Wednesday, January 31, 2007
A maths test tmr!!!~ i shouldnt hab make a big fuss over it but i always failes my A maths test hence euu noe the feeling ish lyk kind of getting on my nerve???hopefully, i pass the test larrs!!!~i'm gona hab insomia again.=[ anyw i wont be onlin-ing after the next week or next 2 weeks as common test coming liaos.dancework:25/2common test:26/2expect me to bring my books there???!!!~few months ago's pic:

Only one, 4:42 AM.
didnt went sch again.haiz..everytym lyk tt de norhs.i missed so much of A maths.doc sae ib my eyes aint getting better..i'm lyk gona go for operation??eeekk i dun wan!!!~noe hw scary it would beeee???!~* faints* went wib xin and pok after their sch and off we went to see the bb match, my sch against anglican.tmd!!!~they botak leiis so violent sum more.and it was damn gan jiong.!` =) applause for my sch.they did a great job.and goiing back tt tym, suddenly 1 bedok south guy called my name..i dunnoe him derhs bt most prob shld be ken's friends bahs.LOLS. =Xheaded home and apply medicine and stuff.forgot take pics of the bb match. =( update soon.
Only one, 1:23 AM.
sunday: didnt went out todae.too many homework. and sum more it's sort of family dae??hence, cant acc angel to go ah =X was doiing A maths homework and do till my hair was in a mess.LOLS.It's juz so complicated.!~to huats: thanks for the ''super, super message'' aku super super miss euu nahs.!~and horrss dun worrie abt ur results lerrs.Though euu cant help worrying but do try ur utmost best nt to worry okish??Euu oso hab to pass 1 dae no matter euu r happie or sad euu see and i cant imagine euu turned older by worrying ? =X ltr how to gao waiyu wib the delivery guy??LOLS.jiayou ah!!!~ and i'm still the no 1!~hoho x)dancework cuming liaos.25 feb at marina square.wah lau..damn damn worried can.aku stage fright manz.i can go bang de wall no matter wad, i'll try my best to gib my best shot coz this will be my last performance liaos before i leave dance and seriously concentrate on my studies.i would nt worry about my sch results lerrss..wad matters most ish my o lvl's results.wahahahs.oh yahs...and oso to usa:EUU MUZ JIAYOU NAHS!!!~we r strong de. =DD--------------------------------------------------------------------------yay getting my new specs tmr nid be a blind ger for tues onwards liaos.TERRIBLE!~off to doiing homework!!!~i'm juz so lazy to be back in sch again!~=[--------------------------------------------------------------------------`luohanandthepineapple`
Only one, 1:18 AM.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
*screams* i typed the post and off it went again.heng ah..i typed quite short nia.wahhaas..balek.todae woke up by my mother ad 11 lyk tt.went inter make specs as my old de broken into half.pathetic =X will wear it on tues.den after tt saw my united team..usa and zhiying.lols!~went wib my mother and xin to bugis.hohos..mummy went to buy california bag ad seiyu.dunnoe the right spelling and after awhile she went off to find my aunties em lerrs.den i acc xin to go search for new year's clothes.she boght a veri nice dress and i bought nth =X nth caught my attention.wahahas..alvin joined us later on and off we went to eat and eat.He's always happie on sat bcos ahems fri he...*toots secret* and eekk forgot buy the watch i wanted and forgot take pics AGAIN.hanping joined us ltr on and actually wana plae pool de bt in e end i decided to acc xin hm.sorrie to alvin for ps-ing wasnt intentionally de.=)will post pics next tym.wahahahas.nites!~
Only one, 6:33 AM.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
I.WILL.WAIT.TILL.THAT.SPECIAL.DAY =Dblahss..i dun even noe wad i'm typing about.anywayz wana ask ling to cheer up okish..everything would be fine after a while =)I.MISS.HUATS.NAHS.1 WEEK 1 TYM.*FAINTS*
Only one, 4:44 AM.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
hahaass...dearest sis wib her bf. *shy couple*
before i forget, i promised angel to blog abt ermsss..mayb i shall just post a picture of her.lols.
