Wednesday, February 28, 2007

-wad i drew =) -
seriously tests and exam realli sucks mood had been veri bad these few daysss...STRESS!!~ on top of that,sumone* pissed me off totally.okish forget abt it.ahhh...i cried todae out of a sudden. =( dunnoe why too.
after sch went princess mac wib angel bestie,june crapper,usa gerfrz,zhiying,nic jie,sihua and yimin to study and eat.lolss..ended up we didnt study..we ate le jiu went off lerrs. =p den stuck outside the mac fer lyk 10 minssss..wana cross over the road derhs bt den raining heavily den stand awhile chiong over the road..june and and angel rann..i machiam catwalk there.LOLS =X
den go library slack awhile den cum out liaos.outside the library tio coincidence larrs.=D
okish..stop here.=) last 2 tests to go..!!!~
Only one, 12:17 AM.
Monday, February 26, 2007

*2 darling girls*

Only one, 4:10 AM.

-new hairstyle-


Only one, 2:55 AM.

hoho x) finally, i'm lyk dance prac on every fri lerrss.yay!!!~bt at the same tym i will miss dance larrs.DANCEWORKS ended ytd =DD woke up feeling super lethargic..guess ytd used too much energy le =.= went to bb match juz nw and it was uberly nerve-wrecking.a diff in 20 plus became a diff of 3.well done guys!!!~ib only our sch gt girls' bb team...=))
hmm..E maths test was difficult todae.=( i oso didnt study ad all.browse thru at the last min.tmr will be ss and mt...todae can slack abit.hmm...intend to chiong after common test.coz nw chiong common test too late liaos.lols.todae failed my A maths test todae...=(( i'm off to watch tvvv....
and btw my hairstyle during the dancework's tym was horrendous.lols.=X
Only one, 2:39 AM.
Friday, February 23, 2007
i'm back posting!!!~psps for the late delay.i've been uber busy these few days as danceworks ish lyk in 2 days' tym?? *screams* i'm scare seriously...even my coach oso realise it..?-____-lll
hmm will blog veri soon okish?most prob on mon??await for my post.=))
Only one, 4:36 AM.
Monday, February 19, 2007
okish..will make it a short post.=)
firstly..danceworks ish approaching!!!~*screams my lungs out*
i've been thinking abt it larrs.hahahasss..cuzzie sae wana go dwn support her larrsss..lolsss..and she promised to tag me and there she goes.lols.!~
the most infuriating part ish that her sch gt girl's bb fer cca!~and my fugging sch sae wana create/start didnt even see 1 single thing catching up.tmd!~been engross in bb recently.watched the bb match on ch 22 tt dae and i fall aslp at the last!~
CNY was great larrs.the most anticipating items are food!!!~yummy yummy.i'll make sure i put on 5kg in the near future.i looked lyk a bamboo =X and i ate 3 tym of reunion dinner..wib own family, grandparents n aunties.lols!~
okish larrs..stop here.hope tmr turns out well.gona go grab sum snacks to eat.HUNGRY!!!~ =D
Only one, 7:18 AM.
Friday, February 16, 2007
celebrated CNY in advance in sch.had decoration of boxes in classroom and had a mini the best part ish tug-o-war larrsss...i've been cheering non-stop...and ended up now my sore throat ish feeling DAMN uncomfortable. =) bt i dun minddd...heesss.stoppid turtle he..make me so worried luckily he's strong =DDhad dance prac todae and it was FUNNNNNNNNN!!!~i guess i will miss dance after the 25th competition. =( anyw thanks huiyi and aishah fer the hairdo's styling. =)off to eat prata nw.yummy yummy!~i <3 wifey ="))
Only one, 6:42 AM.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
bomp bomp bomp!!!`i'm happie happie happie for todAy over certain thing.woke up ad arnd 5 am and cant fall aslp lerrss...lols.anywayz GOOD NEWS!!!`PINGYI'S BB TEAM WON TODAE AND IT WAS A CLOSE SHAVE LARRS.!!~hahass..51-53 against bedok north.too bad i cant make it to the match..awww...there's lesson goiing on.and june was feeling so angry coz her lover at bedok north lost =X hahas...kidding larrs.yay!!!~congrats congratsss...nerve-wrecking...phew.-___-lllur see now i happie sun wan die liaos larrs.DANCEWORK MANZ!!!~i want go bang wall liaos...*screams*anywayz so fast CNY come liaos..hmm hopefully sat turns out well =)<3>
Only one, 3:32 AM.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO EVERYONE!!!~hmm sch ended early todae lyk arnd 11??headed to dance after that =) went to town wib pok and angel and den mit xin,xiu and yeo hao there.hahas and i did 1 lame lame thing by counting hw many couples held flowers in their hands and it ended up 34 or sweet larrs.yahs i admit i envy it still alryte larrs..coz darlinks em were still there fer me. =)
went take neoprints den wrote sth on the neoprint shop's in my mind, i'm tinking of sth else. kind of deepen down my mood abit but overall i'm strong..hoho x)
and seriously i've been failing my test since lyk 2 weeks ago??yahs no mood study lerr. =(
recent pic:

below r the pictures of the dae we baked cookies for valentines =)

