Saturday, September 30, 2006
went out wib ah pok and neh pok todae to study and pissed larrs.went airport study gana chased sho headed to expo.saw jamie and last tym tuition friends there.hahas...saw ah bang too.i miss him larrs!~ =Dden after awhile went to marine parade study and saw zhiliang em.lols...such a coincidence nahs and i didnt saw them at first coz i didnt wore my spec.blahsss..=Xtiring cum stoppid dae was fun!~ mon ish my eng exam .hope i can at least passed in order to be promoted.=)to flirt boy: viewed ur blog.yups..kind of confusing and ib i'm nt wrong euu liked herr* yea??=D but juz hoped euu stayed happie always and study hard bahs.!~jiayou!~anywayz i wont be sho frequently online kind busy coping wib my revision etc.sho would spend more tym blogging after my exam.
Only one, 7:05 AM.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
alryte feeling much much better after hanging out wib my darlink sistas cum besties.lols..and yups my mood minimised bt still moody. =p.hmm...nwadays many couples hab been seperating bt hope euu gers realli cheer up kaes...face it bravely and move forwards.=) unless euu realli tink the guy ish the one fer euu..den i advise ur to stay on bt nw studies first!!!~went to tamp after sch and ate at kfc.normally it was sho packed until we hab to stand up lyk idiot fools lyk tt bt luckily todae there were ample seats fer us.yay!!!~hmm..sec4s and 5s no nid go sch soon lerrs.i will miz em larrs.sho fasy 1 yr gona pass lerrs.haiz...super afraid i would get retained.all that mdm annie chong larrs.not that i wana pin-point at her bt every assignment i passed up to her i failed extreamly badly..=S i admit my eng ish lyk quite bad bt i dun tink it's sho bad till i failed every assignement??sumtym i wonder ish she bias to my group.we always failed.tmd!!!~arghhh...btw she's my eng form tchr.=Xalryte off to chatting.buh byessss.btw i didnt put private blog's sho lei chey and i gt to type my password every nw n den.
Only one, 3:58 AM.
Monday, September 25, 2006
todae was a pretty sad dae.i got 0/30 fer my a maths.haiz..i did study...ish nt as ib i didnt study at all.0 siiax..the first fabulous result i had.and yups i broke down during recess tym the toilet of coz.admit i'm weak bt who aint??and i'm the fucking 1 person who get 0??i seriously no mood todae fer anything.anywayz i juz sux in everything bahs =(goodbye.
Only one, 4:08 AM.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
(stuffs i bought=p )
(juz trying out those ''kawaii'' pose , bt failed =X)
Only one, 2:47 AM.
realised i've been using pink colour font recently and it's kind of boring upon looking it fer dunnoe how many tym.shall blog a lil abt ytd.went out wib my zhong long bao ytd.hahas...actually wana go changi airport and study was kind of hungry den went to swensens and eat waffles wib ice-cream.hahas..sum of ur may probably tink i went out of mind..waffle which cost $1-$1.30 can buy dunnoe how many outside compared to swensens no choice bahs..we were both on the idea. =) after that no mood study den went to bugis and shop.muahahas...and i simply loathe myself coz i spent lyk $80 plus including food.and i guess i cant stop that habit.anywayz it's juz once in a while.bought 1 bag;1 tube and 1 baggy shirt and recently i juz went bersak` over baggy clothes.yay!~den went to eat the duck rice which i ate wib wuhan frz;gen and zhiliang em that particular dae.yummy bom pepe.ib ur wana tried it ou, it's opposite the swensens..go try it.=) headed to national library and was intending to study de bt who knows wad day was it, the national library was sho fully packed that even every corners of the floor..there were arses lay on it.after walking and squeezing thru the shelf pathway we found a super ultra corner space and we juz step up our speed and ... ..lay our arses there.about 7 lyk tt we went home.coz i gt a dinner at 7 plus.hmm...anywayz i felt so noobie larrs..i dunnoe hw to ''crack'' the crabs thus i always ended up nt eating that.!@#$%^anywayz shall stop nuisance bro wana plae nw sho being the good sister i shall let him below.nice tym viewing.
