nth much happened todae.skipped dance prac, dun feel lyk goiing dance lerrs.wana focus more on studies =D went mac wib angel after sch to hab our usual crapped arnd.hurhurs!~ after that came hm lerrs.hahas frm now on, i wana save $$$. cut down on my shopping spree will be the top of my agenda now.and oso frm nw on, i'm gona buck up studies or wadsoever. =DD anyw i've juz gt a new mei.lols..she asked me to be one =X
anyways my new idol :koda kumi!!!~ she's so pretty. *envy*
tmr 2.4km..i hope i break last yr record ib i still rmb my to homework now.will blog soon.miss me people!!!~
Only one, 5:12 AM.
reached school received many wishes and gifts!~ =D sincere thanks to all.Ur brighten up my birthday deeply =D though somehow that dae seems kinda emotional for almost everyone bt i'm pretty sure that's the best day of 2007. =)
after sch went mac with usa and june and as usual we crapped around.lols..=D after that i headed home to bathe and prepare all that and off i went to mit angel bestie, huats and trina.met angel ad bedok mrt and we went to pasir ris, sakura.yay!!!~super ex.1 person =$24[[ can eat hw many mac's meals lerr]] hahas dun care ah.nan de yi chi =p went in super shocked.saw 1 big yellow plastic bag...and i knew that huats sure went to buy veri ex stuff lerrs.anyw it's shared among huats, tiff and trina =D thanks ah.!~
heesss...was so awkward initially after awhile start to crap liaoss...~ heess went 2 rnds ''sup'' all e nuggets and ate till DAMN full.heess..after eating all went missing.i thought wad happen siia... suddenly trina came to cover my eyes.lols!~ i tio when she let go her hands..WOW birthday cake in front of me siia.super touched once again.serious =D the funny part was first tym sang bdae song ended halfway coz all paiseh, 2nd tym cheng gong!~ hoho x) but noe wad they do? ask me dabao go hm eat coz all of us full liaos.hahaas!!~after eating went to take pictures all that and we shared cab SWEET LAARRRS~ <3
` nite birthday cake.I love it!!~ =D

` my 1st dish =)

`bestie's 1st dish =)

` bestie!~ <3

`mm..yummy yummy!~ =D
` see how happie i look =X

`bestie and me =)

`peeping inside =pp

` take out candles using mouth =.=

` *smoochies*

`i loveeee dis pic =)
` we rocks =ppp

` look how happie we r =))

`important one <3

` <3 birthday cake

` all my sweet lil pressie <3<3<3
there's more pictures to go but i've posting for about 2 hours lerr??!~so do check back soon as i might be posting tmr or sat =))
to all my friends esp sisters,bestie and darlings: thanks for making my 16th birthday so sweet yea?? =D all the wishes,gifts and celebration touched me so much =D i seriously appreciate's not the gifts that matters, it's the friendship that matters most to's sounds so formal..dunnoe wad to sae now..speechless manzz..once again...thanks all !!!~ =DD *loves*
Only one, 4:45 AM.
went to sch feeling so lethargic..guess it's due to me playing too much ytd.lols..wadever it ish..i enjoyed myself on my bdae!~will elaborate later.=)
assembly for todae lasted 2 hrss...super super sianzz..except for the part where my junior, tommy acted as romeo..that part rocksss..!~LOLS =D E maths test was difficult todae...yay!!~ and noe wad?? miss pow said i've shown improvements in my A Maths..though still fail at least AHEMS i've improveddd =)) after sch headed home.dis sat gona be the 2.4km activity.sianzzz..muz chiong liaosss..=D last yr lerrs.hoho x) let me tell ur wad happens on my birthdae.
morning woke up arnd 5 plus..prepared all that den left house ad ard 7?? waited ad my hse dwnstairs for lyk 10 mins due to all the when i were about to reach inter, xin called me and told me they were all ad my hse dwnstairs.the actual plan was to celebrate ad my hse dwnstairs bt i board the bus too changed plan all decided to go mac.hurhur!!~ the best part ish i'm super touched like many of em came along who i didnt expected will come =X lols...tout ish my usual girlfriends only.=ppp and suprisingly they prepared a cake for sweet can they get.!~ =D
so gathered outside mac and there goes my sweet 16 birthday's song!!!~ *screams* best moment manzz.!~hahaas...super paiseh too.saw kelvin, my pri sch friend too.ahhas..after that cut the cake and distributed to everyone, including alvin and his future gf..lols =X , kelvin and fanglin em =D so ate until lyk 8 plus packed up and we walked to sch.uber fun!!~ =pp imagine all ur sweestest friend walking together to we were late.
special thanks to: june,usa,xin,xiu,elise,tyron,sinyong,yongshun,chongming and eric.though ish juz a mini-celebration bt i'm uberly touched..!~real thanksss!~ =p
some of the pictures:
`<3 my 16th BIRTHDAY CAKE =D

` getting ready to enjoy e bdae song =)

`ys looking ad where??

