up !!!~
we shall go have our "eating tour" soon ! =D
Only one, 5:13 AM.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
initially wanted to blog yesterday, but due to the frequent dc of my lappy, i've decided to forgo the thought of blogging.
had sci prac ytd which was my last prelims paper.felt nervous etc but i guess it's common bahss..cause first time experience it.lols ! 4e5ns' handphone was being confiscated till 3 o'clock.that's totally bullshit i resort to using phone that required 10 cents.hehs =D
i've roughly counted the days to o lvl papers.and the first paper(sci prac) will start in less then 35 days frm now on.the thought of it realli left me startled.arghhh...sincerely pray that i would get my idea results again.=P jiayou everyone!
anywayz on sat,went shopping with zhiying.hahas glad that there's still so much to chat about. lols ! planned many plans too.will carry out after o''s some of the pic.enjoy!

*me and zhiying =)
ahhh my post is so random.losing the interest of blogging.=X
having a bad headache will blog again soon =D
Only one, 5:34 AM.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
recently been keeping myself busy frm morning till night just to prevent myself from thinking some nonsenses.been indulging myself in foods too.i hate this feeling ! i realli hate it.making matter worse, grandma landed up in hospital.=( hoping she would be fine! Seeing mummy's sad face and mood and yet i cant do anything realli left me helpless.somehow life is just so fragile,i never knew grandma being healthy all along would land up in hospital in a split second.seriously, praying that she will be fine.oh no..such a bad feeling.i'm learning how to treasure people and friends around me.i realli hope nothing would happen to anyone of euu.=) i wana be a new me !~ i wana leave the past and burdens behind.i wana have a fresh start.haizz...
anywayz went out with xin on mon. long time didnt went out with her headed to town to shop around.initially wana buy cardigan derhs but in e end decided to buy other days.hahahs =D next went bugis.walked arnd,bought 1 t-shirt for myself and xin bought ermss..t-shirt,watch and hp accesories.lols! first time she bought more than me xDD then went swensens eat ice-cream.yummy yummy!!~ hehehes.went home arnd 6.
pictures :

`me and xin <3

` sisters =D
sentosa's trip pictures(usa,eric,zhiying and me):

* me and usa =D

*eric,zhiying,usa and me =p

*in the toilet =X

-me,ME,me !~

*zhiying and usa =D

*me and zhiying ^^

*eric and usa : )
Only one, 9:55 PM.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
alright !~ i'm here blogging again.a big relief that prelims r finally OVER!~cheerioss ^^
had teachers' day celebration in sch.402 had planned a mini party for miss pow who ish our (form teacher).so, my whole class assembled in canteen to sing the "teachers' day song" for her and invited other teachers to come along too.present of the day is a huge winnie the pooh.=pp so cute lurrss..indeed it was a pleasant yet memorable day.<33 intending to go out with girlfriends em after sch derhss..but something happened den cancel everything.dun bothered to elaborate more usa out for shopping den went back pri sch find eric and her.then after that went mit xin sweet of her =DD special thanks to these 2 girlfriends and also chel chel,jiawen,sylvia,elise and xiuli for the details of the celebrations ! <3

` class 402 <3

`miss pow with her pooh !

` teachers of 402

the boys and mr mohamad =D

`me and sinyong =p

-crazy girl and me .thanks for being there for me <33

` beloved classmates ! ^^

*xin with yongshun =)

*sinyong with sylvia =D

`the 6 ladies : )

` fake boyfriend and girlfriend =X

* they rocks my life =p

*pok and ling =D

*i wonder y must they act cool..lmao!~ cute lurrs..

-us =PpP

-sort of mega stars yea..lols!

* not whole class.

went to queue for these dougnut with that crazy girl.hahas..till now the dougnuts r still in my fridge.=.=
okish there's more to i'm gona blog again when i'm free and will reply all the tags when i'm done with all posting.lols!...most slightly tonite or tmr bahss..check back again.lols..more pictures coming up.lastly, presenting the last picture of the pic

love us!~ =D
Only one, 11:58 PM.
Everyone, i will blog everything check back !~ =DD
Only one, 9:22 AM.