Thursday, November 30, 2006
recent happenings of last few days.28/11:went out wib huat and jerylin to suntec to chiong arcade.muahahas..i played the bb games and i didnt hit sum1's head lyk AHEMS.lols.den went to eat just noodles .LOLS.i guess i'm starting to lyk eating at that sho called resaturant bahs.den after tt head to sentosa.woo!~long tym no go lerrs..went to siloso beach and palawan beach.and played water there.lols.den after awhile went to try the luge and the manz bt the luge was frightening can.scare the hell out of me .due to the fast speed. =) 
didnt manage to take many pics coz was busy enjoying ourself.=) sho headed to swensens at vivo fer our dinner,yay!~yummy.GST 7% .kill!!~went to walk walk at the open space on top.took pics too.

den went home.hahhass funni scene siiax.smelly armpis of ang moh and met one of the ex-tchr in bedok south pri who i dunno at all.lols =) and home we go.thanks to both of them fer the fun fun dae and making me forget those unhappy past.yay!!~
had dance prac and woke up ad arnd 6.50 coz the dance prac start at 8 am.arghh...tiring!!!~after dance went to bubble tea shop wib gen nu er,angel bestie and huiyi switheart.sumhow i felt that adding -bestie all that sounds nicer.hahahas..went hm bathe actually wana doze off le.den huiyi and angel suggest go sing in advance of celebrating hui yi's bdae sho off i went.and sing here nt here sing till voice hoarse.hui yi left earlier n left me and angel..2 char bo singing .lols..sum pictures below.

alryte..stop here.more to go =) nites!~there's dance prac tmr again .tired ah!!~ *yawns*
Only one, 5:52 AM.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
1 more hr and i'm gona stop this misery and i mean it!!!~i seriously hate the fuck of him.!~ =D it's over!~
Only one, 6:50 AM.
Monday, November 27, 2006
14 more mins to 12 o'clock.wad's my mood ltr on??i dunnoe.=Di wana marry luo zhi xiang or wilber pan!!~
Only one, 7:53 AM.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
blog again fer the 2nd tym todae.bored!~rot and eat r wad i did todae and mayb that's ad i'm gona do tmr.=p i'm sho pek chek plus lethargic.!~bo lak manz.=(2 persons doesnt mean us..!~ that's seem sho profound.forget it rubbish you yao lai le.hahas revenge tym!!!~pictures tym.
-tv oso wan take pic- *tsk tsk*
*camera fight*
*professional singer too*

went to kbox and sang lyk wad i mentioned in the previous post and got to know this ''eerie'' guy.LOLS.and i gave him my name as ''bu zhi dao'' and said i'm 19.lols..and yups who knows wad he's up to he helped us to extend our singing hour to 2 more steph and me juz went off at 8 lyk tt.
den 9 plus went to mit glenn and slack awhile den went 511 wib steph, kah leong and kok hong!~muahahhas and dunnoe ish my voice nt loud enuff or tt auntie abit busy or hard or hearing (opps =X) i ordered 1 plate of ''orh ra'' and she came delivering 2 plates.wah lao waste $3 more leiis...den after that kl sent steph home, buddy sent me home.surprisingly that ish the first tym he sent me home.LOLS = D cool!~
to steph:wah..!~ps manz all my pics...terrible plus horrible.LOLS.and i DEFINITELY wont end up wib ur DARLS.lols...IMPOSSIBLE.urs always kembangan and mine always macpherson!~hahhass..or mayb mine wont be always liaos.lols..anywayz my todae gona soon be over =( awaiting fer ur christmas too.=) jiayou!~and hurhurs...revenge of the pics.!~shuang!~hohoho =X
-beloved gerfriend and me - =D
Only one, 5:47 AM.
ytd went out wib zhong long bao fer shopping and singing and it was fun!~will upload the pics soon.=)once again..i'm feeling terrible.i admit it's bcos of him.though i sort of get over him bt noeing 1 yr ish juz 2 days away,my heart juz sank deeper and deeper.practically, i lost the old me who used to tink that habing to love someone ish one of the happiest thing.i lied on my bed watching tv fer the whole afternoon and if not i'm onlin-ing lyk ryte nw.i seriously hab no mood to come home these few days.JUZ FOR THESE FEW DAYS.juz lyk ytd..i went home ad arnd 12 plus which ish small case to some of ur but to me ish quite diff?i normally reached hm lyk 10 plus bt haiz..forget it.and i hope after tues, i would realli start my life afresh!~ i enjoy my life being single and frankly i can hab sho much freedom bt the worst thing is there's juz sho much coincidence between me and him that i tried 101 % trying to forget him.=X okish wadever..i've no mood to blog further.byes!~
Only one, 12:36 AM.
Friday, November 24, 2006
awww..feeling real depress nw.sorrie to those i talked wib depressing mood.haish =(
Only one, 5:19 AM.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
uh oh..i said sth terribly bad =(
Only one, 5:56 AM.
stayed at hm todae for the whole dae!~reason:wana save $. as i nt working ,sho may to try means and ways to juz cut down on shopping this ish totally TERRIBLE.i'm juz wasting my precious tym off LYING ON BED AND watching tv =( i'm seriously goiing crazy.and my plan ish to juz stay ad hm till tues.and tmr there's dance prac.ohh..kill me!~went marina square wib nu er ytd!!~weets long tym neber go out lerrs.hahas mit her at mrt platform and we head to M.S to catch step-up.superb!~dancing moves and cool hunks.wahahhas.=) some pictures we took ytd.