To angel:Muz jiayou in everything horrs.esp ur studies ah!!!~everytym work and plae only..ltr ahems ahems scold euu how??LOLZ =) anyways as fer ''dabaii'', ib he's urs,he will be urs eventually.Love euu bestieeee!~~
Only one, 11:05 PM.
Hmm woke up arnd 6 plus...super super lethargic den was freezing.symptoms of sickness liaos.sianz 1/2.den didnt went sch.=X den went to slp until 12 plus went see doctor.-____-lll veri guilty towards both my dad and mummy.bcos make em worry and oso mummy hab to acc me to go see doc.wanted sae sorrie to em but shu bu chu kou =(skipped many lessons todae..esp A maths consisting of 3 periods.I sure miss alot nahsss...*screams* skipped dance prac todae too.hmm so super sianz can in a sense that i gotta catch up so much. [[ I miss my 4 girlfriends!!!~ =ppp]]-ibonlyhewasthereformewhenimfeelingsoterrible.-theoneineedmostishhim-atthesametyminoelovecouldnotbeforced-soiwillletthingsbethesame-butiwillstaytrue-hecantdenytherightofmelovinghim
Only one, 10:50 PM.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
hoho x) i'm here again.hahas went tp and bugis wib gay darling and june crappo met them ad phonebooth and headed to tp.lols..was veri crowded when reached there la..and quite bored too coz thurs went we went to see the show of tp and it was amusing!!!~bt the actor almost accidentally threw till sth ad me.heng ah..i siam de fast. X) *ib i see the guy again, i oso wan throw*den went inter eat and saw nicodemus wib his darling!~LOLS..gona disturb him on mon lerrs.wahahas..den headed to bugis.hmm went to bugis street and shopped.walk arnd bugis street fer lyk 3 rnds??bt super pissed de thing ish that i didnt bought anything todae except for the hairband.WHY WHY WHY!!!~i searched aimlessly for sth...but cannot even find anything i like.even the heels that were goiing 50 % off in parco junction, i didnt lyk ad all.!!!~ *i walked arnd the shop fer 3 rnds too* LOLS.oh yahs alvin did sth terrible todae.lols.shall nt mention here before he gets malu.hahahahs!!~anywayz special thanks to ALVIN AND JUNE for acc-ing me to shop todae.coz their foot sure sore lerrs..after walking rnds and rnds.and noe wad??i juz saw huiyi's msn nick and i saw dance work ish on 25 feb???!!!~WTF..i haven even prepare yet norhs and juz for ur info..i gt stage fright and gets paiseh super duper easily ah.HOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!~i scare ah.-_____-lllto add on to it..fri i went for dance and there were new juniors joining the dance and then shah asked us dance dance-work fer them see...and when they sat in front and we started dancing...noe wad i did?? i stood there nt dancing AD ALL and doiing silly mistakes whereby i noe majority of the steps.SO MALUS.!~THEY MAY TOUT I DUNNOE HW 2 dANCE.HAHAHAHASSS. =DDDDsaw shirley's blog too.hahas tink of the past too.lols..we did went thru alot and i'm glad we r still friends =) shirley jiayou worhhs!!!~mayb i shall stop here.the post kinda long le.and i too engorss in shopping todae that i forgotten to take perhaps next tym alryte..nitesss friends!!!~
Only one, 6:26 AM.
