this week is a veri tiring week for me..been studying till 8 plus in the nite these 5 days.still can tahan..hahas bt tink by next wk shld be already abit worn-out le.>.<
anyw few days back, we met this mentally nt in gd condition de old auntie at princess mac while studying and she started doiing stunts siia.chuat till us(bestie,pok,ling,xin and me) all rush out of the mac.lols!after we left...the rest who sat nearby us,left too.scary!~and many happenings too...which i forgotten already =p
career guidance was quite useful to fact it was veri useful.=D had our phy's mock exam today and i sure fail...coz i nr study.=.= too busy lerrss so many homework to do..but at the veri least i did clear majority of em.hehess...geo's class was kinda bad..shouted ad one of my classmate who is a good friend of mine and i felt so bad.had a mini-breakdown too .so paiseh!~conclusion= disturb at the wrong tym lerrs.but that's just part of the reason.guess overall i thought too much.=( anyw thanks to usa, june,ling and xin for being there and aaron for cheering me up.lols! =D went kfc eat and headed to study and back hm =))
*fate always play a joke on me.
anyways studies comes first =))
guess i wouldnt be blogging so frequently..gotta concentrate on studies lerrs.
Only one, 7:07 AM.
sch officially started today..!~morning was a real rush for me..didnt realli packed my bag according,ended up rushing out of my hse. >.<
so,knew my intensive's tchr todae .2 of whey took me for physics and miss(or wadever) audrey lim took me for eng.june,ling and xin em nt same class in eng as me siia! *faints* dunnoe will be alone anots.would be so bored larrs..lols! mr whey ish so cute &funnie.=p
after sch went eat,after that slack at library and home sweet home.=D
i've decided to treat us as strangers and i meant it this time.
though i'm reluctant but i guess it's best for us.=)
Only one, 3:35 AM.
=(( ytd nite was the most worried night i've ever had.!~ dad's condition suddenly got worse and family members including my ah ma who came, took care of him till 2 plus.
so, went to slp ad arnd 2.30 & woke up ad 5 a.m to call ambulance. =.= i tell euu i almost cried in e ambulance but luckily i controlled my tears. =.=
oh yahs, so first tym the civil defenders came and one of the girl ish damn xialan to my ah ma.if at that moment i wasnt so worried abt my dad, i swear i would scold the girl till upside down.she's nt even FIT to be one civil defender.i curse and swear that her mouth grow tons of ulcers till she cant talk!~ and if this girl happens to view my blog, i curse again that her eyes gt tangled up =X
euu see, this kind of girl doesnt deserve the deserved respect, though cursing n swearing isnt wad my character would do, this would be the ''one tym'' i gib the honour to her!~
so waited 2 hrs plus in the hospital,actually wana msg botak but in e end, i forgo the thought =(( and i almost zzzzz..fortunately dad gt discharged and headed hm.reached home, took care of him and i zzz till 6 plus...phewss..!~
*hoping that everybody would stay healthy =((
Only one, 4:17 AM.

`jennie and angel-nie. LOLS =DD

`i dunnoe wad i doiing ad that tym =ppp

` one of a kind =))
finally end my holiday intensive studying.overslept this morning and i take my own sweet time to sch.hahahas!~ intensive study was nt bad for this whole week just that our morning break ish too short.sumtym i left only 10 mins to eat whereby i'm a slow eater =XX so often i goes hungry.lols.after sch went sheng siong with darling girls em and had a great tym =p
lastly hope huats will do well for her coming common tests.!~huatyyy~~
Only one, 4:45 AM.
i realised i'm uber lazy to blog for now, due to ennui,i've decided to post.lols!
so today went to town with bestie..hahas told her that i would call her at about 10 plus, in e end i overslept.hahahas..prepare for like 1 hr plus and went to mit her lerrs..went town eat and shop..nothing caught my eyes.actually the main intention of goiing town today is to round up the gss sale, who knows i didnt bought anything.arghhH!~ for the whole journey in town, there r ppl asking for donations, so after bargaining ,overall i donated $1.40!~hahahas ..this ish nt called stingy as the ppl there first call $4 or $10. =.= anyways there's this particular guy thought that i said hi to him and he replied ''huh''.bhb!!!~ =P long story~
with the aimless walking, we decided to go p.s and i suggested to walk there.lols..bestie was wearing heels.rofl~ went play arcade, our favourite game..and we sat in BETWEEN 2 couples.super bian we single mahs..hahas den ''kui sio'' with em.hahahs...den after that went eat ljs...yummy!~ went princess mac slack awhile and home we went.
*bestie is getting more sweet lerrs her so much!!!~weetsss =DD tmr intensive study will be posted tmr or sat =))
Only one, 5:25 AM.
today start of intensive study again..didnt really get the mood right to head back to school. =( tying my hair alone takes half an hour till i decided after school go cut fringe.=p
still gt 3 more days to struggle and next week sch lessons will be extended to 5 plus, 6. *phews*
so today after sch, went bubble tea shop to eat then headed to bedok inter to cut hair.thanks xin,june and ling for waiting for me!~ =D today's queue was fast..lols..after that went library awhile and go home lerrs.
oh yahs..anyway euu guy must realli go listen ke you lun's of the song ''zero'' ish super nice!~super rock =pp

