Thursday, August 31, 2006
`had our teachers' day celebration todae.` and it was quite bored` as we had to sit in the hall fer lyk 3 hrs` which made all our arses numbed esp mine`muhahahas` =ppwe watched a movie which ish connected to basketball and i simply find it exciting and motivating.and i guess the sch suggested the movie ish basically :1. the teacher in the movie helped the students alot and thus it's link to teachers' day.2.want us to strive further and make a future for our own =Xafter that went to hab mac and saw the ''ball boy''.lols. =X den wanted to play bowling de fer leisure-ment ,sho we headed to safra and i was super flared up.they had some events etc and we made a wasdted trip.arghhh!!~ sho we went c.s and took neoprints.LOLx.nicee's juz abit out of originality.after that went craft and ah pok bought a lips stud.ib i'm nt wrong it's waikai jie too.hahas...and she told me ''da long bao'' went hm lerrs...wahahahs. -long bao yi zhu- include zhong long bao too.muhahahs. =XXthen went home after that.i'm gona start practising hard fer my dance as well as my studies.i've been dropping academically.miss pow oso told my mother that and she deemed dance as the reason fer my dropping??which in fact i slacked too much.hahas..simply adore my cute form tchr larrs.she's too adorable.=Xand dis tym i failed 3 subs which include eng.terrible cum horrible. on e other hand...i improved l least gt improved 1 larrs.!@#$%^anywayz the pic ish taken some weeks ago.lols..i'm off fer my show.nites everyone =)
Only one, 5:33 AM.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
lols...surprised my blog gt a pic?? the past was wondering hw do i post my pic etc.=X i noe that ish sho super noob.Juz when my curiousity start to arouse ...ta-da...i managed to post pic.woohoo!!!~*clap clap* i didnt noe i'm sho inflexible.hab a good luff bahs.lols. =) let me post more pics and ur will see wad happen =pppp
kor's creativity =X
the rose that kor ''gave'' me

85 market

my 3 best girlfriends(another 1 went missing)
kaes i shall stop here.wana watch tv lerrs.tmr goiing sch fer teacher's day.first event i attended..coz other event i'm charboting wib the rest.lols...=X nites
Only one, 5:58 AM.
hahas testing testing!~
Only one, 5:55 AM.
nth to brood over oso.yups..oso decided on some matter's juz lyk a dream tt happen and i wont hold it back too =) hope everyone gets on other dae. =)
Only one, 2:47 AM.
Saturday, August 26, 2006 i'm the silly freak.!~
Only one, 7:27 AM.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
yups yups hooray!!~hahs..i'm happie todae. =) firstly dae was quite great fer me??LOLs..yups alot of nonsense too.and i shouted at ''charles'' grrrr... =Xgt back geo test paper did quite well...neber let myself disappointed and nebertheless the person =ppp geo ish the interlink of us.hurs hurs!~bt it didnt mean anything larrs.heessstayed back in sch library fer awhile todae fer sum self-studying wib xin.amazing yea??hahas...i actually gt the super right mood todae.sum1 told me he dun lyk ppl to bluff him ,and when he found out he will hate tt person veri much and nw i found out he sort of bluffed me??yups wad shld i do abt it??hmm ...nvm i dun care lerrs...his choice =)i'm gona study real hard this tym.not empty words lerrs.hahas...and furthermore i've prepare fer the worst in my report card lerrss.and juz hope miss pow wont blabber anything to my parents lyk ''euu noe ur daughter had been slacking'', ''she's getting more out of hand'' etc.hahas...=XXmy dad sae he felt ashamed of my fnn results?? in a kiddin tone.hope he wait fer my next test and compliment me!!!~i wan his compliment rather than his suaning =(tmr hab dance frm 1.40 till 5??will be sho sho tired.and my back gonna ache....arghhh *screams* bt at the same tym i love dance. =)i love juliet too..she's the best!!!~jiayou fer ur mock exams and ur coming prelims!!!~ =)
Only one, 5:37 AM.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
lai la lai la.!!!~lolz...todae post ish gona be posted in a short while tym. =))wah freak manz.ytd cant slp coz keep scratching my leg bcos of the mosquito bite.make me lose sleep manz.sho sleepy nw nahs...yawn!!!~i failed my fnn 22/50.arghhh!!~first tym manz.wad this shows??a sigh of dropping.....grrr...i slacked too much lerrs.sobs sobs bt i controlled my emotions better lerrss...sianz arhs...stop again ltr or tmr bahs. =)
Only one, 5:30 AM.
