28 mins past 1.i'm still awake..feeling so lethargic yet wanting to rot instead of slping.ahhhhhh!!!~ currently listening to sarah's blog song.not bad =))
over the past few days, other than intensive study, it's still intensive study.super bored..frankly speaking i've gt the urge to just coop myself in the hse and not wanting to go anywhere.siaos??!!~nahs nahs..either ish over-stressed or over-siaoed.muahhahas =X even this post seemed abit of unique??..with lots of ballocks goiing on.~~~
for those who wanted so much to noe my results, i wouldnt say the detailed one bt let ur noe i failed my overall =(( sighsss...i wana burn away the bkssss!!~~i'm gona tear the bk away with all my might...i wana screammm on top of the cliff....!!!~
dun tink i'm goiing back dance liaos..not bcos i lost the passion for it, it's just that...some words are best left to be unspoken.=))
to angel bestie: i'm super touched by ur post.cheeriooosss~i'm nt veri gd with words la..euu shld noe better than anyone else, so mayb find somedae i'll hab all my thoughts pen down, or mayb would send euu email etc to reply euu back ah.all i can sae here ish thanks!!!~ <333 let's go gaigai soon!~
aiyayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya!!!~papaya manz!~
Only one, 10:26 AM.
i'm so super worn-out!!!~slept ad like 2,3 plus yesterdae due to the ICE COFFEE MOCHA i had during yesterday evening.. =.= so had my o lvl chinese paper today.hmm..overall nt bad larrs.but ish after i rewrote 2 tym of letter-writing and 3 tym of compo.lmaossss~ guess too nervous liaos...*faints* and super sianz de matter ish PW sat behind me...all my concentration was diverted manz but of course not towards him!!!~
after paper, went inter to eat with bestie.hope she's feeling much better now =)) felt so guilty couldnt help her ad all n super disappointed with one of my other friend for not helping directly??.sighsss..whatever it is, hope that everything will turn out fine.woohoo!~ =D
i'm dying to go on a shopping spree...whoosahhh and stingray, let's go gaigai soon!!!~ =pp
oh yahs before i forgot..todae ish a extremely screwed up dae.firstly ish the continuation of the rewriting of chi paper.den came the bus's breakdwn matter.so this ish wad happen.just when bestie and me were on the bus 222 ,intending to go hm ,the bus suddenly stopped in front of princess mac and after much ''smelling'', we realised that the bus engine tio burnt or sth.den we hab to walk all the way back to inter and wait for bus again.bt the malu thing ish, the bus stopped right in the centre of the bus interchange and we hab to WALK back to the stand with so many pairs of eyes looking ad us...frankly speaking, super malu!!~
end my post here.terrible headache =((
Only one, 4:08 AM.
todae didnt went cross-country..abit regretted coz the main intention for skipping cross-country ish to study for the upcoming chinese but ended up never study.met up with usa and june ad 2 plus and off we head to expo.on our way there, everyone's attention was diverted to (wad euu call that?)WATER SPOUT ..THIS IS WHAT WE SAW:
and i still thought mayb the cloud ish supposed to be meant like that =.= wah...first ever experience of seeing something unique.usa, june and me was tinking wanna call the polive or news to inform em anots..-__________-lll lmaos!~dun blame us for being such a noob..we're sparing a thoughts for the singaporeans =XX who knows people more jialiat then us call the news liaos..den kena reported in the news..hahahas =DD
headed to food expo.those who r goiing tmr or the next few days.if ur r those who cant stand crowds better avoid..so crowded!!!~sold a variety of stuffs bt i ate only 1 sausage...!!~muahahas..may go again la though it's bored.went to airport after that, wanted to study de bt the girls who sat besides us were super noisy!~so we walked off after eating.cant stand it!~ ohh..and bodoh manz..gt 1 uncle followed me to the toilet siia den kena the cleaner scold.!~serve him right.humpz!~
cleaner: wad r euu doiing here??
bald old man: ohoh..went wrong toilet!~!(looked arnd aimlessly)
bald old man: i followed the girl in and didnt realise went to the wrong toilet.
me and other girls: laughs!~
after much consideration, decided to go parkway..walked arnd..den played a game of basketball den slacked and went 85.had our dinner with ashley and pohsuan too.coz juz nice saw em..but didnt eat.abit sianz of 85 le.went inter buy things...blahss den went east coast for dinner coz was hungry.reached hm 11 plus =))
plan for tmr: unknown!~
tues miting parents and it's a doom day for me.jiu ming ah!~
Only one, 10:35 AM.
start with today morning...
when i was on the way to the bus-stop to mit june.there came this bloody long curly hair.He's indian,malay..ib i'm nt wrong.(people!~no prejudices to race).he suddenly stopped in front of me and spoke with a veri ''manly'' voice.."HI" n looked me with a veri sickening lk.wah piangs i scare till i walk super fast for the first tym ever~LOLS...heng tmr i nt goiing cross country manz ib nt walk the same route again.FREAK!~
reached sch..mother tongue intensive again. =.= sumhow mother tongue class was nt veri gd in the beginning.coz i sort of slping in class...and mdm chuah gt abit pek chek with me i guess =ppp and i diao-ed her..bt after our break, felt more refresh lerrs den both parties gd mood again.hahahahs~hopefully after mon i wouldnt hab to face chinese again..in my whole life~ -____-lll
just received a message frm see cheng.saying mdm anisa took our reports bk.have to go back dance den can take report bk(ib i'm nt wrong) she siaos or wad?!?!~ people qut early can..we quit nw cannot.wahhhs..lyk forcing us indirectly siia.nw considering wana go back anots...frankly speaking, i missed dance bt since i lyk skipped dance for practically 1-2 months liaos..what for still ask angel and me to go back??and her reason for that:75% attendance still haben reach.bodoh manz!~studies already flunked till extreme liaos..still wana go back dance??!!~arghhh..run oso cannot run.sianz!~
pipipipipipipipipi!!!~i'm stress....!~
Only one, 3:51 AM.