* she's a big bullier =X

* my precious ones.yay!~

*<3 beloved z.l.b
i wish i wouldnt be so sentimental.. seems like nothing good come to me. =( nites.
Only one, 6:00 AM.
woke up ad arnd 12 todae..super tired!~ xD prepare everything lerrs, then went to meet ling ad phonebooth.wear so casual today* hehes =D saw jiawen there too.weets* so long didnt see her liaos..after that ling acc me go eat den we went bugis..!~ she went collect her top, as for me ,i actually wanted to get new sch bag derhs bt in e end didnt buy the bag.Instead, i bought 1 t-shirt. =)) noisy ling bought 1 t-shirt too.yay!~
pokky comes mit us after that.hahas and she thinks she's being veri cute by bullying me just right after she mit has been what she's saying from bugis street to bugis junction and back to bedok. =.= so walked arnd n back hm =pp
tinking if i should go club next week. =X ling told me it's veri fun!~ so being a noob, i would like to go have a try sch the next day.arghhh!!!~ how??..
sunday ish father's day.Have your got any idea what to give to ur dad??awww...i'm idea-less now...hopefully i wont make him angry on that particular day.hahas..=DD
tmr goiing pp library study..heess heess..hopefully tmr got the right mood to absorb all the information.=D next week intensive gona start again.all boring lessons!~

*jennie and hongling <3

*june and jennie<3

` ru-nie & ling-nie. LOLS!~
Only one, 8:54 AM.
yesterday went cycling with june,zhiying,eric,sin yong,yongshun,andrew and dianiel.=) it's been a long time since i last cycled.must really say i old lerrs.cycle awhile den rest liaos..lols =D
while cycling, zhiying suddenly told me huats and trina were in front of us.lols!~ didnt noe so fated siia..cause initially i knew she was goiing ecp bt didnt noe we would mit..
so i suddenly stopped, bt didnt noe i was in the middle of the road..den bibabom!~zhiying's bicycle banged onto me,i kena sum injuries on my hands and 1 baluku on my back.hahas..but okish nahs..i'm strong..just that tossed on the bed lers abit pain =X oh yahs..sorrie to zy too, tink she got sum injuries on the hands.heng! the rest siam fast coz at that moment i was leading.LOLS...hahahs den the rest twist and twirl.muahahas =X zhen shi bao qian. -___-lll ecp, got many fit guys siia.not bad !~ i don't have the intention to go see arhs..juz that cycled past then see some of them still quite fit and tanned. =p
not long after we returned the bicycle, it started to pour.walked in the rain to take bus to pp and have mac as our dinner and home we went. =))
hahas woke up ad 2 like that, slept again at 3 and woke up at 5.super worn out liaos.even skipped my breakfast cum lunch!!~ =X yay!~tmr goiing to have a look at now the current bags.dunnoe wana buy so waste $.
some random pics:

` happie happie.=)