and noe wad??i was wearing a dress's been ages since i wore 1.lols.
nuer..!~do cheer up alryte..dun bcos of that small matter sadden ur mood.cheer up!~jiayou!~
alryte i'm off to chatting.nite friends and btw dun gib my password to any of ur friends alryte..currently there're lyk onli 6-7 darlings who know the password.nites.
Only one, 5:31 AM.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
had dance prac todae and seriously it was TIRING.wib all the scoldings and yelling frm my dance instructor,everyone realli stunned todae.including nw my head ish spinning lyk nobody's business due to the lack of sleep.*screams* r sum pics tt i took last few days.
i tinkk i gona hab a rest soon.nites!~
Only one, 4:32 AM.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
i tink my hp will be suffering lyk shuck manz.idea-less? hahas coz whenever i set my alarm, i would delay the tym and press the phone fer sho many tym till i get pissed wib the alarm tone.sho woke up ad 11 plus and bathe all tt den get ready to get off n mit darling xin lerrs.hahas advance bdae's celebration. 
-goiing out-

-saw my fatty cheek-
met xin at phone booth and saw her.hahhas..wanted to hug her public sho passed her the ''hello kitty cushion'' i bought for her,passed to her and wished her =) after tt went to acc xin take passport's pic den head to sing den after long walking to the destination,with a sweaty back i've gt,in e end the place had nomore vacencies liaos.and noe wad's my feeling tt tym?? *PISSED* LOLS.
hence,decided to go to suntec and chiong arcade.hmm den kip playing till cant stop oso stuck at the bubble de games.muahahhas den after tt went to just noodles and eat and we realli hab a fun tym there.muahahas and i tink i saw ouyangshan!!!~ a person that looks lyk him.oh gosh...den i kip looking ad him.lols...nt bcos he's ute or handsome bt bcos he realli look lyk ouyangshan larrsss...
den after tt angel cum mit us and we chionged arcade .hahahs...had a realli good luff and shooting of xin wib tt was meant to be a luff and i'm glad xin and angel finally made up.hooray!!!~some pictures we took during arcade tym.

-one of the games i played- *ended up bomb myself* LOLS

-angel the gamer-
off to my tv.waiting fer wwe .lols...chiong ah!~
Only one, 5:38 AM.
Friday, November 17, 2006
wah wah wah!!!~ the more i see my blog the more i tink i'm loving it. =pchange to this new blogskin lerrs see le oso more comfortable .[[ there's no silent cries anymore!!~hopefully]] X)hahahs todae my auntie helped me buy 2 boxes of soy bean's nt those cans de bt are those in glass derhs.hahas sho altogether 48 bottles.and huat sae i wana pu nai!!! nahs..juz tt i love that flavour!~hurhurs.i love drinking soy bean milk bt oso nr see tt my boobs grow bigger =X opps.hahass...but who cares??small small larrs.lols..nt heavy.opps =xXhahahas thanks huat fer helping me to download songs whereby she oso hab to dl fer ku ni le.tonite ahems ah!~lols.tmr goiing to help xin to celebrate her advance bdae.lols...her actual bdae on the 19th.=) hopefully i can manage to make her happie fer the dae???*winkz* require some techniques.10 more days!!~bt i guess i wont realli go brood over it lerr bahs.pray that i will pass my 28th soon.i wana be a great dancer!!!~ *screams*
Only one, 8:14 AM.
Thursday, November 16, 2006