wow..realised i posted lyk 170 plus posts??amazing fer me =pp took back e maths,a maths and ss results usual it was badly badly ultra badly done fer me. =( i'm seriously starting to tink tt i'm juz useless at studying larrs...couldnt be able to score highly and highly instead it had been dropping since longer hab the ego to study.i shldnt hab bought all the stuffs last weekends which cost me lyk nearly $100 plus? should not hab reward myself.hump hump hump!~wad done had been juz left the end of yr.should i continue to buck up??she* admitted it's her fault lerrs.actually frankly speaking i'm juz disappointed larrs.angry sure will derhs bt now tink cooled down lers.moreover hab been friends quite long liaos...sho might as well forget it??nvm bahs...mayb i should consider abt it. =)
sho ib anyone wana go to ask me out kays?? (p.s :would juz ended up walking arnd) hahas... =ppppprealli feel lyk gibing myself a wake-up call nahs...i felt sho sho lost !!~arghhhs.haiz...hope i score better and i realli meant better the next exam. =) jiayou!!!~
Only one, 4:45 AM.
Had an unpleasant dae todae larrs. =( firstly gt back my a maths results bt overall still fail. =[ i did work hard bt forget it use brooding anymore and to tink *she* said well done to me as though she could pass everytym.idiot!!!~todae's post would be kind of irking bt no choice i seriously cant stand her*. though she meant well by congratulating me, bt she's realli insulting addition she said something lyk she dun wan pass her geography bcos she tink i will be sad etc .plz lorrss...listen up i could score well fer my own test and exam wib my own capablities.i dun nid euu to let me win or wad so ever.and seriously plz think thru ur head before euu speak and dun tink thru ur arse alryte!!!~by doiing that euu're nt only hurting me , euu made others hate euu too.i cant bring myself to sae those ''euu fuck, fucker, bitch'' all that..though i seriously super pissed wib euu!!!~it's nt the first tym euu're insulting me in this way...i seriously hate and super hate ur attitude.Ur uncivilized attitude. =(i'm in no position to sae euu too.i wasnt good either by at the veri least i noe hw to tink thru my brain before i speak and nt thru my arse sho ib euu're looking at my blog nw go reflect on urself larrss...and tink abt wad i said and y many ppl dun lyk ur attitude. bt frm now on, i wouldnt care for euu as much as i do last tym, and ib euu were to sae again, i would accept it.ish nt that i didnt try to accept wad euu sae and wad ur actions meant.i try to take in and refrained myself frm hurting euu. bt too bad..euu r off the limit.wadever now...i WILL let euu sae wadever euu wan and i wont !@#$%^ sho much anymore.i'm being veri de nice to euu liaos.sho plz go tink abt it.As fer the rest of the details i dun wish to elaborate further..sho friends out there dun ask me who's the nose-gay ger coz the moment i mentioned her name , i juz felt sick larrs.tmd!!!~arghhhh!!!~ i'm juz sho bad larrs...sho do euu!!~SPECIAL THANKS TO AH POK FER ACC-ing me till 6 plus.kisses!!!!!!!!!!!` and ling fer being wib me during the ''toilet period''.lolz...and angel fer understanding the ur to the bitsssss =)))failed my everything larrss...mayb i shld start bucking up nw bt i juz nt in the right mood =S gt any solution??
