Wednesday, August 29, 2007
hahas..finally left 2 major papers for prelims tmr.many problems occurred during the examination like mixing up the timing for diff subject.hahas..=.= but anyways i'm gona realli enjoy myself after prelims.=DD i miss shopping BADLY.but also, i'm gona save $ from now on...provided i've got the will to do that.imagine goiing out nt leaving a single cent home is quite a bad thing.? i believe all of us must be well balanced financially.
another thing is that online-shopping is realli tempting.Now i've got the urge to buy tons of bags! =D woolala..but but but must stick to my principle of not wasting $$ friends, do remind me ! =pp scarly ur ownself oso go shop till drop.lols..
on the other hand, girls must always learn to dress themselves up.! having a nice dress-up plus confidence would be great.i've had no idea what i'm blabbering about but overall dressing up is a MUST !
okish i'm off to resting and studying.i'm looking forward to tmr.yippie!~ =P
Only one, 3:32 AM.
been rather busy these few days over the prelims.seriously i hated exams so much..!~ but no choice, everyone has to go thru yups..while i'm resting now..i'm here blogging.=D
watched ''secret'' .date had been so long.the show was interesting but i did not understand the ending till pok and usa explained to me.waste my $9.50.hahahs!

english was okish with a certain level of difficulty.=) so tmr will be geo and e maths paper 1.arghh..driving me mad..esp geo! so much to learn. -.-
best wishes to all to those taking prelims and the coming common test ! =p
i'm awaiting to end the prelims that case, can hang out with sisters and darlings em..yippie!!~ and someone better dun forget my zoo's trip! lols.
saw lizard ytd when goiing like a mad girl.luckily, whole family slept lerrs if not sure have a good laugh de..and i seemed to have affinity with lizard nahss..after every studying , sure gt lizard pop out.!~shooooo!~ no wonder no mosquitoes.!~ahhahas..
okish shall stop to studying..oh no!~
Only one, 1:41 AM.
shldnt be bothered about him.omigod!!~.he better dun piss me off again.!~last warning manz..serious!everyone has their limit.bloody prude*!~
sch was so boring as time goes i wish i can get out of this sch soon!~ lunch was great with girlfriends' craps and laughters but i was so lethargic.=((
will not be online till after exams.hopefully i can resist the temptations =)
Only one, 6:46 AM.
sch was pretty fine today. =D erms except for cracking my brains deeply for A maths test!~ special thanks to usa for the sandwiches she made for me.hees..dun jealous people xD coz some of my friends got it too..weetss!~
went to eat with bestie,huats and trina after intensive studying and went hm after having a super shortest chat ever coz my mother ordered mac for dinner le.lols!so sorry arhs..left early.alright shall stop here.goodnitess.lots of love!~ =)
thanks pok for the lovely song and huats for the lovely ahems*.hahas!~
* heaven is always playing trick on us,
* somehow everything r juz predestined.
suddenly i wana feel myself to be loved again xD
Only one, 5:35 AM.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
gt sch pretty early todae as miss pow said there's photo-taking.of cos dun wan miss tried my best prepare ealier.In e end, reached sch, she said ish next thurs.-.==
so sch was pretty alright todae except for the small grp teaching.had our e maths lesson ad that PEARL SAW'S classroom.i tell ur, she's the worst tchr i've ever met.yups..she's a 'elderly' who ish damn bitchy and yups fat!~lols..todae hongling was chased out of the classrm as both of em got into an a fit of anger, i told her i'm goiing out too.and xin oso went out too...xD idiot!~
after that a maths oso.i got into a mini arguement with miss pow too.questions that i noe ,dun wan ask.dunnoe derhs den ask.made me malu-ed myself in front of so many friends.i hate her for today.!!~and i'm so disappointed in one of my friend.arghhh...things didnt went so well todae.=(
after sch went cut fringe,and den eat with june and usa.hahas..thanks to em,cheered up a mini bit.den went arnd inter area and shop den back home xD
Only one, 5:46 AM.
got back o's chi results ytd,elated that i got my ideal grade =)
for those who did well..congrats!~=p
those who did quite nt bad..jiayou oh!!~ =DD
those free might want to roam around my friends' blog like june de.hahas she always gt interesting tabloids yups..lastest news and stuffs like that.=) in other words, i'm helping her to publish her blog.hoho xD i can predict that one dae her blog might become my sch's popular blog.=XX
morning something veri scary happened to not wish to elaborate anymore.hopefully tmr will be smooth...=)
euu noe, recently i realised that people tend to be very weird at time.once a person treat another person well, the other person do not know how to yups one of the person ish me =D hence, frm now on i wont be treating the person good lerrs.somehow i realise if the person treat me bad ALWAYS, i find it no reason to treat that person more 2nd chance =)
nites..beloved peers!~ <33
Only one, 8:10 AM.

