walalalalalala!!!~ yups a refreshing new week starting frm today.!!!~after days of resting, i'm standing strong again.i admit i'm emotional at certain times =X hopefully nt ever again.i wouldnt wana face all those horrendous scene and happenings.blahsss...=p
so i did 2 of my mini wishes these few days.i watched 200 pounds beauty with bestie on fri and yupss super nice movie.bt i tink it isnt that nice compared to ''night in the museum'' bt i'll still rate it 4.5/5. =) and both of us cried =ppp
and oso i went to the beach with lingdi darling!!!~yay!~
enjoy the breeze was one of my longed activities the past few weeks. =D
thurs will be the first paper of mid yr...hence, doubt i would be online as frequent lerrs.gona chiong for this bloody battle which ish the mid yr...arghhh!!!~ see the tymtable can sianz 1/2 liaos.
guess i'm gona stop here.pictures will be posted soon~ and thanks for all those lovely tags and sorrie for making ur worry. =(( no next tym.lols!~ nites folks.
Only one, 6:42 AM.
mood wasnt that good recently. =( i dunnoe why and i'm controlling every single day not to vent my anger on anyone coz neither of my good friends and darlinks owe me anything...sighsss..but...nvm.guess i wana go have a stroll ad the beach le...mayb ALONE???~zhibi mode...dunnoee..i just nid sum space. and i hope those things that do not concern me doesnt come to my ears again , at least for now...
guess i wouldnt blog that often le.MYE coming and i'm gona mug liaos.sighhs..A maths and geo!~ i set high expectations for my geo and i've been failing since this yr.. =( how?!~ everything seems so wrong for me now..i juz wish that ahems* could be there for me.[[not anyone frm my sch de horrs!~]] as a friend ish enough for me.and super thanks to those who were with me all along =) i really appreciate alot.
ps: will reply all tags soon =)
Only one, 6:02 AM.

* lovessss*

yay!!~ good newsss..lols.bt i shall not let euu guys noe first.hehehe =D
i've got tons and tons of homeworks nahsss...i m STRESS.lols =X
i wana watch the 200 pounds beautyy!!~it's nt bad la i guess...anyone wana watch??muhahahss =p
hmm todae after sch went mac with angel,ling and xin to slack awhile den after that angel, xin and me went library.guai ryte??!~ =p after that went hm lerrsss..
1-2 more weeks MYE liaoss..sighsss..no more shopping etc lerrsss.jiu ming ahh!~
*there.r.diff.types.of.likes =)
Only one, 4:47 AM.

`i longed for the impossible =)
sunday should be a totally awesome day for me with the offering of goiing ikea by my mother.!!~ bt i rejected it due to the tons of homeworks that were dued days ago.arghhh!!!~i hate it larrss..ib not i might have get myself a new hp [[z610]] too. =(
these few days were busy goiing out and oso goiing to esther's chalet.hahahs a veri happie belated birthday to her!~ =D
anyw, angel said i didnt blog abt her so now i shall blog a lil abt this act cute ger.hahas..she ahhh..been friends with her since pri 4 i guess.wow...a really long friendship of us.heesss...frm good friends to enemies to best friends to enemies again and nw become super good bestie.hahahas!!~the status of us hab been veri messy the past few years. =X and really super thanks to her la.always tolerating my nonsense all that ( i oso got tolerate her de horrs!~ =p ) i <3 her so much larrs.heess...angel when euu goiing out with me again??!~euu this baka gerr~
tmr ish the start of the week again..*screams* so stress larrss..got phy and geo test. =(( jiu mingggg....!~
i miss moony too.no awkwardness larrs.euu siaos 1!!!~ hahas sexy bye bye gt power de leiis.lols... =DD
oh forget mention, ytd actually lingdi came my hse to ton derrhhss..bt in the middle of the nite she went find her bf.lols!!~ hope she cheers up soon!~ =p
few randow pics :

`that ish how we settle our bags in ntuc =X

`my 1st ever pizza =XX *i noe i'm noob*

`miss herrr!~

` darlinks for life =D

`she's a bullier =p

`my xiaogege =X LOLS!~

`they always take nice pics tgt =DD
Only one, 12:04 AM.
school was boring today.yahs everyday ish boring de.i wish i could emigrate to other countries and enjoy those carefree life i have been longing for.in that case i wouldn't have to think so much anymore.we should look forward but it's always those memories that are holding euu back.i'm feeling so emo recently.arghhh!~
was in msn chatting with ling and suddenly we chat till about our sec 2 life.have your ever wonder how much we changed in juz lyk 2 yrs??the ups and downs each of us went through together.?so much happie tym we had last tym like,
1) tio scolded by teacher together
2) skipped lessons and hid in the toilet till lessons over
3) making sure we stay by each other always
4) making pranks on otherssss
5) touring the school without any permission etc etc
nevertheless, we're still the same..just that now i find that we do not do the above stuffs etc anymore.anyw i still treasure her <3 our so many years of friendship =) dunnoe y i intend to blog this out..mayb recently so many things happen.but i'm still standing strong. hehehes =D
i treasure the rest too.=)) esp june, usa, angel,xin and of course MY HUATS!!!~MUAHAHAS and oso many more juz tt nw my mind ish super blank.i wish i could just drop dead..so many many thinggs...and oso mayb after this post, i doubt i would post so much about my personnal life lerrsss...=)
ps: anyw everyone juz ignore all those tags alryte...misunderstanding.it's juz a conflict that happens between a girl and a girl. =) hope they will be alryte soon bahs and thanks to those who helped me to scold.although ish a misunderstanding.lols.
nites guys..i'm turning to bed..=p
Only one, 6:41 AM.