(noticed my bloated cheeks?)

(she looked great yea?weets)
Only one, 2:31 AM.
Friday, September 22, 2006
todae have been a super sad dae =( yups...ur neber saw wrong..ish realli saddening larrs.reach sch on the dot usual after pledge taking and saw ah pok on the way.=D lessons were boring todae and my maths test was a lil screwed.after sch went studying wib angel and french fries and study till wan vomit.yups i'm seriously sick and tired of intensive studying and my exams are juz 1 week away??*pissed*todae..many of my friends cried fer sum reasons.and euu can imagine the helpless feeling euu get when eu cant even help anything except to console and comfort.i now understand the disadvantage of bgr.since i went into my frst year in secondary sch..i've always longed to find stead though i don't love em and it's juz merely a crush.i've always tout habing a bf besides me will be sho xin fu n everything i could confide in him bt i was wonder some people sae love matters are hard to my darlink sister: dun brood too much kaes...yups bgr jiu shi lyk tt de.sisters and friends could only console and comfort euu and gave euu advices at the apporiate time.the rest euu muz face up to it derhs alryte?..without saying euu r at ur lowest point of stage nw yea??mayb hab a good cry and sort thing out?and sum more nw ish exam period sho juz concentrate on it first and den see hw?euu still gt other friends and me arnd euu kaes..anything can juz call me yea??hp noon to 24-hr.lols...hope euu stay happie and tink of positive things euu!!!~special thanks to juliet fer helping my to bring geo paper. and the money cost.=) hmm..i'm still tinking of some wayz to....anywayz gan xie ni!!!`(xu chun mei's tone)..or yah btw baby's born.neber help me pull!!!~ =P hmm...anywayz shall stop here.mayb i would blog lesser lerrss...coz of the exams..eeekkk...hahas anywayz nite and ppl plz stay happie!~
Only one, 5:14 AM.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
hmm..todae was such a long day to me nahs.esp towards the last period my mind seems to be whirling on something definitely not sum kind of bgr stuffs.muhahahs...yay!!~..last few days bought a new laptop and ended up my com habing sum probs spoiled.!@#$%^ my heart hurts alot la fer spending on it.anywayz it was worthwhile. =Phmm my mother was lyk saying to change the destination to hongkong as bomb attacks are currently carried out in thailand and it's kinda dangerous to go there.hence, hongkong would be an option.juz as long as i get to go overseas jiu shaung le .....coz i've nr took a plane before.yups..i sounded sho noob and mountain tortoise larrs.alryte i'm goiing to bathe and will be back later.mayb shld blog alil more ltr.=)
Only one, 5:49 AM.
Monday, September 18, 2006
arghhh..i'm extreamly tired.due to the insufficient sleep i've gt recently, my dark circles deepened and i guess more pimples popped out...though i dun mind i still hate the sight of it. =)
hp was brought to repair todae...will onli get to get it back on thanksfully i have gt a spare hp.
i've getting nowhere in my how how??exams are juz round the corner.2 weeks??or mayb less than it.eeekkkk...i wan enjoy my holidae nw larrs.=(
i hope i can sit down on my chair wib my arse stuck it and sit there fer lyk 12hrs till i vomit ?? mayb that would satisfy me.i'm totally damn pissed wib myself.*screams*
juliet ah.euu this siaos juliet...dun do zart zart dance arhs and dun turn zhibi..muz pull up ur socks and wear it to the neck.lols....=D
no mood to blog lerrs.hope the others do their best to get promoted.
i hope i wont be rretained or laterally transferred.jiu ming arhh!!~CHOI.