today's pics:
-beloved girlfriends =D

-okish..mayb they r juz shy??LOLS..=X`No 9 my favourite` =D
Only one, 3:25 AM.
Monday, February 12, 2007
valentine's day cuminggg...awwww i'm gona be so lonely larrs.lols =DDanywayz..pingyi won the bb match todae.hooray!!!~pics will be uploaded soon.
Only one, 4:40 AM.
Friday, February 09, 2007
good news!!!~my beloved huats pass her bloody's o level nahs!!!~i'm juz sooooooooo x10000000 happie for herrr..hooray!!!~and oso to those who did nt tt well, ur muz cheer up kays.. =)) i'm here for ur. =)i failed my geo test.0!!!~first tym in history =( useless cum lazy ...
Only one, 5:15 AM.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
[[ before i go to bed =ppp]]
Before i forget,all the best to those taking results this fri.Esp huats and zlb!!!~ jiayou jiayou =Dtell euu wad!!!~dancefloor rawks juz nw while i was watching, i tell euu my heart was lyk beating so fast coz the atmosphere ish simply too tense nahs!!~awww....25th feb!!~bu yao lai ah.lols...ah ling nr cum sch todaeee...miss her nonsense nahsss..take care of urself horrrsss...take sufficient rest and faster cum back sch....=Dstop to do my homeworkkkkkk...hell lots of hw.!~and also i wish i could murder P.W ib i can.!!!~
Only one, 5:04 AM.
Monday, February 05, 2007
wah..such a bad dae for me nahs.first period, A maths...!~fugging emotional.coz i cant even complete the homework. ~!!!den chinese test..first tym can see my paper nr liquid all that coz i damn pek chek liaos...den i gib tchr 1 black face =X recess tym ice accidentally threw ad me by dunnoe who and yahs i shouted.lols..first tym. =X and after that the ger did came and apologise larrs and forget it still dulan. =Xafter sch tio caught fer handphone ..i tout that bloody blackie ta bor ish a construction worker norhs ..den i ignore him ..i walk walk den he stop in front of me..ask me :ib i wana the phone to b confiscated den i damn damn damn...pekchek+ dulan lerrss after the whole dae..i replied..AFTER SCH LIAOS RYTE!!!~wah feel lyk slapping him can...bloody fat-bodoh kia.pissed larrss.whole dae gone wronggg..-____-lll after sch headed to tm wib xin and angel to shop arnd and den back hm liaos.woohoo..bought 1 eye shadow and angel bought mascara. =ppand oso i sort out my thinking liaos...yahs mayb i shldnt be so obstinate...=)i may nt be onlin-ing till lyk this weekend or next week bahsss..coz alot of hw hab been piling up and i gotta clear em all.unless i hand itchy den tada...i will be online . =) mayb i would online ad nite...hahas coz i wana chat wib HUATSS.... =))off to rest nowwww....miss euu guyssss.... :D
Only one, 1:22 AM.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Sunday:arghhh!!!~super duper bored dae todae.stayed ad hm the whole dae.not rotting but doiing fnn coursework.sumhow i feel lyk dropping fnn.*screams* hmm valentine's day cuming liaos. bf=no celebrating.In addition, i still hab dance prac on tt dae after borring can that dae get.hohox x) envious the rest of the couples who can go and celebrate on that dae.ahemsss...guess 3 of my girlfriends would be celebrating on tt dae.They r ling,gen and ying.=)) hope that dey enjoy tt dae bahs.oh yahs ..mayb gay darlingg would be celebrating on tt dae too.ahemsss!!!~` i'm so silly to juz hold on.but i do noe that love cant be forced ,hence let nature takes its course bahs.ib we r meant to be together, we would end up together. =)mayb he would get a date on valentine's day??awww...=(
Only one, 2:08 AM.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
yay!!!~it's another weekend again.i've always been looking forward to weekend coz weekend ish the tym i get sufficient sleep and oso to go shopping in the morning went beok inter wib my mother and brother to shop fer bro's CNY's clothes.and i pek-chek wib him for nt chosing the colour that i find suit him more =p but after awhile jiu okish le nahss..lolss..after tt bro went to find his brother and mummy and i went to tamp's ikea.lolsss...the atmosphere there wasnt lyk the usual sat...guess people r busy shopping for clothes rather than going to furniture's shop.wahahas =D i love shopping ad ikea so muchh...-reason unknown- and oso actually wana go to view the new gaint derhsss bt pissed, haben open yet. =[[shopped till 6 plus and headed home =) it's been a great tym shopping wib mummy ..woohoo!!!`hmm..muz oso learn hw to save $ liaosss...coz now nr work go out den nr cum in...kip shopping sum more -___-lll hence, mayb i shall try my utmost best to slightly cut dwn on shopping.LOLS...okishh..stop here.gona go hab my dinner lerrss..mayb will post ltr.byessss!!!~
Only one, 4:21 AM.
Friday, February 02, 2007
school ish getting more free liaos.kip asking us to sell things.i remembered 3 yrs ago ,they asks us sell tickets for sch de.and this yr asks us sell 2 bearss!!!~anyone wana buyy??-___-lll i'm lyk advertising for the point ish that we've gt better thing to do and iim nt sure why the sch wan us sell the bears...=X todae dance prac was okish..juz that my toe super duper hurt coz was injured few months back and i've been delaying the visit to the doc.mayb after danceworks bahsss.. =)i've gt loads of homeworks, project works, courseworks to complete.kill me off!!!~ =Dhuats ish being artistic nwadays liaos..kip goiing void deck =X tsk tsk mayb one dae i shall kill her off too.lols..but bu she de la. =))[[ -mayb everything ish predestined- ]]and also, congrats to the gay darling of mineee...he's progressing well.jiayou ah!!!~
Only one, 4:39 AM.