start of mother tongue intensive study!~mdm chuah who ish my chinese tchr treated us pizzas and treated our class to bubble teas.!~aint she gd??she's gd nt bcos she treated us etc bt bcos she doesnt give up on students...instead she gt scolded by students ad tym and never bear grudges.soooo gd!~ =DD
checked papers..passed only 2 subs.extremely sad. =( i didnt study hard.parents gona mit miss pow soon ..wonder wad she gona sae again.blahsss...after that mother tongue again.after sch went tamp wib ling and shopped arnd <333 weetss!~
this yr nt taking part in cross country as wana study chinese (gei siaos only =X) muahahas...lazy to run mahss..sum more ltr nr get medal abit waste of tym..=.= bt my ''idol'' running siia...jiayouuuuu!!!~ =pp mon chinese paper lerrs so doubt i would be onlin-ing these few days till mon.woohoo!!~good luck to all...nitess!~
Only one, 5:34 AM.
hoorayyy!!!~ my last paper ish over bt o lvl's chinese paper ish on next mon.another stress-up weekends =((must buck up lerrs.anyw went to snatch some pics frm huats and angel and the rest would be posted veri soon.!!~had a fun sat with em =)) yippie!~
` p.s: will reply all taggie soon =DD

`lots of <333

Only one, 5:55 AM.
due to some misunderstanding frm bestie, i've to take out the ''small boy'' sentence.lols!~
me and him are merely friends onlyyy. =DD
i'm so glad everything cleared up after the talk we had.
i knew i've changed to a new me but in times to come,
i would be back to the old me again =p
so if next tym got anything just tell me straight alright??
nothing would change the friendship between us..i promise =D
i once think he's my everything,
but nw i noe everything was just a silly illusion.
i hope and pray that dae wont arrive,but yet..
anyways, i sincerely wish em all the best and i promise i will start afresh nw.=)
Only one, 5:18 AM.
i'm sick and tired of my old blogskin so changed to this blogskin.it's juz temporary.i'm feeling so lethargic now, so mayb will change blogskin few days ltr??!~hahas...anyw i'm so proud of myself bcos i changed my own blogskin the first tym.yay!!!~ *though it's has nt been completely brushed up* =DD
Only one, 9:46 AM.
Only one, 5:28 AM.
hope euu enjoy urself today.we must go out soon ah..after my exams =((
anyw stay pretty always!~
i've decided to bring forward my onlin-ing day by one dae.muahahas..simply bcos i'm super worn out liaos.yesterdae almost vomitted.eeeeekkk!~and my mother asked me to drink the chicken essence.so i thought, alright since drinking that would perk me up and i drank it.=.= and it terribly stinksss!~coz it's sort of lyk comprises of the smell of chicken's heart or lungs.let's eeeeekkk again!~eeek eeek eekkk.
exams aren't a gd ones.
chem and ss paper.totally no mood do.coz i knew something which distracted me lots.in addition, ss i woke up super early to study bt came out ''sri lanka'' even though the topic came out once during our recent exams.wonder issit the tchrs love sri lanka so much.siaos!~
math's paper!!!~total 4 hrs 30 mins.arse numbed. =X after that gt NE test.siaos siaos..i'm a true singaporeans hors.highest on the list ad the moment. =D muahahas...pok ish african =X
first paper geo.arghhh!~most infuriating derhs.as ur noe geo ish my FAVOURITE and yet i didnt study.and oso i forget bring calculator to my seating place though my calculator ish in my bag. and i've to mental calculation again?!~
phy paper ish the most goodie gd derhs.coz the paper seemed so ALIENNNNNN~ to me.and so i oso alien-ly (i noe dun hab this word) write down any ans i can tink of.=) after sch went eat with june,ling and xin.ad nite mother order mac again.realli..sick of it...!~ =X mayb will skipp mac for a few days.
tomorrow science paper 1.sianz..mayb ltr browse thru abit bahs.hahas...i'm so worn-out and 28th ish the o lvl mt lerrs..after exams I MUSTTT reall go hab a break lerrrs...i looked sooo shag recently.[[lyk an idiotic ger who treAt studies as my world =.= ]]
anyw been so long since i went for a shopping spree LIAOS.i miss it so much nahssss..!~habouring the thought of purchasing all the stuffs on my list. =DD
-i miss moony so much larrs.super huat larrs...nw chat with her lyk so many things to talk about.muahahas guess she miss me too.HORS??!~
alrite shall stop here. nitesss beloved friends.misses*