*bestie and me* =)

*us with the bdae girl =)

*nic sis,joy,me and angel bestie
went to min's bbq ytd which was held ad pasir ris park.hehes..reached there with usa.=D soon after, bestie,ling dear and her bf(mic) came.hahas...crapped arnd den went bbqing for food.oh ya, special thanks to zu er,christina and daffy(ppl called her that} for helping me to sweet of em =) i do help out oso, dun wish to be label as missy like that and at the same tym, they can also enjoy their food =pp
so at arnd 8 plus..many people came.lazy to typed out their names..but mostly are sec 3s.drank too! and my face ended up reddish..=X but i didnt go sehs and i'm still conscious.=pp heess..joked and crapped arnd with bestie and black monkey.*weets* saw steph darling too..went and gave her a hug!~hahas.birthday girl came ad 9 plus.hurhur...the surprise was indeed successful and she cried.awww..a veri touching ate the cake..and waited awhile den went over to wish her and gave her a sweet hug.XD
hugged esther goodbye and went hm with bestie,steph darling and her bf after that =) so sway, sat on the bus nearing to my hse lerrss..the bus broke dwn.lmao~ended up walking hm.
didnt manage to go to zhang dong liang's signature conference.kind of disheartening cause woke up at arnd 2.=( but i'm alright.hehs...will travel overseas next there's ample of opportunity.(like real ah!).
kish shall stop here.wont be blogging for the next few days.take care peeps!~
anywayz i wana try cooking frm nw on!~
and i wish i can eat the diff variety of doughnut sold ad plaza sing nw.yummy!!~=DD
Only one, 3:01 AM.
was suppose to mit june,usa and xin was super tired and lazy in e end never slacked ad hm awhile till 4 plus.june msged me and told me they saw a wallet that i wan and i rushed dwn to tamp to mit e end went there the wallet, i dun realli super thanks to the 3 of em!!~ esp usa and june who waited for me like 45 mins??THANKS LOADS!<333
anywayz those who r feeling real sad or bad now..must realli cheer up alright!!~esp my zhong.long.bao. been so emo recently.must jiayou oh! =DD
Only one, 5:40 AM.
Thursday, August 09, 2007

*darling friends.!~ =D

*me and usa <33

*me and ah pok <33

*i noe i looked extremely toot =X

`group pics without dianiel and andrew =)
fireworks' pictures that i took =p

*i dunnoe when i've become a red-eyes girl =X

* the unity in em =PP

*esther and me =)
so yups i'm gona blog abt ytd.=)
ytd went mit usa and ah pok ad phonebooth at arnd 3??...and ah pok was late!~hahas after that we headed over to princess mac to acc usa to hab lunch.and there's was this cute lil mini fan thqat came into good use in the evening.lols!after eating we went suntec to walk arnd while waiting for the guys...and all of us assembled at arnd 5 plus ad marina square.there were june,usa,me,ys,sy,wuyu,andrew,jeff,eric,cm,kengleong,weiyuan and was EXTREMELY crowded whenever we went!~so went mac to order mac and drinks etc den went to esplanade there.
elieen and nico came too =) so while squeezing up the flatform, there's this super duper 'kiasu' lady who seems like nr in her life she had seen the ndp's event, and she pushed me,june and usa super for the frustrated me who asked her to stop pushing, she looked ad me as though she dunnoe end lang.omigod.!so i will skipped de between part.
finally we ended up at a vast area of grassland den slowly moved to outside esplande.hahas..took pictures etc and saw mya and charlotte.hahas she waved to me intitially bt i couldnt recognise her =/ in e end i did wave back..weets~
han ping and his friend came after that.after 1 hr plus of standing,we finally caught the view of the fireworks.this yr's firework aint veri fabulous.i still prefer the new yr derhs.lols!~my legs went wobbly after that.hahas! walked frm esplanade there to plaza sing to have our the midway, those guys and usa were having some kind of challenge which exhausts em completely.-.==
went eat mac again and after that all went hm.hehes..a veri interesting and elated day.yippie =ppp
hope ling enjoyed her day with her bf too =DD
Only one, 8:29 PM.
will blog abt today tomorrow =) nites people.i'm just so tired..zzzzz!~
Only one, 9:31 AM.
extreme apologises for forgetting ur birthday..=pp hehes..erms here wishing euu age more faster =XX arghhh!!~no la..lols..wishing euu to find ur ''plant'' soon and oso fantastic results this yr =DD
school was dreading today.dragged my feet lessons to lessons.but ad least there's no sch from wed-sun.yippie hooray.should be goiing national dae celebration in sch this cuming wed.pon alot of activities in sec this yr must go.=DD will be uploaded once ling send me.anywayz ling must jiayou ah!!~ =ppp
* =)
Only one, 5:32 AM.

went out with darling girls em. =D enjoyed my outting...firstly went town,shopped arnd.after that headed to peninsular to buy ex -.= and i realised i'm getting fat liaos.zzzz!for dinner, we went suntec,just noodles to have our delicious yet appeitising dinner.=DD
more pictures will be uploaded soon =D
Only one, 12:28 AM.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
try this out.=) a love test!~
Only one, 2:06 AM.