` precious true friends <3

`hurhur x) cutting cake

` lovesss =p
Only one, 3:31 AM.
freaking hot day todae~ reached sch late todae lyk again??!~ this yr dunnoe late hw many tym lerrsss..LOLS.break record =DD
as usual..i'm good ger for newspaper all e way during ss class onlyy~ hahas den other lessons craps aroundd..oh yahs so we were ad library during our free period and someone stole my thing and xin's ear piece.pok and ling's bag were opened..i dun hate that person for stealing our thinggg..i juz pitied that personn to steal such budget thinggg..LOLS.!~ i don't give a damn anyw.but i learnt my lessons too...never to leave bag outside ad the library sideee~so next tym ib ur goiing library, better dun leave e bag outside. =D
after sch went kfc wib usa,june and xin.lolss..crap around den went home lerrss...
yay!!!~i'm gona be officially 16 tmr *weetsss* =D
thanks angel bestie for the 1st wishess..<33
will post pictures tmr ib i hab it.bye peepsss.
*** <3
Only one, 4:30 AM.
came back home ad 1 plus, bathe all that den went tamp giant and ikea wib my mother =)) hmm went on fri den went todae..hahas i simply love ikea to the max!!!~ so once reached giant, mother and me went grocery shoppingg...and there's this fcuking bunch of ''kids''..who accidentally banged onto my mother...bloody bastards..i gave em 1 stern stare.if i were there, i'll make sure they get a ~!@#$%^& scolding frm me.tmd!!!~
after that went to lk for the tibits i wan =( bt too bad ended up ppl bought all lerrs.i've learnt a lesson..once euu lyk sth, buy it heels were gone after much hesitation frm meeee...=(( oh yahss..i bought kit-kat too..been longing it since ytd.LOLS =D
after everything went ikea to shop arnd.main intention: to eat e chicken winggss there~ hahaas...hmm mayb wana change my wardrobe soon lerrs..nt sure.mother sae half half, she pays half for me, e rest i pay..guess i gotta save lerrs!!~i wana lyk gib my rm a make-overrr =))
okish let me tell euu guys..never EVER wait for the return bus of giant back to bedok.i waited for lyk HALF AN HR for pissed!~so came home and mother cooked todae..yummy!~tink she gona cook tmr too. *weets* =))
out of a sudden, i felt real sadd..haizzz
Only one, 4:49 AM.
spent my whole noon packing my DUSTYYY!!!~ till now..i haben even completed many parts larrs. *screams* oh when i came online juz nw..there's this person who added me in msn..michelle_alice sth..she tink i veri free siia..noe wad she/he did??asked me to plae minesweeper and ib she/he won den tell me who ish she/he.tmd!!!~i blocked that person rite away..pissed manz!!!~wadever..qi si wo leeee~
hahas royston juz told me he saw me ytddd ad mac..he gd siia..didnt call me =< lols..sumtym i didnt wear spec so ended up lyk a blind person lyk ib happens to see me and i ignore euu or wad..psps ah..coz i couldnt clearly see the person.=ppp even ib it's juz a few metres away frm me, i couldnt see the person's expressions too.LOLS. =DD
and i realise my rm hab alot of reading materials..newspaper etc that i haben read yett..arghh...i'll make sure i quickly read it den throw away.ahahas..okish stop here..=))
`i wish...
Only one, 2:08 AM.