anywayz no pics will be uploaded recently as hp spoiled!@#$%$
Only one, 6:32 AM.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
i'm wasting a weekend's a sunday and there goes myself staying at home and completing my homework..and of cos looking after my bro.(though he's big enuff to take care og his own =X)yay~ i'm goiing fer shopping spree soon.sho those sat free derhs feel free to ask me out yay.hahas...or mayb i wld ask some of ur sho many stuffs that i wana buy and i'm sure i gona buy it next sat.hopefully i can buy those i habe been wanting to's been getting on my nerves that those things hab been left on the shop fer dunnoe hw many freaking days and when i've decided to buy, the stuffs juz went whoopps...and it's gone.!@#$%^& thuss this tym i hope i can catch it all. =)alright currently i'm mugging geo and i find that it's getting more complicated fer sum typical question.and after that i'm gona catch up on the ss ws and mayb will be browsing thru fnn soon.and it's getting bored.questions like how would euu enusre the meat ish fresh gona kills me....arghhh~!!~and shit hp spoiled.=(
Only one, 1:52 AM.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
oh yr exam ish approaching nahs....*screamss* in juz barely a month. =)alryte ...miss pow gave a lecture todae sort of wake-up call and mayb i do wake-up??hahas...i'll try to let myself be promoted!!!~ *prays*sho from now on..i'm gona start mugging and mayb shopping at times =x (relieve stress mahs).anywayz hope those frz in secs 4 and 5 are doiing well in their's juz sho nerve-wrecking ah.hahas...special mention..juliet!!!~muz jiayou oh!!~and glenn too.lols..dun say i neber mention euu arhs.oh yahs yahs and zhong long bao too.muahahas.had a small tiff wib zhong long bao sum days ago =( bt it's alryte lerrs.yay!!!~hope everything goes out well.nth nan de dao wo men.waahahas...okish..i'm off to geo homework.will blog soon.
Only one, 5:45 AM.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
been kinda busy recently.sch juz started lyk 2 days and yet it seemed sho intense.assignments were doubled up.homework were tripled up.juz hope i can take it.compared to the oothers in sec 4 and 5s i tink mine ish small case yea??bt yet i juz felt sho no-mood .bleaksss...=Psho i would blog a lil as time goes by.and mayb when i'm veri free..i would change my blogskin narhs.i juz felt sho lei-chey.*this blogskin been wib me fer sho long too =X*having insomia these few usual would roll on my bed fer lyk dunnoe hw long till i doze off. it was a seriously ''nt good'' feelings.everything would juz came to my mind.=D *i don't wanaa face it. *Screams*-should i accept or reject?? =a matter of heart=
Only one, 5:10 AM.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
apologises to friends who worried fer me. =(i'm juz feeling down; super down out of a sudden.i'll be fine..juz nida some tym.
Only one, 9:01 AM.
Only one, 5:50 AM.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
omigod!!!~~ i'm getting sho bored at doiing all those lame stuff and i spent lyk half an hr trying all that??*faints* alryte i'm gona go to bed nw and try to roll to slp. =P
Only one, 10:51 AM.
You Are Practically Plastic |
You're so beautiful that it's almost unrealUnfortunately, you're attitude's a little unreal tooEveryone knows you're super hot - no need to remind themYou've got it going on, so stop obsessing! |
Are You Obsessed With Your Looks?
Only one, 10:50 AM.
Men See You As Choosy |
Men notice you light years before you notice themYou take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be pickyYou aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounterIt may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait |
Only one, 10:47 AM.
You Were Pretty Average This Year |
You Were 55% Naughty, 45% Nice You tried to be a good girl this year...But as you know, being good isn't that fun!If you're extra sweet, you may have enough time to get on that nice list. |
How Naughty (Or Nice) Were You This Year?
Only one, 10:43 AM.
You Are a Normal Girl |
You are 50% Good and 50% BadSure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl. |
Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?
Only one, 10:42 AM.
You Are A Professional Girlfriend! |
You are the perfect girlfriend - big surprise!Heaven knows you've had enough practice. That's why you're a total pro.If there was an Emily Post of girlfriends, it would be you.You know how to act in every situation ... to make both you and your guy happy. |
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
Only one, 10:39 AM.
Guys Like That You're Charming |
You're the girl most guys can't get out of their headsEven if they met you on a bad hair day :-)You just seem to "click" with everyone you meetSo even if a guy forgets about you for a second... his friends haven't! |
What Do Guys Like About You?
Only one, 10:31 AM.