[[*sisters that went thru the ups and downs* ]]
as usual felt super restless todae..mayb due to the insufficient slp i had. =) bt it's okish bahs.i enjoyed my dae todae esp dance . didnt manage to get to quit dance as there ish dancework cuming most probably i would get to be left off after dancework.todae had ss and geo diagnostic test and the test didnt came out wad i had learnt for was taken frm yr 2004 de o lvl.blahssss.-____-lll ling went hm early ; felt sickkk...hmm take care lots hors!~ =Di wana go tp!!!~hahasss i may be goiing for the tp tmr again[[for the open hse]].then after that will be shopping spree le.yay!!!~been sooooooooooooooo long since i last went on the other hand i wana save $.what shld i do??the best way ish drop frm the tree!!!~i'll strive hard to earn lots and lots of $ but as for now..studies meant alot to me.but i'm uber lazy to study.gib me a break =p
Only one, 5:49 AM.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
-all tym favourite girlfriends- *precious*
was veri worn out these few days.dunnoe y too =( todae hab A maths test again and i'm sure i will get a failed marks again.coz i left the back page all's nt as ib i nr study ad all, i DID study!!!~ but..forget it bahs.already pass lerrs.went to tp todae for the open hse thing.hahas...i looked so kiddy la wib my uniform and bag whereas most of the girls dresses maturely.the scenario ish as though when pri sch kids cuming to my sch for open!!!~hmm..for nw i might be aiming to go tp bahs..nt bad in everything.=) so as for now, no bgr for me even though valentine's day ish in less than 1 month's tym.HEHEHES!!!~off to doiing homework...
Only one, 4:04 AM.
hmm..took dwn the password thingy for a few days and would put in back again.lols..too bo liaos lerrs.=)
Only one, 3:28 AM.
so since chem test ish tmr ,i can slack abit.coz i know i definitely fail my chem study will be equal to no study.anyw i find that sum bitches' mouth ish reali terrible bt i'm nt gona bother abt them =)went to alvin's chalet the dae before.was kind of bored nahss..hahas bcos alvin busy entertaining other people and i gaveee him a superrrrrr black face.LOLS. =X bt my mood ish good back once the food ish ready.hahaasss...and i felt so bad nt helping his mother out.-____-lllalso, i'm so super lazy to upload the picturess these few days including the countdown one.hahas..sum more i'm getting more uglier will nt post pic for the tym being.went to cut hair =p and was so toot.HAHHAHAHSSS.stop here!~-him, him, him
Only one, 2:37 AM.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUNE!!!~(POK)TO JUNE:hey girl, finally 16 liaos hors.a long wait in fact.muz wait for me horrrsss...hahass =)anywayz special thanks fer this 1 yr or so of friendship we had.although we had quarrel for lyk so many tym bt in e end we still made up.=p and oso thanks for all the retarded actions euu gave which simply want to show to ahems!!~LOLS.jk nahsss..hahas..overall wana thanks euu fer being my crappiest friend.and 1 last thing...stop bullying me hors!!!~wahahahs.hmm..lastly wana wish euu:1)getting good results for ur studies2)finding ur true love3)good luck in everything euu do.and oso let me show off my voice by singing a birthdae song to euu.=)HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU,HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU,HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MISS YIK,HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.=)okish prepapring to go to alvin's chalet goodbye.anyw i miss huat!!!~=D
Only one, 8:45 PM.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEAREST ALVIN!!!~ =Dto alvin:lols..sorrie ah prezzie will be late.!~and i noe that euu hab already reminded me so many tym.=p but prezzie cfm hab officially 16 liaos siia.abit old lerrs.lolss..but nvm nahss..i tink ur gay actions will ''dian'' many xiaomeimeis derhs.WAHAHAS.!~anywayz thanks fer being there whenever i wasnt feeling good.good good darlinggg =X as fer the 1st wish euu made, seriously i hope it comes true for euu nahs, in that case i wouldnt see a veri act strong de ah hong. =X so hereby i'm wishing euu a veri happie birthdae and all the best in everything euu do =))been veri busy wib school stuffs recently.okish so finally i like noe that all busy being a sec 4 student will be.mayb quit dance by this week.firstly, i dun tink i will wana dance anymore given the current situation and on top of that, i dun hab the heart to dance anymore.BIAS can!!!~so ib nu er and angel quitting, den yahs bye bye to dance liaos.though i still enjoy dancingggg... =phahas..euu noe at tym i seem to enjoy seeing my girlfriends em hanging out wib their bf?it's juz like so sweet on the whole.despite the quarrels they faced, it has always ended up so for me, it somehow seems impossible anymore.ib i didnt meet HIM ad all, ur may now see me holding hands with a veri veri nice bf ;or he sending me home etc.HOHO!~anyw i didnt regret noeing HIM nahss...=) i still love HIM veri much.!~ but as long as HE's doiing well, i will be more than contented.anywayz i'm used to being single liaos.*screams*hmm added the part of bgr ish juz to lengthern my blog post abit.seems so short initially.i wont be blogging so frequently like last tym do kip a look-out in my blog once awhile and tag yea!~take care beloved friends. =D
Only one, 2:48 AM.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAE BELOVED MONNY!!!~ =Dsinging a birthdae song wishing euu all the best !!!~ahems start!!!~happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you,happy birthday to monny,happy birthday to you!~yay!!!~
Only one, 8:03 AM.