`first attempt of cookies =DD

` messy table =X
Only one, 4:26 AM.
hope she enjoy herself todae!!~
wont be onlin-ing and blogging till next thurs due to the upcoming continuation of papers.arghhh...must chiong lerrs..i miss moony, bestie, sisters and darlinks.lazy to name all =XX
p.s: hehehes...pok named gullet as sth else.would divulge too much =X
Only one, 3:24 AM.
arghhh..my post juz gt deleted due to internet prob!!!~sighs..hab to retype.!!~qi si wo leeeeee~hmm browsed thru a online shopping link through lingg..thanks!~ i wana purchase the clothes la...but i dunnoe hw 2 purchase.lols..figuring out nw.i noe i'm a noob in this.3 of the pics are below...i wana buyy!~ =DD

is. =X
below ish wu zhun...i'm sure everyone noe abt it larrs.lols..he's gona be my new idol!!!~gona drive angel mad lerrs.!~lls...but yalun still rocks. =DD

hahas!!~i noe recently i've been blogging abt that ang morh and wuzhun etc.but it's juz meant for entertainment larrs.not those ''huachi'' type.so cant help ib ur wana be a prude =X
Only one, 6:15 AM.
juz before i goes to bed, i will blog a lil first =DD make it a short one.
sat(study day):
went studying with usa, june and andrew in the noon.so met up wib em ad arnd 3 plus ad pp library, studied awhile headed to nearest kopi-tiam to eat.hahaas...after that went east coast mac and study abit again ...den went slack =D after that andrew went hm and we went bedok library STUDY again.lols!!~atmosphere there was gd.yippie.hohos after that went changi airport eat and STUDY again.we r nt siaos okish?!~ knew some of ur might sae we siaos or sot or crazy blahss...bt juz nice we gt the feel to g intensive study ,hence went ahead with our (last min)plan.after tt went hm arnd 11 plus.lols.shiok!!!~tink tmr gona study again.hehehes =p
and there was this ang mor who caught my attention juz now ad changi mac.juz nice june asked me lk ad the direction he was standing, den i saw him.lols.he still adjusted his fringe in a veri hmm...stylo-ish and flirtative way.[[ i muz clarify!!!~]] i don't go gaga over ang mor de coz i find nth special abt em except they r rich?bt who cares i'm nt materialistic.lols!~juz that this time it's exceptional. =X
bt tink he went back to his country le nahs...*screams*
alright off to bed.goodnites!~
dunnoe goiing study tmr anots. =.=
Only one, 10:01 AM.
exams are taking too much of my entertainment tym!!~ i've been so busy revising till i forfeited the chance of goiing online.ahhh..moony i miss euu nahs!!!~ =DD
had eng paper on thurs and chi paper todae. =) hahas..despo for the bloody marks, i forced myself to memorise all those bombastic words for eng and cheng yus for chinese. =pp so overall managable larrs.dropped my specs box in the hall today which caused the surrounding people's attention.super malu!~ =X
anyw doubt i would come online on the 14th onwards..coz whole week gt exams.and i cant go on a spree till after o lvl's chinese which ends on 28th may.sighss..19th and 20th cant go shopping coz nida revise on A MATHS[[ worst sub of all]] which falls on mon and 26th and 27th nida revise on chinese.after chinese still nida go back sch for june's holidae intensive study.=.= i wonder how those seniors endured over it..blahsss...=))
shall stop here.wana go watch tv le.relax abit.lols!~
some pics,few weeks back.


`bestie wana act cute =.=
Only one, 5:47 AM.