~ <3

- darling girls =p

`we love sports!!~ LOLS.
*arghh..looked so ugly x 10000 in all the pics as recently didnt manage to take nice just post this pictures.lols..they look nice jiu hao.hehehes =D
Only one, 10:06 AM.
to fast 1 yr liaos horrs..we've grown up 1's okish ib babies becum angel liaos..we still can bear more.lols.craps manz!~okish la.serious.
ahemsss!!~firstly wana thanks euu for all the laughter euu had brought me.
1.peeking ad me when i eating been hoon and run with the sponge box =X
3.paiseh here paiseh there.
4.our honeymoon <3
5.huhu kou
6.our ''hahas la''
and lots more.and oso super thanks for ur encouragements this past 1 yr.without ur encouragements, i tink i would still be sinking into my past relationship.i've never forgotten the ''ah ma'' story euu've told me..and anything euu have said to me.
My little wonderful birthday euu organise for me.let euu,angel and trina ''bo fei'' le.heeess =pp tsk tsk...nw tink back, we had already gone thru so much nahs..ib i nt wrong only sort of quarrel 2 tym.frankly speaking can sae no quarrel ad all.and of course our working tgt.<333
currently so speechless.just a word THANKS!!!~ and i <3 euu...yay!~
hope we can be chang change jiu jiu.OIOIOI. =DD
*p.s: pllp89 ish a girl.dun misunderstood =)
Only one, 9:06 AM.
today was a super bad day for me.this is what happened.i slept ad around 3 plus(which had already become my daily routine) and woke up at 5 a.m due to the rheumatism i had.misery siia!!~
this illness or disease is caused by not wiping our legs dry after bathing and head to an air-conditioned room or into a rm with the maximum strength of a fan.LOLS!~
i tell ur..this ish super duper TORTURE. =( ended up, i burst in tears.lols!~ buay ta han lorrs..went to tell my parents and ended up my dad nagged more than consol-ing or helping me.qi si wo le~~ and soon this results to shoutings here and there..hahas morning 5 plus,house gt shoutings mother supported me, shout back dad.yay!~ but i super guilty after that larrs..coz i didnt wana shout at my dad derhs.'' yi.yan.nan.jing'' somemore i don't like expressing myself.even if i noe i shouldnt hab done it, i oso fake fake give one black face.tian ah!~ =((
but the super touched thing ish that my mother actually consoled me and helped me to rub the oil on my's seemed the tinest and the necessary thing to do, but this little small thing touched deep in my heart.awww..and of course some words she said..wahs super super nicee...~weetss!~
now then i realise mother's love surpasses other different type of i wish i can tell my mother face to face how much i love herr!~ but somehow i lacked the courage~ *faints* i'm sure majority of the people oso have alike character as mine
-.= this 2 sentences replaced all the words i wana sae in my heart.
-some words are better left unsaid
-actions speak louder than words
*no offence to those whose mother are not around.sincere apology.
recently, found some aims again. =p so i gona start making plans liaos.arghh..somehow lazyness always prevent me from carrying out my plans.jiu ming again!!~whatever it is, i hope i can succeed larrs.cheeriossss...=DD
and know why i typed so long??..this is to stop me from watching dramas etc.i've been simply too indulge in dramas liaos..till i forget that today ish fri.oh aysh speaking of this, didnt manage to join eric ,yongshun and co. for badminton..must have missed out the fun. =((
tink i stopped here.hope i can have a pleasant sleep tonite..
goodnite everyone...*yawn*
Only one, 8:08 AM.

` 4 yrs of sisters and we're still counting <3

`these girls rock my life =))
yesterday went for this english seminar talk..super boring and i ran away during the break.headed to cine with june,ling,xiu,elise,jiawen and esther.=) after that slacked arnd at taka..have our lunch etc then june,usa and me all went find the guys.initially thought they would have some fun ideas to keep us entertained..but in e end waited for so long lorrs..=.= 21 of them!!~lols..sometimes i do really envy their unity. =D the end, we decided go marina square play bowling.hahas..super malu..cause long time since i last played but overall still not bad larrs.lmao!~ after that went arcade awhile den shopped around with june...saw lingdi there..ahhh!~so miss her!~ <3 went home around 6 plus.
stayed at home the whole day.woke up..muscles pain due to the exertion of my muscles yesterday.lols..rot at games.waste my time...!~anyone wana jio me go out??..i'm so boredd!!~hehehess..stingray, dun rot ad hm!~lols
been rather obsessed with dramas recently till i dreamt that i'm gona marry the prince in the drama.hahahas..if only it is true.<333
maybe in the near future, i wouldn't wana stay in singapore le bahs.i long for the place with no stress, no problems..only beautiful things exist.the beautiful place i have in my mind will be filled with a vast area of green grassland..with me sitting in the middle of it admiring the surroundings and enjoying the atmosphere..riding the horse wandering around.
a house situated beside a beach.during my leisure time,i would just take a stroll at the beach.

of course, all these will take place with my love ones.aint it?? All these scenes seemed so memerising.i'm truely, madly in love with all these places.i wana go soon!!~ and i definitely will =))
Only one, 8:01 AM.