You'll Find a Boyfriend Within 3 Weeks |
You're out enough to meet plenty of guysAnd it shows, because a few are interested in youEven if you haven't meet the right guy yetHe's standing just around the corner :-) |
When Will You Meet Your Next Boyfriend?
Only one, 10:23 AM.
You Are More Than Friends |
If you and your guy friend haven't hooked up yet, you will soonThis guy is attracted to you and even cares about you deeplyHe has incredible boyfriend potential - as long as you dig him backSo what are you waiting for? Make a move! He's probably just too shy! |
Is He More Than a Friend?
Only one, 10:19 AM.
You Are A Total Shopaholic! |
You have a keen eye for spotting trends before they are hotAnd sometimes your credit rating takes a beating as a resultConsider a job in retail to subsidize your gorgeous outfitsOver time, you could become a famous stylist or designer! |
Only one, 10:13 AM.
You Are A Total Shopaholic! |
You have a keen eye for spotting trends before they are hotAnd sometimes your credit rating takes a beating as a resultConsider a job in retail to subsidize your gorgeous outfitsOver time, you could become a famous stylist or designer! |
Only one, 10:13 AM.
Your Toes Should Be Blue |
You're a little out there, but that means you take guys to a place that's out of this world! Your ideal guy: Zany, hilarious, and totally unpredictable. Stay away from: Anyone who has to get up for work in the morning |
What Color Should Your Toenails Be?
Only one, 10:09 AM.
You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Shy |
 When a guy gets to know you, he finds a great catch Problem is... you're too shy for most guys to get to know. From meeting someone to dating, you usually have your guard up. And while you're just holding back, it makes you seem like you've got something to hide. |
Only one, 10:06 AM.
i'm realli goiing bonker larrs.cant able get to sleep.ish that wad people always called insomia??and yet i've to wake up early tmr to go study...*screamsssss*errssss....lost for words nw larrs.oh yahs..mayb i should realli try to be more focus on my look again larrs.and guess wad??i'm getting more fugly.lols...i've been neglecting my outer beauty fer ages and whenever friends sae.
friends: hey euu noe euu gt quite alot of pimples nwadays??me:issit??dun care larrs =Xfriends:wah piang, cant stand euume :*innocent look*number of conversations went on lyk tt and i simply gave the same reply and same actions. *bleahs* .bt on the other hand.fer my age i shldnt matter sho much on my look yea?? *confused* goiing fer a haircut soon freshen up myself.opps..divulge wad i'm goiing to do liaos.alamak..wadsapak..bilipala...aibula!!!~lols..sianz nahs.i dun wana blog le.nitess peeps. =)
Only one, 9:32 AM.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
special thanks to my bro!!!~hahas fer helping me with the songss thingy.hahas...<3 muahahas ="X
Only one, 8:32 AM.
okish i'm gona start blogging now and mayb will make it quite a short post. =Xyesterdae went out wib steph and we caught lovewrecked.the movie was super fabulous.i would gib lyk 4/5?? bt i tink couple go and see would be much more suitable and the atmosphere ish there??muahahas...and fer those who longed fer a good laugh, i would suggest euu go watch this show too.den after that we went to peep at sakae...lols...peep at sushi larrs.tink wad??and steph sae i go see sum1 .!@#$%^& *bish*.went to changi airport after that and we studied lyk 4 hrs plus??wib my buddy and his friend too.nicee!!!~sho i guess i would be seen quite often this week at changi airport due to my homework.lols.went bowling todae.hahas...and i'm sho glad that my bowling skills slightly ;merely increased compared to those highly-skilled de, i felt sho xia sway lars.hahahas....better left to be unspoken.following that, 3 of us who are xin ,angel and me went to tamp's kfc and stuff ourself wib meals.hahas...and went singing after tt.
karaoKe!!!~ish that the right spelling??hahas...and we sang and had super duper nice laugh. went inter after tt and went hm.=) i guess i'm picking up the skills of planning and stuffs.last min planning always occur to me and it's nt surprise i can actually hab ideas to it.up till now..i tink catching up on my studies would be the top of my agenda i hardly studied.muhahahs...few pictures of todae.

