school seemed to be playing tricks on students recently.told us that small grp was cancelled,den resumed, den cancelled.it's somehow make our heart skipped abit.i admit i'm super lazy to attend those boring lessons!!~lols =D
as usual, i'm blogging because i'm giving myself excuse not to complete the homework.hahas..if not i dun tink i will blog.i would rather conserve the energy for like ermss..packing my room etc??..it had been ages since i last went shopping.but i'm looking forward to this sat!~ goiing outing with sisters really cheers me up.cheerios ^^ shld be buying the skinny this sat bahs.hurhur xD
i super duper dun wish thurs to arrive.reason being, a maths test will be taken back.yahs i doubt this time i could get at least 1 mark??..and as usual i would be the last again.sighhss..somemore i'm having some kind of phobia towards A maths.i'm always the last =( of course, i wouldnt show it out larrs..that ish uberly disgracing.sch should have cancel the morning lessons for thurs..!~ i'm so scare lalala.!~
i dunno y majority of the sec 4 and 5 guys always tink that once they r in poly next yr, they would be able to find their right one.that is so rubbish!~ somehow,mayb the one for them ish juz right in front of them??..i'm stating this fact ish nt because of my own personal stuffs.i wouldnt be so thick-skinned though.i've said this ish because there ish this particular ''couple'' in my class whom i tink suit each other perfectly but who knows they 2 r juz avoiding the issue whenever my classmates and i bring up?? lols!~ no matter what, i do hope to see them get together.muahahas..i'm a 'k-po girl''. =XX
i guess i've slacked more than i should.shall end here.and i wana sae i <3 all my sisters and friends around me.<33 nitesss!~
Only one, 6:19 AM.

` bunnieeeee~ <3
Only one, 2:30 AM.
boring sunday staying at home.got my 2 ss SEQ done! that's a veri good thing for me.=)) ytd nite was a veri miserable nite for me..i couldnt quite able to breathe due to the flu...~!@#$%^ but i'm glad that it got better and i wouldnt have to miss tmr class.
morning went out with xin =)then came hm arnd 1 plus..cooked porridge to eat and yahs it's nice.!~ *2nd try* hahas...went studying with usa and june.went 85 eat after that.so we ordered stingray just beside the pig's organ shop and it came after 1/2 hr plus.i understand sat always have to wait for like donkey years for our food to arrive but others who came later then us gt their earlier than us.why ish this so??!~ it's so infuriating!~ tinking we young girls can get bullied easily.PRUDISH PEOPLE!~so much so i wanted to scold 'f***' but i refrained myself frm saying that.i've already stop my vulgarities since like sec2?? in a sense it got so much lesser that it almost become nil per day =pp anywayz wana sae thanks to june for acc-ing us.lols!~though i noe euu'r reluctant.LOLS!!~
read june's blog and kinda gt influenced by herr..i hope this girl would juz stop her atrocious behaviour before everyone starts to hate her.=) i dun wish to hate her too =)
prelims is starting on aug 24 and i've nt realli start revising yet.this ish veri worrying but i couldnt help it la.uber lazy.lmao~ but i do go for night study to kind of study a lil.hopefully my l1r4 wont exceed 40.lols!
bestie..if euu're reading this post..i didnt forget that i said wana post ur pictures de.hahas..but i tink i will post next time when the whole post is about friends??..lols!
alright..shall stop here.some pictures for today.(random)


`tasteless milo provided in sch =X

`the s******** tag team.lols!~


`when my slipper went missing.
another went missing too.