wasnt feeling veri good in the morning..recalled sth yesterdae =(( anyw i dun intend to brood about it anymoree...todae woke up lyk 10 plus den prepare all that..12 plus went to mit usa lerrs.hoho x)headed to pp, went to eat den went to arcade , saw joey again.hurhur~every week sure mit there de.LOLS =DD
and oso i realised sth...i only know how to eat cup ice-cream, not those cone ice-cream =X so todae i had a try-out of eating cone ice-cream..hahas i still nida usa and xin to guide me manz..which ish so malu...=ppp
went mac study awhile den went bugis find pok.heeheess..tricked her sae we still ad pp whereby we reached bugis lerrs.guess she shld be fuming ad that moment.
intention of goiing bugis this wk was to buy bag den dis wk i over-spent den parents oso nt hm todae so =nt enuff $ .hahas bt 1 bag caught my attention mayb next wk i should go?? AGAIN??!~hahahahas..dunnoe neiis.anyw bought e watch i wanted lerrs.hahas gay darlinggg!!!~i got it much cheaper~ usa bought one too =D
ps: hahas didnt post usa and june's pics coz i lk super zart zart in it =XX
shopped bugis awhile den went national library browse thru sum bks den came back bedok lerrs.went mac eat,tabao for my dad and bro den came back hm.heeesss =)) tmr i shall b a gd ger and study liaos.provided i hab a super nice slpppp~
Only one, 9:24 AM.
back bloggingg...hmm morning wasnt feeling really well so skipped P.E lessons =) den after that went to A maths and start the usual sum qn i dunnoe hw do back e stoppid results lerrss..damn lousy laaa!!!~i'm gona start mugging and mayb dun tink abt anything else liaos..=DD
after sch went kfc wib usa, june and xin.hahas chatted abit den went library slack awhile den went hm.=)) still tinking whether to go for the sport's day tmrrr..sianz 1/2. my 2 friends out there...i cant help ur to scold back whoever who scolded either one of ur bcos both of ur r my friends =XX
Only one, 5:08 AM.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
sianzz..actually dun really intend to bloggg...but i'm super sianz nowww... tmr A maths test.shucckksss!!!~ i'm gona fare well dis tym, hopefully!!!~ =ppp
oh yahs got back my maths report card.arseeee!!~ my tchr wrote the first sentence as ''jennie, euu realli nid to pull urself together...'' it's as though i suffered sum setbacks. i didntt!!~ or mayb i did??wadever...
fri gona be our sch sport's dae...wonder i'm running nots.still tinkinggg..=D
okish..shld b heading down to bugis again this sat.hahaas..i wana get e white sling bag..yay!!!~
`wonder who's escaping...
Only one, 5:28 AM.
*yawn* juz woke up not longg..hahas slept frm 6 plus till now which ish 7 plus =ppp
i'm super tireddd!!!~ morning when ling and angel were ad the bus-stop and i didnt even saw em and walked to the sch gate till sum1 called me den i noticed they were there.LOLS =X damnn sleepy siia.=.=
i'm diligent today. =X didnt waste my tym during ss's class...chiong essay!!!~ it doesnt occur everydae..muz see gt ''feel'' anots. =DD eng was the most most borringgg~ almost doze off and oso heard a veri shocking newss..jiu ming ah!~
after sch went princess mac wib usa,june,zixin,sy,eric,gideon,chongming and ys.hahahass..sar diff tableeee!~ girls v.s guys. hurhur~ ate lerss then they went plae dota, we went hm.heeess..i saw *** when goiing hm. =ppp lalala~
anyw this fri i shld be goiing for the sports' day..wont charbo lerrs.=ppp due to some reasons =DD
off to do homeworkk~ will blog soon.
Only one, 4:44 AM.

`snap shot

` yummy!~

`forced her to take a pic =XX

`our maggie-meeee x)
okish juz before i go and do my geo hw which happens to be a complete set of mock paper..i'll tink i blog a lil first before i start mugging.hehehess =D
saT: went pp with gary..intention was to study bt in e end, we shopped arnd and ended up playing arcade.hurhur~ played the game i always play, the bb shooting and tout he was quite lousy coz my score n his diff abit only.lolsss...went off ad 5 plus.he went watc movie wib frz, i went khatib to find my mother and auntie em.and in the train, gt 1 bloody idiot guy kept staring !!!~ feel lyk gibing him a punch manz .!!!~ hoho x) went yishun safra country club and hab a super duper nice dinner.YUMMY!!!~ went back hm alone after that. sianzzz...
sun: met up wib gary again..lols...we did manage to study a lil bt in e end he completed his hw and i didnt even complete one hw..arghh!~SUPER DUPER LAZY..after that went arcade plae again, bb...wahhh his score ish 432 siia..whereby mine 2 digits onlyy..super paiseh!!!~ x) after that went to katong and plae pool, no ''feel'' ad all siia..plae awhile went back hm lerrs.saw joey in the arcade too..pretty ger liaos!~
mon: sch was pretty good todae..juz that miss pow's face was uberly black.hahahas!!!~ left sch ad 12.30, came hm and went xin's hse after that. x) we crapped alot bt we did hw oso.guai horss..after that cooked instant noodles coz i hungry manzzz..hahas..den after that went mit gary awhile coz i left my bk at his bag =XX headed hm arnd 5 plus. =DD
hmm..goiing do my hw now lerrsss...hahahas i miss my ong laiii aka huatss!!!~ =D
Only one, 5:23 AM.