Only one, 4:54 AM.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
she wanted me to update blog and thanks me fer tt??how could she??!!!~ hahas wan blame jiu blame me hao lerr...neber *piak* herrs.lols...purposely wanana qi si her.update lyk tt jiu enuff liaos..lols...nites everyone.will blog when i'm free again.oh yahs broguht alot of stuffs todae...bagus!!!~ =pp
Only one, 8:42 AM.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
*woohoo!!!~my last paper ish over =) *shouting in excitement* and probably some of euu might hab already guessed what i'm goiing to do next??hahas... -Shopping in the weekend and buy and buy- lols... got my chem results back todae and i juz passed??wad the toot larrs.i studied extremely, ultraly hard fer this paper and i juz gt a pass and i lost to ''her''?? which made me kind of disappointed bt applause fer me yea ,i passed my chem the first tym since this yr.loL.!!!~i forgot wad i wana blog many things to update den at a lost of words nw.hmm oh yahs special ths to pineapple boy fer acc me to msg on the dae before A maths test .lols..i managed to do 90 % of the questions in the paper.thanks arhs =) hope he do well fer his test too. =ppp hahas...yups another !@##$%%^ thing.was caught by tt ah woo fer nails. *ROAR* details would nt be elaborated bt it was a ######################## scene.hahas wadever.and after she gave her dying speech, she talked to me in a nice tone. faker!!!~ bt i got to admit larrs...this 1 ish my fault =X5 tests fer todae.lols...ah pok gonna sae me again.lols...[[ stress liaos ]] bt phew finally over and nw mayb gona start revising liaos.learnt my lesson lerrs.sobs.finnaly hab tym to entertain juliet liaos.woolalala...juliet~~~~~ seems veri de pervert manz.lols...kaes bahs.i shall stop here.nites everyone . =)
Only one, 5:20 AM.
back frm my dinner nt long =) hahas suddenly gt the urge to blog wad i've eaten.sho here's my dinner's menu.1.pork chop with hotdog.2.chicken wings3.hao jian(tink ish fried oyster)4.gor hiong(dunnoe wad's tt call)5.1 sugar cane drink.amazing yea??dunnoe y cant control hw i ate's will always be more than 3 dishes.wahahas..and surprisingly i dun like to eat in sch .it mayb due tt it's nt realli suiting??tmr ish chem test and i've been studying fer 13 hrs ytd fer chem,interval in between and nw everything i had memorise ish gone.i tried to understand bt to no avail.*mayb i should realli focus* i'm goiing mad!!!~ ROARread up the articles abt online sex juz nw.i didnt went to read it intentionally bt coincidenally.wad's sho great abt it??y muz youngsters get hooked up on anywayz it's their wishes.hahas..share sumthing wib your..i went irc last tym which were know as internet relay chat..hahas and yups ppl ask me ''are you open-minded'' as i was nt open minded tt tym i juz replied em ''fu*k off larrs'' hahas cum to tink of it, they're realli pathetic larrs.wait wait!!!~doesnt mean tt i'm open-minded nw.juz tt i can easily chat anything abt it larrs as long as there's no harm abt it.wahahahs..tink i stop here.had a great nites friends .!!~buaiz buaiz
Only one, 3:55 AM.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
i'm realli starting to hate euu.` euu onli noe hw to blame others.
Only one, 10:26 PM.
juz before i continue to mug, i should blog abt last few days =) went out wib june, gen nu er, anfrew and yongshun to esplande to catch the fireworks.before that june and i went to watch the toyoko drift..super great can.i fib 5 stars fer tt.!!!~ sho many cool babes and hunks.fer those super perbert and despo guys, i would advise ur go watch.=X and alvin went wib us too bt he didnt watch.and i felt sho guilty fer letting him wait fer lyk 2 hrs?? i didnt noe..sorrie bruderr!!!~ bt i did apologise to him.wahahahas.he went hm after tt due to tiredness...sho june n me went to mit the rest at cityhall.hahas den saw 1 sot ger dancing at the staircase which make me burst out in laughter???hahas...i didnt meant to criticise realli larrs..cant tahan.=X and shit toot...we didnt noe the fireowrks would start sho early sho we went arnd 8 plus and fireowrks end!!!~arghhhh...didnt manage to catch it.nvm den.intend to plae bowling bt had to wait half an hr??wth.*faint* den forget it.went cafe cartel to hab our dessert.i had my usual waffles wib ice-cream and the rest had sum ice-cream we ate alot tt dae coz before tt we wentr just noodles to hab some dinner n dessert too.hahas..den slack all the way till 11 plus den home i go.lols...ytd lesson was a totally boredom.i realise my chinese tchr gt sum depression sickness etcc.she can nag frm 8 to 9.1 whole hr!!!~aand her voice was lyk floating in my ears.!!!~okish bahs tink i stop here.gona go mugging nw!!~i love my friends.buaiz....i love dance too!!~
Only one, 1:23 AM.