[ they look great!~]
yay!!!~changed blogskin after sho long.thanks to my bro!!!~LOLS.i'm always a noob in all these stuffs larrs sho seek his help.yups blog put password lerrs.dunwan unknown people to view my blog..somehow felt that there's no privacy.lols.okish blog again tonite.
Only one, 11:45 PM.
hmm..i couldnt slp once again and yet there's dance prac tmr .i'm brooding abt me and pineapple boy.thanks to tiff...i've gt more encouragement.always waiting fer him to turn back and juz gib us another chance to start again bt it's neber happen.i used to be a realli bad ger in the past and thanks to him i've order to accompany him to do finish his tys last tym fer preparation of o's,i stayed up till morning and chat wib him bt letting him tink tt i'm doiing it becos i'm bored??..he make me realise wad's love ish all abt??gibing everything up in turn fer his love??i'm juz lyk a crazy fan who go gaga over her idol sho badly tt i wana marry him??lols..bullshit.i'm tired lerrs.i'm nt goiing gaga over him lerrs.i'm seriously letting go.i'm nt chasing over the so-called love lerr.i will let it come to me overall..i still thanks him fer appearing in my life and gibing me the memories that i will forever kip beneath me.thanks pineapple boy!!!~i will strive hard in my dance and study nw and hopefully euu will find ur e other half soon. =)i knew he wont see juz typed out bahs .nitessss.nth to blog much though.
Only one, 8:01 AM.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
woke up at this morning 3.35 can? and i couldnt get to bed till 5 plus in the evening.n noe wad i'm doiing??watching tv till arnd 9 plus den get ready to go out le.muhahahahs,!~sho went out wib xin!~quite sum tym nr mit her le.will post the pics soon.stop to my tv.
Only one, 7:20 AM.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
once holidae start..i will start to lose my slp.sho as usual..i rolled here n there on my bed lyk half an hr and finally feeling pek chek ,i dragged my foot and went to the kitchen and hab a cup of hot milo and surfed net.=(woke up early in the morning to mit angel.sho long neber saw her lerrs.missed her sho much!!!~todae was meant to study derhs bt in e end we landed on suntec and marina.hahas bt luckily she helped me to take some books coz she nr bring books ad all!!!`bluff my feelings can??!~and we went aracde and plaed the games fer lyk 2-3 hrs plus.amazingly i would go to arcade since a veri long tym ryte??..i seriously hate arcade sumtym and yet todae being the indecisive me..i stepped in.who knows which wire went out of my mind. -___-lll and after tt went to eat and saw alvin ang and chee ren.LOLS.they were sho paiseh.shopped awhile den went hm.=)[[out of a sudden..i realised many things which i once neber tout can be sho fragile at tym..and oso obstacles approach one by one.juz lyk how fate brought friendship,kinship and relationship together and yet it can juz disappear once euu blinked ur eyes.sho hereby i declare i treasure every friendship,kinship and relationship and hope every friends;sisters;darlinks will stay happie alryte?i'm scared of the feeling of losing=( and fer those who r habing their bad tym strong!!!~ ]]
Only one, 2:53 AM.
Sunday, November 12, 2006

sho that's the temple.or sth?[[i aint quite sure]] following that went to take the ferry again and took some pictures including the museum and the poly there.
-their poly-
-their museum-

a picture of a person selling stuffs on the boat.and at that tym i realised i'm much more fortunate than them.see the dirty water there??they bathe and drink there and they would row their boat very fast when they see tourists' boat stopping.haiz..sho i bought one frm them =)

and oso i bought the neck flower frm em.