masterminds: the idiotic tag team =Ppp

* stupidity exists =D

and, when it's time to get serious

-typical sch girl
Only one, 1:37 AM.
damn it! sick once again.flu had become one of the common illness i get every nw and then.wonder should i go sch on mon?..
anyw the store that sell stingray at 85 ish a realli idiot stall.will update soon.check back again.pictures shall oso be uploaded soon!~ nites people.
Only one, 9:35 AM.
i must realli admit i'm getting more muddle-headed.today was my prelim oral den i didnt noe, till today's morning when classmates em were spreading arnd.and of course early in the morning i was malu again which caused girlfriends em to have a good laugh! also, i forgot todae gt pe and i wear uni go sch.arghh!~like a weirdo.lastly i forgot tht i've already bought my concession and i wan put coinss for bus trips
-.= wo de tian ah!forget about all these stuffs manz.hahas.
today's morning went sch feeling abit lethargic.as usual, juz board the bus, got a lil bus sick and yahs stoppid headache came back again.=( sch was interesting today and went smoothly too.hehehess..that is because i studied for ss test and i find that today's oral was pretty much of an excitement rather than some bored shit which freaked students out.
after sch went s21 eat with usa,june,cm,yeo hao and pw.=X he* just tagged along.after eating,ran back sch in the rain!~lols..den cm em climbed gate in.then studied tgt with chongming and yongshun em.hahas..ys treated us to ice-creammm.thanks! =D went pasar malam and home after that.=))
to usa and 'mynose': you 2 must jiayou okishhh!~ dun tink so much le.anything tell me or call me alright..wu.gui.jing.shen!~ =DD
wont be updating so often lerrss due to the coming exams!!!~ =)) nites!
Only one, 7:45 AM.
*hahas..i wished him on the actual day but late post only.hahas =D
finally weekend arrived.it seemed so long for these 2 days to arrive. =pp met up with angel and ling to go to penisular to get some skinnies.i didnt get any. hahas..after that went bugis shopped around...bought one short.hoho xD actually there's one bag that caught my eyes, but the price ish kinda too steep and that auntie dun wana gib me the ideal price so i juz walked off lorrs...came home lerrs..heart abit ''sour''. tink would go down to bugis and buy that bag soon bahs.hahas ling and angel bought 2 identical backpacks.=)
goiing home that tym saw aaron,fenghao,zhiwei,jonathan,bryan and mic.lols..den ling chatted with mic awhile den went off lerrs.and aaron ish so damnnnn lame!~ =X hahas after that ling went town mit her friend and angel and me went princess mac and back hm.lols!~till now my thoughts are filled with the white sling bag!~
anywayz a lil update on usa's bdae.hahas..everything went smoothly except for the first part.ahahas..so yahs, hope she like the mini celebration.lols!~so that dae was the first tym i cleaned the foyer with mop.wahahas..same goes to the rest.but it's definitely worth it larrs.coz was fun.wana look ad the pics,den go to nicola's blogg and see =D
somehow i wonder if i've any illness siia.reason being , i've super bad headache these few dayss and after awhile it kind of soothe down.and today's flu turn it worst.frm morning sneeze all the way to bugis!~ lmao~ po piii ah..nothing wrong with me.lols!~
i felt happie seeing my girlfriends happily together with their boyfriends.i dunnoe y too.hahas mayb by there, i can sense happiness??..rofl~~
alright, shall stop here.=p goodnitesssss!~

*usa's birthday cake =pp

`once again, hanping falls aslp in class again. =X


` all these r headaches to me -.-

`she rockss =))
Only one, 8:36 AM.
hahas gona go back sch now with the birthday cake..ltr she's gona be smash!!~muahahas =D
will blog soonn...hope she will enjoy the mini party held ad the foyer...=pp
Only one, 1:47 AM.

i'm back posting.wheee!~ i'm busy these few days watching wei xiao pasta.it's veri nice..your should go watch.hahas..i also wana have that type of ''ai qing'' .muahahhas =D and also i watched till i fall sick -.=
had so many mock exams till i forgot.lols!~ only noe i had numerous e maths,a maths and science mock exams and that's realli driving me mad.and it's juz few more weeks to prelims.wo de tian ahhhh~
realised i'm like blind like that =X that day juz nice saw desmond and he was sitting rite in front of me and yet i took so long to see him.lols!and juz now asraf walked past me and i didnt noe till i heard that idiot wawa song.lols!
and recently been soooooo forgetful, forgot to zipp my bag 2-3 days in a row and hence i've decided to change back to shoulder bag to prevent any malu-ness.i've never failed to malu myself whenever i'm outside.hahas..for example, juz nw while eating ad 85, i spilled chilli onto my rice and yahs whole table was filled chilli.lmao~
-1 week frm now, i would be really free..jiayou!no more postersss!~
Only one, 6:32 AM.
was so tired in sch today!~ nothing goes well.my mood as usual was that that bad.=( had my dinner with usa and pok juz nw.^^ and usa took my hp ; wana prank me.last min, when she's rushing for her bus 14, she took my hp and run with her and i hab to run to chase my hp.so picture the scene now..relay runnerss..lols.so paiseh!~ =X saw liken,jiajun and desmond ad 85 too.long time didnt saw em le.hahas.
stop here! =)
Only one, 5:31 AM.
had my chinese o's oral ytd and i screwed my passage.conversation tink still managable??..
qn goes something like that:students wearing uniform had been commonly seen in the public doiing intimate actions...what r ur views??so i blabbered alot and i act calm but i was so freaking nervous that any words that came to my mind, i just said out.=p
today's qn was something to do with excercise..!~tink should be qute difficult.anyways,pok..dun tink too muchhh!~can score well de =))
i'm sooooooooo tired!~ has a feeling i may fall sick anytime in the coming days.=X arghhh!~hence, i tink i'll consume more of those healthier foods so that the vit a,b,c can fight any bacteria.lols..so nonsense =.= i'm off to my revisions nw.tmr hab a maths ,e maths test and chem mock exam.see how am i gona survive??
and also starting from next mon, i wont be online so often lerrs.so yahss..we'll see hw it goes. =DD
Only one, 5:21 AM.
!@#$$%^ typed a long post and went missing after that.idiotic.cut short liaos la..hahahs...so didnt went night studying todae..wasnt feeling well so an off day for me.lols!~ tmr ish my chinese o's level oral exam..hopefully i can do well ah!!~omigod...super paiseh can..XD
oh yahs, recently been looking quite serious and dao..-.= so if i happen not to smile to euu, i didnt mean it de =) i guess it's been due to the heavy workload and the hectic schedule..
huats..sorrie ah these few days like neglect euu and let euu worried for me.i'm realli okish..we'll have our idiotic chat soon okish.hahas probably next week onwards??take lotsa care ah!~...and angel dun tink so much okish. XD yay!~ okish off to do some practices for tmr .=pp

*miss yik =D
Only one, 4:24 AM.