`dearest aiai and me =ppp

` beach girlsss =D

` my precious <3
` <3<3<3

actually was super lazy to blog derhsss...coz was damn tired siia.this whole week of march holidae i've been goiing out everydae, morning till nite.exerted all the energy lerrs.lols =D
and i juz viewed my last 2 yrs of posts[[ not all =X ]]..LOLS.!~was damn bored juz now and i happen to see pineapple boy and me the i find it quite cute siia.i still typed ''my dear boy etc..''.heesss..anywayz i hab already treated him as my korkor lerrss..hahas so everything will juz remain as a memory.wah now recall back it has been so long since i last had a relationship. hoho x) young relationship r juz so innocent and sweet =ppp heess i'm happie wib my life noww..i love my single life =D hence, ib i'm gona get a bf nw, i will make it a super long one ib not i would rather stay single =))
okish enuff of all that.anyw i'm nt indulge in bgr yet.hehehe.hmm shld blog abt my past few days activities.
went sentosa wib june,angel,zhiying,yongsun,sinyong,eric,dianiel and andrew.hahahas..actually wanted to suntan derhs bt in e end nobody wan so ended up juz playing ad the beach.after awhile ..nic jie,joy,sihua, and 2 other guys came.hoho x) den all take the luge ride and 1 more ride forgot the name lerrs.after that all kena pushed into the sea.hahahsss...was fun larrss..!~zhiying and me bury our legs in the sand too...lolsss...after awhile june , angel and me went back first =) june went hm eat..angel and me went to eat wib desmond.hahas so long nr see him lerrsss..becum ah pek lerr ah make euu waste ur tym lyk tt.coz we only went tm food court and eat den go hm lerrsss and des sort of send me to my lift there.thanks ah!!!~ =DD
went to mit my aiai aka beloved jie,'s been ages since i last met her la.I MISS HERRR!!!~ heesss headed dwn to pasir ris to mit her and the first funni encounter was that she wore beach wear and i wore shopping outfit.hahas coz ad first ish decided to go beach de mahss bt super hot den we change location.lols...2ndly she shoot the cigg almost kena the ger's head.super funnie!~ hmm den in e end we went chinatown de k-ster and sang all the way till 6.hahas we r super fans of fei lun hai can??we sing n sing, listen n listen to their songs.hahahass...went hm after that.i wana mit her soonnnn~ and hope she will cheer up too =DD <3 herrr.
went studying wib usa and june ad tamp mac.hahahs studied less than 45 mins we pack our stuffs go eat yakun lerrs.that monster usa ate the most la.ate mac le den ate yakun.hahahs after that go tamo shop 1 rnd lerrss...den headed to bugis to get my belt.coz last wk the auntie forgot gib me the belt.LOLS. den went get the belt awhile came back inter lerrss...ate abit den headed hm.special thanks to JUNE AND USA for acc-ing me to bugis ah!!!~ <3
* i took pics till my hp memory full ler.LOLS =D
Only one, 6:24 AM.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
i will upload my post tmrrrr...suddenly *** came flashing backkk =(( let me just sort my thoughts out for nowww...
Only one, 6:45 AM.
went back to sch fer A maths remedial todae and miss pow LOVED me alot todae la.kip calling me to ans this and that and asked lyk ''jennie, r euu lost , r euu blurrrr??'' arghhh!~she drove me mad todae.lols =X
after remedial went hm and slack till nowww...sianz 1/2 manzz..I M SO BOREDDD!!~yay tmr goiing sentosa , hopefully dun rain bahsss... =ppp
anywayz my 2 ah jie landed up ad qiao...congrats to huatsss!!!~ <3<3<3
hoho x) stop here le bahsss...rotting in process siia. =p
Only one, 6:24 AM.

`the new statue

`jen <3 xin

had chinese remedial todae and angel,xin and me were late.hahahas!~ =D
after chinese remedial, went to tamp ya kun wib xin,sinyong,eric and dianiel.
hahas..and they were gana called uncles.LOLS!!!~
after that dianiel went back sch and left the 4 of us.we intend to go ikea de..lols..noe veri lame was so borring manzzz ,shopps were oso nt open yet...and ended up at the bus stop waiting fer bus.hahas..funnie manz wib em..all the buses run!~ den in e end only left xina nd me go ikea.shopped one rnd go hm was fun larrs..go hm slp liaos =)) there's A maths remedial tmr!!!~3 me!!!~
Only one, 5:51 AM.