Only one, 5:19 AM.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
You've Got Guys Lined Up Around the Block |
While your little black book isn't as thick as Paris Hilton's...You get the most dates of any girl you knowIt's your whole five star package that attracts men -Your looks, your charm, and your ability tie a cherry with your tongue. |
Only one, 7:05 PM.
Your Style is Classy |
You've got class, and you know how to put together a guy catching outfitYou're more likely to shop at Bloomie's than bebeFor you style is looking like a million bucks...And you're always do with your fantastic yet feminine wardrobe |
Only one, 3:26 AM.
You Are Fun Sexy |"> You're funny, quirky, cute, and sassy. Guys always have a great time with you, and that alone is sexy. You've got an upbeat, optimistic spirit that totally shines through. Any guy would be crazy to turn you down! |
Only one, 3:19 AM.
You're All Grown Up |
Congratulations, you're living in the adult world now.Even though it may have been difficult at first, you've taken responsibility in your life.You have a great job, fantastic friends, and a grown up wardrobe.And you're probably on your way to a very successful life! |
Only one, 3:13 AM.
~*i mus admit i spent my weekend esp sundae sho wasted-ly.blahs...woke up at arnd 11 plus. =(i simply didnt plan any activities fer todae.yucks...!!~ spent the whole dae watching the old, isolated vcd which i hadnt seen fer ages.In addition..watched tv fer the tootie whole dae.simply loathe my dae todae.did abit of eng eng was getting more!@#$% nwadays.eeeekkk yerrrrs~!!!i couldnt manage to crack ym brain and stomp fer more ''chim'' words which tootie tchrs had always been encouraging us to pick up the skills of it.i tootie miss my juliet larrss...guess she's cuming back to our sweet hm todae.LOLx...and recently i lacked the joy of lyfe nahs.fer eg....teenagers lyk me get to dance to the beat at the danceground at MOS, zouk etc. and me still stayed at hm and had to reach hm within the time specified.argghhhh!!~isnt that a wasted oppotunity.???blahs...starting of my to my shitty stuffs.get hooked up wib my blog soon.any ideas of how could i make my tootie lyfe more enjoyable??btw i've got tons of homework!!!~ *`
Only one, 2:12 AM.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
yesterdae went out wib coach wee.hahas...went town to catch ghost game which ish nc 16.surprised i actually able to go in??hahas...even myself oso dunnoe.they didnt check my ic.yay!!!~ that show was pretty scary bt lack of details in a sense that it wasnt that well-storyline-based. =)hmm..den went shop around.went hm at around 5 plus ,6.den watch nicee.wonder xiaokui will get her love reciprocate anots?? week shld be better 1.the unspoken tears frm catch it =ppp [[ alryte i sounded kinda gay]]todae went out wib my cousin, angeline to tampines.we went to shop around.saw quite a few cutte guys.hahas...we didnt go ''specially'' look out fer em ah.they juz appeared in front of us.muhahahas...den we went to parkway which was a kinda bored place fer me.juz when we were out of idea where to go, we head to east coast and we actually wore skirts??hahas...idiotic bahs??bt it was a last min choice sho we juz sat there and enjoy the breeze.and played wib the water of cos +Xfor my events cum sports activities are definitely gona be a hit on my calendar.lols..and i juz went jogging wib xin on fri at bedok reserviour.healthy lifestyle doesnt kill me to excercise once in a while bt it's definitely gona kill me when i did not excerise at all.thus..i had to plan all my activites before hand.cuming up will be bowling,studying and shopping etc.thumbs up yea??i realise it doesnt matter ib euu hab a boyfriend or wadever, as long as ur friends are there wib euu..ur life would be full of surprises and happiness. =)mayb i shld end here.kinda lazy to blog's a few pictures:

a pic of my cousin.muhahahas =X legs.lols

lollipops' girls
Only one, 7:29 AM.
You Can Hang With the Guys and the Girls |
You've struck a good balance between girlie and laid back.You can keep it casual but when you dress up, you are as girly as the next girl. |
Only one, 6:11 AM.