update update!!!~specially post fer the sake of juliet coz i tink she's veri bored =X didnt update fer quite sum tym coz i went to help out wib the wuhan's trip.bring the wuhan students go walk arnd.=) veri de tiring bt fun!!!~and i meant realli fun.''i've learnt to appreciate art at least by abit'' lols.took alot of pics.zilian-ing.=) went wib gen,ah liang n chongming.hahas all of us were lyk enjoying ourselves veri much nahs.juz tt ah liang take care of em veri well.afraid they will go missing??wahahahs.and 1 wuhan ger actually snap ah liang's backview??lols....saying he's shaui or wad??*faintss* bt okish nahs.
tt was fri's event.we went esplanade etc den penisula plaza to hab buffet dinner and 4 of us realli eat our fill and ''cheer'' here n there.ahhas.SUN!!` gen em went e.c.p to cycle wib em and ltr in the noon i met em at bugis and we shop too.hahas thanks nicodemus fer the gift.heess and we shop and went aracde and sho coincidence-ly we saw chewy gum em.wahhahas...surprising.=) and i muz realli sae the wuhan students are super energetic!!!`sianz over sho many things.hahas in detail only 1 matter bahs.i muz jiayou!!!~lols...auntie chia!!!~wad tofu queen.lols...alryte end my post here....=) i'm nt goiing sch tmr.wahhahas
Only one, 5:59 AM.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
hmm i realise i've beenn typing quite alot of my personnal stuffs here sho mayb frm this post onwards, everything would be juz the happenings.lols..=)errsss...firstly i should tell everyone hw lame mr remington chen can be.for the sec 3 cohort, he made us plan a timetable for ourselves to cope and manage out tym well.this is totally absurd larrs-we wont be flexible wib ourselves anymore in a sense that ib we were to follow the timetable daily...not only our studies will drop (for certain people) our mind would be still!!!~but overall he's had the good intention i plan the timetable quite seriously bt of coz i wont follow.=pnext up would be the wuhan students in our class.hahas i get to make friend wib a wuhan guy todae by the name of ''xiao kang''.(he shld be honoured i blogged abt him) yups he was quite interesting.ytd was the wuhan ger todae ish the guy.not baf achievement.and i asked him abt the illegal age to get married in china.i dun ask fer fun alryte coz it's kinda link to eng topic.and noe wad he tell me.''In china,the illegal age to get married ish 22 fer guys and 20 fer women'' and tt's lyk....spore legal age to get married ish 16 wib parents' consent!!!~the difference in it ish too nosegay.lols.and sho i went on to ask wad ib the gers got pregnant b4 20??den he dun seems to understand my qn and he goes saying lyk this '' hmm ib it was me, i may abort the baby''!!!~ and i was lyk *stunned*.1 more thing, i'm nt gona bother abt others' opinion and reaction cum action frm nw on.yups seriously it super duper lame and childish.i'm nt pinpointing at any1 juz tt the thought suddenly came to my mind n i shld blog it down too.hahas...common test ish the week after!!!~*pray hard* hope my dream does nt become the opposite.=)
Only one, 5:21 AM.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
todae was a ''running cum chasing'' dae.yups...juliet finally show how she chase.lols!!!~and i tio scare-ed.todae lesson was alryte.yups wuhan ppl came to our class and i auto go make frz wib em.not despo arhs.juz tt politeness larrs.and they r unique?...and i did a stupid action by shaking hands wib em and they were lyk ''oh...wuo shou ah''.?? ^__^ i was lyk ah.todae rushed fnn test and i was lyk veri veri de wasnt normal test where tchr gave hint and stuffs ,it was juz lyk mrs seah(fnn tchr) go thru once and freaking gave a topic and euu're luckily i managed to complete it and gave others' opinion too.that was cool.=)and these few days i've decided to stop slacking and realli develop the interest in studying n dancing??hahas as in treat it more seriously.=)and i agree wib wad my cousin sae ...fabian turned more hunk!!!~cool.stop here
Only one, 5:27 AM.