sho after departing frm the ferry terminal..we went to see jewellery and den go shopping le.while shopping there's this ang moh who tout i'm the service crew in the shoes' shop looked at me and said ''excuse me'' gibing me the impression that he wana ask some shoes enquires frm tt tym i straight away waved my hands implying that i'm NT A THAI MEI!!!~Lols.
even some of the crews in other shop spoke to me in thai lang.tmd!!!~and i juz smiled and huh?hahaass...den went to shop till i drop can.and there's this shopping mall that ish sho bloody huge and nice,making me shop till drop and it to the extreme that drop le oso dunnoe drop till where.hahasss...
next dae went see buffet.diaos..same de again!!!~hahahas..the waiter there sho cute larrs...although they r lyk my korkor.hahas..i'm nt being hua chi juz tt they're simply sho courteous and adorable.hahahahs!~and once again after eating we went to shop again.and dis tym i bought some cute pillows and some clothes.bits and pieces here n there.SHUANGS!~
*hahas..cute yea*

i'm getting sho tired larr.ROARS!!~i spent 1 hrs plus blogging this.tmd!!~who sae i nr blog derhs i kill tt person manz.hahahas..abit more to go.

*hotel room*
hahas..still gt more pictures to post bt bet me i'm seriously feeling sho exhausted sho i will blog 1 more picture .sho euu can see y i've been feeling sho exhausted these few days.habing 4 days of shopping frm morning 8am-1am ish realli a super duper tough task fer me indeed it was a super duper nice nice trip.except fer the vomitiing!!!~LOLZ =xaiyax cant seems to be able to upload the last pic den i stop here den.=)
Only one, 1:43 AM.
it's a free weekend fer me.sundae always seemed boring to me =X sho decided to spend my tym blogging abt the bangkok's trip.
fri:woke up early in the morning..had a full breakfast and headed to airport and waited my relatives them to arrive. den waited fer lyk 1 hrs den board the

-in the plane-

-mummy and me-
juz when the plane took off nt long..noe wad happen??i vomitted!!!~*thumb-dwn* guess i couldnt travel by plane in the near future.arghh..kill me seriously the speed when taking off realli attracted me much.wahahas.
once reached bangkok,there this tour guide who looked sho demure yet friendly led us to the hotel to leave our luggages there first.oh gosh i forgot where we go.hmm..oh yahs sho we headed to a restaurant to hab our dinner as it was kind of was such a disappointment larrs.first dish come out :black chicken!!!~we didnt ordered the black chicken.we juz merely ordered chicken or sth lyk following that the dish was nt bad larrs.yummy!~hahas and we lyk toking alien lang to em and vice versa...we ended up doiing ''sign lang''.
it's lyk ib we wan coke..we tell em they dunnoe ..den we auto went in the kitchen and find the coke.hilarious ryte??hahas all self service some of em dunnoe eng =X
after tt head to the nearby psar malam and shopped again.muahahas!!!~hooray and of cos i bought everything i can and off to the hotel wib tons of plastic bags.=X
next dae woke up ad abt 8am to hab our buffet fer breakfast at the hotel lobby.[[somewhere around there]] and guess wad i wore casual wear thinking tt there's mayb lyk onli my grp will be eating there till i saw all ang mohs dressing smartly and neatly.*faints* wib my messy hair+casual wear..i looked lyk a mad woman that had juz finished catching the runaway chickens.hahas sho quickly went up and change.
and tada i looked much more neater.hurhurs.

after that went down to eat and ha!~ found myself more comfortable.and thus snap pic again.

*aww...eaten breakfast*

went to the room again to rest awhile den go shopping again.sho when resting..why don't i take some pictures?

opps..miss out 1 picture of me and cousin during breakfast.hahas sho let the pictures do the talking till the ferry trip.

-i'm lazy to adjust it.sho juz tilt ur head-

-family pic + my auntie and her frz who are nt inside- =)

-while waiting-

-the view-

-my korean cousin-

-ferry tym- hooray!!!~

-the view-

my auntie actually said me siaos fer taking even the slightest thing:the top of the ferry .lols.

sho we stopped by some place of the bangkok to visit temple.It somehow looked lyk a market yea?okish..i'll post again.there's some technical prob.grrrr!!!~
Only one, 12:21 AM.