fri:went to spore poly in the noon fer the open hse and i may consider getting into 1 of the business courses there bt that will be my 2nd choice.=) 5 plus went hm and i slept at 8.super tired!~sat:went to sch fer the profiling activity and it was so super BORING!~morningg hab a veri veri bad attitude.sincere apologises to all.haish..teared ytd.i admit i'm emo, bt at least i'm strong kaes.i endured for so freaking long.since the day i falled fer him, i cried and cried, losing myself,kip to myself everythingg and stuffs.and now the worst thing ish i lost my studying may seem so small matter to ur bt to me ,it means alot larrss..arghh!~coz whenever i'm in sch, i gib my best to all my sub except a maths and chem =X i'm worrieddd...i've to juz endure these few monthsss...jiu ming ah!!!~ i've to learn to face the cruel's overrrr...
Only one, 2:50 AM.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
hahas..todae updating fer the sake of pok(aka june).coz she complained i aint been updating.LOLS.firstly..i'm so lazy to go upload the pics i took during new yr juz gib me sum days yea??or mayb a few weeks??hahahass..1st dae of sch:i didnt prepare my sch stuffs, hence when i wana wear my shoes to go out lerrss,i suddenly realise my foot grow kind of bigger.and i force my leg in.hw pathetic!~hahas.went to mit xin ad our lao di fang..den reached sch lyk gona 7.40?!~tadaaa.1st dae jiu late.tsk tsk..ling and pok were late too.all LATE QUEENS.lols.den we 4 big shot walk in the sch gate like nobody's business -___-lll and ....ling n pok tio caught.coz of dyed hairr..they 2 styled de bus still can ask..''my hair no colour hors'' lols.go in jiu mati lerrs.following n me tio caught in the hall.[[of cos..wib many others too]] fer the bloody SOCKS!~hw many TIMESSSS muz they catch the socks.?it's juz merely socks.i admit i was a bad girl fer only TODAE!~it's nt my 2nd nature as usual..we had all those lame talks;boring talks and still like finally we thought we can relax lerrs..there comes a profiling survey.[[totally a bored sh*t =X]]..after sch went mac and off to sweet sweet home.=)
-i've been losing sleep fer these past few days.TERRIBLE!~i slept lyk 4am ytd and woke up lyk 6 am todae??SWEEE!~hahas and i miss huat =( sch aint for the sake of my parents; huat and p.b, i muz study!!!~ =D *I MISS P.B LOTSssssss...
Only one, 3:41 AM.
so i will briefly sae abt yesterdae.was ling's bdae!!! mit her like 2 plus at bedok mrt platform.and headed to marina square fer seoul was so ex nahsss..dun tink i will go again coz we don't eat much.lols..after tt went cine to look fer suradi,lubna,alvin and *.watched deathnote 2.and it was niceee, bt i couldnt understand the whole story.hahass...after watching went esplanade fer countdown.shiok ahh...after tt went to climb railings to get a better security guards was guarding heavily.-___-lll make us lost a gd spot.after tt i went to climb again..hahas den everyone start climbing sehsss..aiseh..*climber-megastar* den striked 12..fireworksssss!!!~fabulousss.=) made many wishesss.anywayz i realli hope my first wish will cum trueeee...alvin!!!~let's work hard for our dreammmm!!!~ =Dafter that suradi and alvin sent me hm.thanks loads!~ hahas and ended up walking hm frm inter coz no bus liaos =X super thanks ah.will upload the pics soon
Only one, 6:26 AM.