` love me =))

` i wish i could be happie always =)

` =p

` muhahas =X


` my favouriteeeeeee!!!~

`cousins' love

` a monster approaches...-___-lll

`when everything seems so smooth...

sat: went safra resort to hab a 1 nite stay..hahas =)) early in e morning woke up prepare all that den off we went lerrs.reached there..den decided to go for a swim..after swimming, came back and ate those YUMMY foods.hahahas!!!~fugging niceee..i'm cant fall aslp in e nite..tossing around~
morning ate breakfast lerrss den went for bowling.hahahs..bowled till fingers pain..lols..played awhile den went karaoke liaos.attituded cousin for sum reason and i felt so guilty =( bt after that okish lerrs.hehehe..after that went back and ate again.muahahhas =X i wana be fat manz!~ slacked awhile den went hm le..awwww sch ish a total boredom. =p didnt manage to take pics with my elder cousin =(

` <333

` bestie always =DD

` cute stuffs!!!~
fri :
after sch went hm to change den met angel ad inter.wahh bus 67 ish uberly long larrs..waited lyk 45 mins for it..in e end took mrt to tamp =.= went to buy pressie den walk arnd..errsss den..forgotten le.LOLS...hahass...after that headed to bedok library slack awhile , took pics den went eat our lovely herbal chicken.yummy!!!~hahas i love goiing out with her larrss..tons and tons of craps cuming out.and we invented a song..ahemsss!~
Only one, 4:26 AM.
sch was good today =D
juz that gt 1 bloody guy went to push elise today.IDIOTIC BASTARD!!!~glad that her bf helped her to deal wib the x.l guy =)kids r kids manzz..never fail to grow up~
after sch went mac eat wib xin and june and went hm lerrs.miss pow called my hp while i'm ad hm due to something~ *scary*
sumtym i find myself nt suitable to be anyone's friend.i said things which shouldnt be said, i didnt try my utmost best to cheer em up, i didnt contribute enough to help em...WTF!!!~ how i wish i could be a lil more of everything so that at the veri least, i can help a lil.sighh*
anyways sorrie to her*. i knew euu understand...euu shld hab scolded me or even be angry with me, at least i felt better.=(
ps: i miss usa too!!~ =))
Only one, 5:02 AM.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
sch seemed soo long today..!~ slept ad 8 pm ytd and all the way till this morning.lols.. =D too tired liaos.had ss test and e maths test today..managable coz gt study.muahahas..and for nw i nida worry for my A Maths results liaos. =XX
hmm tink i seriously nida a holiday.been having weird dreams recently..guess it's due to nt habing enough tym to relax myself.i've had a dream abt me on a yacht ytd nite.HAHAHAS!!!~ *stupid*
last period of the day,A maths..kip focusing myself at the clock instead of the screen.lols..sianz..after sch headed hm. =DD
yay!!!~ this sat wil be goiing to chalet..muahhas..once again can eat and eat, gona make sure i enjoy myself to the fullest. *screams*
forgot to post this pic up that day:

in lyk half yr's tym..everything ish gona cum to a stop.awwww...i would miss my friends so bloody much can??!~ i wish tym would stop so that i could enjoy the tym i spend with beloved darlings and friends...afterall we've been through so muchh.i do treasure every one of em and e moments we hab <3
Only one, 4:27 AM.
okish i'm officially back blogging. =) and i'm fine noww...actually i didnt habour any intention of blogging derhs bt since i dun wana study nw might as well make gd use of the tym to blog.lols...let me recall the activities i did last few days.
went tamp wib usa in e eveningg and we ate alot~ =D
met xin and usa ad phonebooth and off we went to town.lols..cant really recall wad happen lerrs...=ppp bought 1 slippers there as one of my slippers kena stolen.hahahs..i always had my stuffs stolen =XX *scremas* 3 plus met pok ad town and walked arnd and we headed to suntec. =)) fun fun day!!!~
went wib usa to pp shop awhile and we went to mit elise,tyron,guowei and thomas .after tt went marina south for steamboat.*super crowded* hahahs and of course i eat and eat~i wana gain weight, in fact i'm already gaining weight.LOLS =pp
after eating went plae pool awhile and sum malu stuffs happen..would wana elaborate on it.wahahhaas..oh yahs before i forgot, usa wore a skirt on that particular day!!!~lols...she cant bend or run etc.wahahahhas!!!~revenge tym .hehehe x) saw roland and his gd there too.hahahas...reached hm 12 plus. =D
sch was pretty cool today.muahahas..juz that i screwed A maths test today again.i forever cant score well for that =(( forget it.after sch went eat the laksa..super hot siia..lols..den went library awhile and hm sweet hm =))

` F.P


`lols =D

`usa and elise =p

`revenge time =X

`yummy yummy!!!~

` usa's gona burst =ppp

`aku a prawnster =X

`tyron's prawnss

`usa and me <33
replies to tag:
to usa: hahas..i'm speechless =D
to yik: thanks so much ah...hahas!~euu dis act cute ger =p
to aawc: ahhas wad maggi-mee siia?? *faints*
to ah li: ahems!!~ of cos la.bottom of my heart leiis.cheyy!~
to honglings: heess.thanks x)
to trina: hahas wad cold joke siia??lmaoss..hahas okish free gib me ur link ah =D
to martin: lols..finally wu xim lerrs.hurhur X)
to zhong.long.bao: thanks lots.i'm fine nw =)) *misses
to malik: thanks for tagging =DD
Only one, 6:01 AM.
` last month pic =)
won't be blogging these few daysss..
i need some good rest.i...juz don't feel well emotionally.wadever..
kip tagging yea...
Only one, 8:38 PM.